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A new Beginning ? Yes/No/Perhaps

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posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:05 AM
For some time now I have pursued the truth, not only the truth of our reality but the truth about the capabilities of the mind. My mind is now quiet and as a result has been able to receive universal consciousness at an ever increasing pace. But it is quickly coming to a halt and I am finding it hard to deal with. The well has dried somewhat and left me high and dry. It’s as though I have run out of questions, yet within me I already have the answers to questions I haven’t asked yet. I have had many paranormal experiences all my life the most profound has been the effect my mind and channelled energy has on my surroundings, even people and groups of people. I see no limitations in my ability to connect to the multi-verse and the response to this is a lot of timeless verification from all kinds of medium including recently fire. I am convinced I could see forms within the fire actually responding in synch with my thoughts and actions, which has obviously opened up a minefield of potential knowledge with regards the greater reality. As each day passes I think more and more about how we are denying ourselves by accepting a substandard reality and it is starting to get to me. In many ways I am looking for a unified purpose amongst man so that I might utilise my skills in amplifying the energy which such a unification generates (without ego but with a certain pride yes). My goal…… to vibrate to such an extent so as to dematerialise out of this reality (Something I achieved in a previous lifetime).. Then to gather the necessary souls in preparation for an audience with infinity and ultimately the source. I am scared my knowledge of how to do this and how to read the language of movement which leads to a direct insight into the flow of energy with true purpose in conjunction with creation which also connects to what scientists are now starting to discover with string theory, in other words ‘potentially we can mould reality’. The problem is most people don’t understand or have a concept of what lies within the umbrella called ‘potential’, the human imagination mostly draws on what it has experienced or seen ‘within its lifetime’, it struggles to understand what lies within unlimited potential and certainly only has a limited idea of how to achieve this. Just look at modern society which should have achieved utopia a very long time ago, yet wars still rage and hatred still exists. Again without ego I believe I do have an idea of potentiality and instinctively understand much of the language of protocol when it comes to connecting to the hologram that is existence, where the choice exists to connect and contribute to a greater reality or to contribute vicariously though experiencing harmony. I don’t know how far the sequence goes but being a hologram one part effects many.

The earth is dying, I can feel it, and the human spirit is dying with it. The human spirit has been restricted for some time now not only due to laws and social compliance but also by the fact that many are starting to accept their lot in life as attaining material possessions where possible, having a family and steady job, and simply settling for being as comfortable as possible. This is a resignation of the human spirit and an acceptance of enslavement. It is wrong on many levels and above all will eventually destroy the species if not addressed soon. We have forgotten that the physical universe at this frequency was a playground a long time ago for experiencing some of our senses, so we focused our attention and created the density we see around us today. It was not meant to go on for this long and as a result has been manipulated by those in power who have no insight into spirituality, but are experts in greed and control. Yes, some wake up but not in the numbers necessary to drastically change reality and create a new one, something I know for a fact we have initialised before and can do again. We stand on the shoulders of giants and as a result are now beginning to understand our reality from both a scientific and spiritual standpoint. Yet the unknown still exists why, because we have not yet embraced the very basic concept that we are entangled with reality at a quantum level. Being quantum our desires can be manifested instantaneously through our vicarious and intimate relationship with quanta and the elements. Yes I am talking about instantaneous fulfilment of our desires and a true celebration of life from a harmonic perspective. So how do we initiate a transition back into a state of being where mind and matter become one. Well we literally have to shake the atomic world to its core so that the exchange of atoms can take place, we do this by raising the vibration of consciousness. Remember we are all connected and therefore are already wired into the cosmic consciousness, some are aware of this others are not. It would only take a small group of people with the right intentions to trigger the catalyst, once it is started the mind of those ready to receive will be activated and our minds should light up and connect in a gridwork like pattern not just with humankind but with nature as well as the other worlds that have already possibly taken such measures. Where the pieces settle after this act of transcendence will be a natural indication of where the units of consciousness are comfortable, bearing in mind the acceptance of infinity. I use the term units to reflect the fact that consciousness will move in groups like schools of fish so as to better embrace infinity and avoid conflict, plus it’s simply easier to guide and utilise groups of consciousnesses than it is an individual, which won’t be a problem once the ego is dropped and it’s destructive aspect understood. Only the chosen few will be allowed to exhibit signs of individuality. This will not inhibit contribution to the hologram in any way but rather will refine it.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:06 AM
So what would you do in my shoes? Like I said I can do it, but am fearful humanity might not ever get to the stage where it understands the need to call on someone like myself. I have tried to shout about it but that hasn’t worked as people cry EGO and start to get very picky about what their own expectations are of an individual that claims the things I do. The choice is yours in many respects, and as a representative of the human race I urge you to think hard about what I have said, I am offering you the real possibility of what I have outlined above. With no catalyst if I leave this world alone you may never again be able to escape or mould this universe again. I ask you to draw upon the wisdom of your ancestors and reply accordingly as a reflection not of you the individual but of your race. Time in this reality is coming to an end for me.

For those of you who say why ATS, I say to you why not. I have already approached the highest authorities of your land with similar information and they have dealt with me in a closed minded fashion with little preparation for such an eventuality. I have chosen ATS and that is my prerogative and choice. Besides it’s too cold this time of year to stand on a soap box in the middle of time square.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by pharaohmoan
Like I said I can do it, but am fearful humanity might not ever get to the stage where it understands the need to call on someone like myself. I have tried to shout about it but that hasn’t worked as people cry EGO and start to get very picky about what their own expectations are of an individual that claims the things I do.

That's actually a scary thing for a human to announce or propose.

So, if anyone "calls on you"...and the inevitable happens, disillusionment, pain, betrayal, or worse....what will you say then?

Wake up have no special skills aside from a dramatic ability to delude yourself, or the cynical desire to delude others. Instead of posting here...go off and "reverberate" and actually change something...get your vibration mojo going and communicate your "power" without benefit of TCP/IP....start with your friends and family maybe.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:28 PM

If the universe instantly materialized every desire into being, then life would be no adventure at all, and rather pointless. True, life should not be so hard as it is for so many. But zero effort removes all gratification of life's adventure.

Yes, the human spirit is blighted, and many are evil to the point where I now refuse to identify myself with humanity. But theirs is the right to exist in such a fashion, if they are so inclined. It is a small minority who really want something else than the human way.

If you have the powers you say, then use them to allow that minority to leave now for a better existance. A new reality does not need to be created. Another world in physical reality is not naturally bad, if the people who choose to live there are an improvement over the homo sapiens default.

(so let me be reborn among other humanoids, far away)

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

From what I can read here,you may well be at the front of the class,so to speak.There are many people who identify with what you feel.The need to bring this knowledge to the forefront.I have not reached the point of ego realease as yet.I am trying.
You must do what you must.Even the baseist soul is a part of the whole.
Bear in mind that doing the right thing sometimes makes you look wrong.Pay no attention to nay sayers,and those who would belittle your intentions.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 11:37 PM
Although you appear to be thinking about helping others you are doing so from a focus on yourself. As long as you project what you want onto the world you will not be able to see the best answers to your questions. Your view is colored by your own desire. It doesn't matter how lofty any such desire is, it's not actually taking others into account.

Many people need the world just the way it is so that they have a catalyst for growth. Your desire to change the world and mankind is selfish. It's like wanting to force your brother, who is in the fifth grade, to graduate high school just because you are graduating. If you truly care for your brother then you will allow him to learn at his own pace. He's going to learn at his own pace anyway but your allowance shows you understand.

I think your view that Earth is dying is misguided. If the physical manifestation of Earth stopped supporting life it doesn't mean that Earth is dead. When your physical body dies, are you dead?

Look at the structure of the physical universe. Forget the quantum for a moment and just look at the physical. Then think about how that translates into how consciousness interacts in this realm.

Look at all this objectively. Drop you own desire to not be here. Suspend your self-centered angst at feeling so different than everyone. If you are trully advanced then it won't hurt a thing to completely forget about yourself for awhile and forget about your own subjectively colored conclusions that you are projecting onto reality.

You desire to impose your will on others. Is that the best attitude? If you were God and wanted to create beings that would one day be your equal, that would one day be true friends, would you force them to do anything or would you allow them complete freedom to find their own way and grow at their own pace? What response do you have towards others that force you to do something you don't want to do or are not ready for? Resentment? And if you use your power to force your will onto others despite what they want wouldn't that be called slavery? Would they not hate you for it? If you force your brother to graduate high school before he is ready then how prepared is he to stand on his own?

If I was in your shoes I would rethink my current conclusions. I would take on the perspective of others without the coloration of my own. I would take the position of objective observer and then rethink everything again, just to be sure that I'm not missing something.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 12:04 AM
heheh looks like your last thread taught youa lsson eh? Don't you think they shut off the well because of your rudeness therein? I saw how you got bashed on the last thread, and i did some bashing too. These bashings are necessary. You never did answer my first question in the last thread, but hey, it's not thaaat important lol. SO are you going to save us, is that what you're saying? What happened to this group of people you spoke of in your last thread, has their well run dry too? I admire your persistance, but this thread is like a different person writing. The all powerful learn something over christmas holidays? haha. You still have a sense of humour don't ya? Seriously why the change of m.o?

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by daddyroo45
reply to post by pharaohmoan

From what I can read here,you may well be at the front of the class,so to speak.There are many people who identify with what you feel.The need to bring this knowledge to the forefront.I have not reached the point of ego realease as yet.I am trying.
You must do what you must.Even the baseist soul is a part of the whole.
Bear in mind that doing the right thing sometimes makes you look wrong.Pay no attention to nay sayers,and those who would belittle your intentions.

It's not so much an ego release more like being truthful to myself, I know I speak the truth because I facilitated the last transition and still remember. Plus I have have AMPLE evidence in this lifetime to support and confirm my suspicions.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

If the universe instantly materialized every desire into being, then life would be no adventure at all, and rather pointless. True, life should not be so hard as it is for so many. But zero effort removes all gratification of life's adventure.

Yes, the human spirit is blighted, and many are evil to the point where I now refuse to identify myself with humanity. But theirs is the right to exist in such a fashion, if they are so inclined. It is a small minority who really want something else than the human way.

If you have the powers you say, then use them to allow that minority to leave now for a better existance. A new reality does not need to be created. Another world in physical reality is not naturally bad, if the people who choose to live there are an improvement over the homo sapiens default.

(so let me be reborn among other humanoids, far away)

Yes, there are two options one is to gather the minority which I estimate to be about 0.001 % and leave behind this reality, or two reorganise and restructure the whole thing. There is one problem with the former however, I know for a fact there is an immense amount of matter and energy in this universe will a lot of elemental consciousness that also needs to be released much of which may well be locked into matter.

How is realisation of every human desire pointless!?
It's what has been worked towards for millennia, sure most humans don't actually realise this but that’s because they are not taught about purpose. Put it this way if I said to you do you want a happy life you'd say yes right? Well if I then said to you do you want a happier life then you'd be a fool to say no. If I said to you do you want to experience bliss if you decline that’s your prerogative, perhaps you are not ready to resonate yet!

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by Cons Piracy

Not really sure where you're coming from. It sounds more like a resignation/acceptance of this reality on your part, that's preposterous from my perspective, there is no advancement in this plus this reality/society has for the most part been shaped by malevolent forces, so are you embracing servitude to these forces, sounds like it?

Of course I am not doing this just for myself, I'm also doing it for the enlightened who have woken up and realise there is more to life. Many of them have already been exposed to potential and cosmic connection. It's not entirely a question of what I want but rather reacting to what I have seen and what I have seen is a confused and manipulated race, far from any kind of true happiness, so it seems you are trying to shoot me down for wanting to help….ehhh. The problem is humans have no reference point to compare against so what happens is they set their own benchmarks for happiness which fall far short of what can be. I have had a glimpse of what is possible. Now are you trying to say I am being selfish for wanting to share this!

I don't know I wonder if it's worth it sometimes.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by pharaohmoan

Not really sure where you're coming from.

I understand. I won't waste anymore of your time.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:18 AM

Have you never done anything where the doing itself was as rewarding as the destination? Raised a garden instead of buying pre-packaged food at a store? Cooked instead of ordering out? Made your own art or music instead of buying it online? If you teleport to the destination, the road trip there is gone.

Granted, life on earth is too hard for too many. I propose that "human nature" itself make things unnecessarily more difficult than they need to be. Greed, prejudice, violence, compulsive over-breeding. But human nature will not change, ever, until the time of their extinction. If you remade the universe to grant their every wish, it would become a universe of hell.

If only a small percentage would leave, then keep a watch for them and assist them in doing so. And those who truly feel a belonging to homo sapiens' self-imposed misery and fear can have it.

So sing a chorus of "Wooden Ships", and lead us away from this foreign land. If you have the powers you say, then no more excuses. Do it if you can. Now is the time, there is never a better time than the present.

(and if you wouldn't like having me in your effortless realm, then leave me off with the aliens who visit in my dreams)

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by pharaohmoan
So what would you do in my shoes?

I'd see a shrink. I'd say you suffer from delusions of grandeur at the very least.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 06:12 PM
Hi Pharaohmoan, if you are the one as you say..please provide us with your ample evidence/proof or what ever YOU believe it is. Many people don't want to believe simply because they have no physical tangible evidence. If you are of some great significance to this planet and its people, by all means go out there and HELP!!!. If I had a fraction of the capability you claim to have, I would not be sitting here behind my keyboard and monitor boasting about it and blaming it on other people's ego's for not believing you.. Many people have claimed what you have over and over..and the only place they ended up was either a mental institute, or they committed suicide...I feel for those people, I know for many of them its not their fault..on the other hand, many have the choice to change!

Don't get me or the others wrong, I think many people here would like to believe you! But in this type of situation, actions will prove a lot more than words ever will, I'm sure you know that. What ever the reason being, hopefully you will find the right way to express your destiny and desires.

Good luck.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by MASH_DADDY
Hi Pharaohmoan, if you are the one as you say..please provide us with your ample evidence/proof or what ever YOU believe it is. Many people don't want to believe simply because they have no physical tangible evidence. If you are of some great significance to this planet and its people, by all means go out there and HELP!!!. If I had a fraction of the capability you claim to have, I would not be sitting here behind my keyboard and monitor boasting about it and blaming it on other people's ego's for not believing you.. Many people have claimed what you have over and over..and the only place they ended up was either a mental institute, or they committed suicide...I feel for those people, I know for many of them its not their fault..on the other hand, many have the choice to change!

Don't get me or the others wrong, I think many people here would like to believe you! But in this type of situation, actions will prove a lot more than words ever will, I'm sure you know that. What ever the reason being, hopefully you will find the right way to express your destiny and desires.

Good luck.

I know a lot of what society is today is about proof. The question is am I in a position to provide the proof. The answer I am guessing is to do with momentum. I many ways I am feeling my way in the dark trying to see if society is closed or still open to the drastic change I see needed in order to allow the human sprit to shine. There are many people out there whom have taught us about control and the various methods used to exert that control. Some of the control mechanisms in place are so fine tuned they inhibit or at least make it very difficult for the likes of someone like me to come along and actually do something. I want to don't get me wrong but there are many obstacles. It is these obstacles that myself and other like minded individual wanting to initiate change come across. Most turn around and say it's just not worth it, which is understandable given the complexity and dangers involved in wanted to overhaul our reality. Can I initiate change as an individual on many levels? Yes. Am I in a position to? No, not as things stand. In many ways I am trying to flush out where an individual stands in wanting to change society and inevitably reality as we know it. Or have the measures put in place by the illuminati and those in power been so successfully executed that I am not able to become the great leader I so desperately want to be? Desperate not to satisfy my ego but rather to express my compassion, wisdom and to fulfill my potential and exercise the knowledge I have gained that pushes me forward. So where do I stand? The last poster says I am suffering from delusions of grandeur, it is interesting how this label is applied to people who want to make a difference and actually have the faith and belief that they can. It's not that I am deluded but rather that I am a self realized complex being with an ability to effect change, this is not delusional it is a realization, a different story all together.

So I put it to you how do we realize/effect change in a society where it is resisted nearly every step of the way by those in authority who currently benefit financially from the subjugation of humankind?

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

Thing is, you've said all this before in the other thread you started which seriously backfired on you. Your ego got in the way and completely contradicted the nature of an "enlightened" being and it was heavily attacked.

All these things you speak of : enlightenment, you've lived dozens of past lives, memories of before the Big Bang, being an alien that came to Earth and were captured by the US, etc.

You have to admit -- it does sound highly suspect. And the fact that you can't give any evidence about it doesn't help the rest of us who are not 'at your state of evolution' as it were.

You see, thing is, all these things you state and claim can be said by anyone, at anytime because there's no way to substantiate it. No one knows what was before the Big Bang. Well ok, apart from you. No one (speaking publicly) knows what happend in Roswell exactly.

For example, can you give us the names of the military people and times of your alien events on Earth? As someone who's lived countless past lives, perhaps you have a vague idea of how superluminal technology works? Or perhaps you know some 'basic' mathematical formula that would be primitive by ancient civilisation standards, but could prove the existence of some of the elusive small particles our primitive LHC was built to solve?

Mainly though, you use human archetypes as a means to find an emotional connection to people in your posts -- I'm not saying it's a problem. But we can all associate with this -- the big blue sky, the vastness of space, what's beyond this life, what was before, are we alone, cosmic awareness, space time and altered states, etc -- the are all very common human archetypes so we can all associate with them in some way, to some degree.

Look, I'm not trying to attack you and I certainly don't hate you. But these posts -- it's the same stuff that people on late nite Tv try to sell us for $29.95 in a 5 cd set on personal growth. Or the same thing my neighbour who forgets to take his medication rants about.

To kind of paraphrase what someone else has posted already -- life is a struggle and perhaps far more for some than others and seemingly terribly unfair for a great many. But that's the point. It's about overcoming challenges, defeating obstacles and advancing yourself and your own perceptions and conceptions of the world and your mind.

[edit on 18-2-2009 by noonebutme]

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