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9/11 Increased my knowledge

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posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 03:56 PM
Before 9/11, if you asked me who the vice president was, I wouldn’t of been able to answer it. If you asked me what the CFR or NIST is, I would have no clue. Now I am completely aware of what they are now, and ever since the 9/11 attacks, I am addicted to politics. Instead of play video games or watching my favourite TV show, ill revert my time reading articles on history, the economy, and the current state of the world.

My life has completely changed. I have a 52 inch TV that I bought 2 years ago, which I have only turned on about 10 times, my favourite store is Chapters (a book store), my current favourite game is what is true, and what is bull, in what I read.

Has anyone else experience similar things, and what are they?

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Blundo

Actually.. I'm still hooked on the video games, I've always enjoyed it and feel that it improves hand eye coordination and sharpens focus. Call of Duty 5 is amazing.

It's good to know that you keep tabs on politics, read articles on the economy and so on.. your vocabulary alone will improve as a result. But at the same time.. don't trust any ONE source of info, you have to remember that every organization(especially media agencies) have an agenda, some have similar goals and some have individual goals, just keep that in mind at all times.

9/11? .. I wonder why that would be your inspiration for expanding knowledge.. perhaps the curiosity of what really happened that day led you to research many kinds of different info? .. UFOs can get you a lot into history, one of the reasons I love that subject matter so much. If you really love reading books and would like to research UFOs, I would highly recommend Richard Dolan's book 'UFOs and the national security state'.

Anyhow take care,,


posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by Blundo


As soon as you turned off the tv and begun to read... you had started to win.
Educate yourself on all the subjects that interest you and always keep the thirst for knowledge alive.


posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 04:27 PM
Hi Blundo.

Recently I am addicted to those subjects:
"The law of one", or "the Ra material",
The disclosureproject web site,
**What the BLEEP!? down the rabbit hole**,
the divinecosmos web site,
the "", Carlsa's web site,
this site, here ! of course ! ! B-)
. . .etc. . .etc. . .
. . .Edgar Cayce. . .
. . .etc. . .etc. . .

and all I want to say is:
Know this: what will go with us, when we die, is NOT
our money, but our **knowledge**.
We are on earth, to increase our knowledge and the
universal knowledge. . .our consciousness. . .

Soooooooo, what you'r doing now is excellent !! WTG !

Blue skies.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Blundo
Before 9/11, if you asked me who the vice president was, I wouldn’t of been able to answer it. If you asked me what the CFR or NIST is, I would have no clue. Now I am completely aware of what they are now, and ever since the 9/11 attacks, I am addicted to politics. Instead of play video games or watching my favourite TV show, ill revert my time reading articles on history, the economy, and the current state of the world.

My life has completely changed. I have a 52 inch TV that I bought 2 years ago, which I have only turned on about 10 times, my favourite store is Chapters (a book store), my current favourite game is what is true, and what is bull, in what I read.

Has anyone else experience similar things, and what are they?

Same here! fact almost identical!
.....I think it's called waking up!!
Don't go back to the box!!

I know everything you could want to know about the BS around 9/11 which in turn made me somewhat addicted to knowledge off sites like ATS....if you can sieve through it, wheat and chaff thingy! The net is the only place you can find out all the worlds MSM and using the wheat and chaff thingy your life can never be the same....your way of thinking changes so your priority changes, instead of switching the TV on you'll put the PC on or read a book!
I can't find time for TV or gaming even if I'd want to....because i'm involved in so many debates all over the net!...Also with the Knowledge picked up over a long period of time your brain would start to reject the crap you see on TV....well mine does anyway!!

Star and flag for you my friend!!

[edit on 12-1-2009 by zerozero00]

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 04:39 PM

9/11? .. I wonder why that would be your inspiration for expanding knowledge.. perhaps the curiosity of what really happened that day led you to research many kinds of different info?

Exactly. 9/11 drifts you off in so many directions, its like a spider web, you have so many choices on what path you want to look at next.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 04:43 PM
Star and Flag to you my friend.

Welcome to the club of objective thinking! Once you turned off that tube of lies and starting educating yourself through knowledge of reading you've become a productive, able thinking member of society.

Funny what a major incident within one's country can do to a person eh?

In any case congradulations, keep getting yourself informed and inform as many people as you can of the things you've learned in your studies.

We need more people to do what you have done in order to change the way this world operates and fix the problems that have plaqued us for generations!

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by Blundo

same here when we got attacked on our own soil and what looked to be military precision.

I was like theres now way this was done by any group with out the help from someone else beside a guy thounds of miles away

that day took way way to much planning

it was surely not a spure of the moment attack

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Blundo

9/11? .. I wonder why that would be your inspiration for expanding knowledge.. perhaps the curiosity of what really happened that day led you to research many kinds of different info?

Exactly. 9/11 drifts you off in so many directions, its like a spider web, you have so many choices on what path you want to look at next.

I personally WOKE UP after 9/11...I didn't know what Zionism was or the relationship between USA and Israel...the amount of USA/Israeli duel nationalities in the US senate shocked me!....I began searching, looking for more info on a possible inside coverup of 9/11., I found and read "Operation Northwoods"....WOW...So it is possible!!

I'd never heard of a false flag event until I researched into 9/11! Now, I know too much for my own good, I've fallen out with family and close friends since, obviously at some of the scary things that I've informed them of....They prefer denial and wished I hadn't informed them of the facts!

But the positive thing I've got out of it is that I have sowed the seed...only time and it will grow inside of them, like it did me and they too will WAKE UP!

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 05:11 PM

In any case congradulations, keep getting yourself informed and inform as many people as you can of the things you've learned in your studies.

I do, and with me, my brother, and my sister currently in the Canadian Military, in all 3 elements (Navy, Air Force, and Army), the information is getting passed on to very knowledgeable, and high ranking people. You would think they would turn there cheek, but they come back and ask more questions.

Its always good when you can sit down and talk to your Captain, and not get bad feedback from him

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 05:51 PM
To the OP;

On your list of reading materials you might want to read, Secrets of Islam from US.News & World Report - that came out in 2005.

Nothing I have ever read - scared me as much as this.

Good luck.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Blundo

Well I can say I woke up quite a bit after 9/11. At first I supported the Iraq invasion, watched the Saddam statue pulled down on tv and everything. There was no real turning point for me, but I gradually realized that a lot of what I thought I knew about the world was baloney.

I'm still addicted to games, big WoW and CoD4 addict. But the tv room is cold and dusty.

I'm a free thinker now thanks to the internet, but the biggest problems is trying to figure out which news source to believe.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by tomfrusso
To the OP;

On your list of reading materials you might want to read, Secrets of Islam from US.News & World Report - that came out in 2005.

Nothing I have ever read - scared me as much as this.

Good luck.

You selling a book??

Propaganda at it's worst! Or should I call it scare mongering?
This book does point out many facts, but also spins the subject which is unnecessary!

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Blundo

Blundo, you are awake! 911 research woke me up as well, I used to get my info from TV and never thought much about anything, Yep, I used to be one of those media brain washed idiot who used to lap up the lies, not anymore.

I cannot talk about, any of my research about 911 with my friends and acquaintances. Most of them are deluded and have been spoon fed nothing but the Medias lies I have tried to talk some sense into them but they think I am the one that is being told lies to and reading lies. Therefore, the only place I can go is on the internet to talk with people who are “open” minded, and have done most of their research.

I used to believe in the government version of 911 the Official Story however one day I was recommended a documentary on 911 Fahrenheit by Michael Moor this was back in 2004 I had rented it at Blockbusters video. I watch it, and sat in my chair in disbelief! Michael Moor video, was about questions the this government refuse to answered, this had aroused my curiosity, and I couldn’t wait to get on my computer and start researching and I have been researching for four years now. My conclusion about 911 is the Government has lied to us, we don’t have all the answers to what really happened that day. Nevertheless, I am convinced someone high up in the Bush administration, and the Military establishment, had to have aided the terrorists, or were the terrorist. We know that the Bush administration, and the Military, covered up everything, and closed all the doors to all investigations into 911. It is not the first time this Country has tried to carry out a false flag operation and kill innocent Americans, and crash airplanes, and blow up buildings, and then blame a foreign country. A group of high-ranking military official and members of congress hatched the plot. All was needed was Kennedy signature on the bill, which congress had already passed, it was call (Operation Northwood) the country was Cuba. It is also remarkable how 911 was very similar to Operation Northwood. Stars and flag, for your post, it is a great topic.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 07:52 PM

I used to believe in the government version of 911 the Official Story however one day I was recommended a documentary on 911 Fahrenheit by Michael Moor this was back in 2004 I had rented it at Blockbusters video. I watch it, and sat in my chair in disbelief! Michael Moor video, was about questions the this government refuse to answered, this had aroused my curiosity, and I couldn’t wait to get on my computer and start researching and I have been researching for four years now.

911 Fahrenheit by Michael Moore is a good video, but it’s bigger than just the bush administration, and I’m hoping people don’t just lean in that direction.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 03:11 PM
I have to admit that before 911 I believed anything my teachers, friends, parentS, and government told me. The whole "Manifest Destiny" bull that we were fed, to the "slavery was wrong but it did help build this country" bull. Prior to 911 i really didn't think much about the world's view of the U.S. I was told we are the greatest country in the world and I walked around like I should hold my head up high knowing all other countries didn't matter. USA....USA....USA....

Then my mom woke me up that morning and told me some moron hit the World Trade Center. I sat there and watched as the 2nd plane hit, then the pentagon,then flight 93 and at that very moment all of this anger and hate towards the "Terrorists" filled my mind. FOr the next 2 weeks me and my A-hole friends talked about what we would do to those "Terrorists" if we ever caught up with them. In the back of my mind I just felt that something didn't seem right.

After opening my mind and thinking a little bit for myself, I came to realization that our government wasn't telling us the whole story. Bush refused to be interviewed alone.They announced the "high jackers" names the very next day. NO fighter jets in the air,no protection at the Pentagon, Missing black boxes, conviscated audio and video tapes, ect.

7 years later and I honestly believe that the U.S. government is the most scandelous, shady,sneaky, and down right DIRTY organization in the world. Instead of watching the retards on American Idol, I'm watching Discovery channel docs, or Nat Geo shows. I rarely go to movies or listen to popular radio. My choices in music have changed. I used to be a huge fan of "gansta" hip-hop, now i'm in the Public Enemy or KRS-1. My favorite band before 911 was Sublime, today I have all Rage Agianst the Machine albums in the cd deck. I went from "yeah lets go to that club and hollar at some cuties" , to " Nah, I'm just gonna chill out , drink a beer, and watch the Lakers."

I guess i've grown up alot since 911 and now focus more on positive topics in music, film, T.V, friends, ect. I'm awake to what's going on and who to trust. And the only person or thing I trust is ME!! A favorite quote of mine comes from a Rage Against the Machine song: " What, the land of the free? Who ever told you that is your enemy!!!" ANGER IS A GIFT!!! I honestly think that we Americans who follow reality shows, or what celebrity is banging who, or what's the next thing to watch out for in your food, or why there are so many kids allergic to peanuts stories out there are only to make you fall back asleep. "Here's more things you should worry about" rather than "Here's what you should be worried about" is what the so-called Governent of the people feed us daily to keep us what, ASLEEP to the truth!!!

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