posted on Jan, 22 2003 @ 11:08 AM
The ALTERNATIVE 3 astronauts landed on the Moon and built their own bases many years BEFORE the FIRST APOLLO ASTRONAUTS landed on the Moon in 1969, as
the result of a secret treaty between the Pentagon and the Zetans. The Zetans helped the Department of Majority colonize the Moon with secret bases,
and in exchange the Pentagon's Majority Department helped the ZETANS colonize the United States with their own secret underground bases. The Pentagon
decided that co-operating with the ZETANS was a better idea than being invaded!
In May 1962, a secret spacecraft from the Pentagon landed on Mars and video-taped it, and I have seen the actual video. It shows a Martian landscape
far different than what N.A.S.A. showed us! Mars had canals, lakes, green vegetation, swamps, and animal life on the surface, but N.A.S.A. the
dis-information agency wants you to believe it is a dead world so you will not expect ET'S live there! They have never shown the public most of the
2,000 photos they promised us with VIKING I.
Great site