posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 03:20 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,
As always happen when there is a new Year & begining of a new administration there are messages arriving to my inbox asking for my predictions for the
future and what can I see for the years of the first term of President Obama.
I would prefer to talk about the final result of the entire period of the following 4 years, what can we expect the world in the transicion between
2012 and 2013 would be after this Obama term?, and try to describe what are my impressions about it.
This is what I perceive:
- The great recession we have at present will be ended for 2013. Here there are two important factors to underline:
First the new goverment is going to give the highest possibly priority to refrain the wave of speculation among the big economical groups & stock
market traders that finally will be proven were the great responsibles of the so unusual increasing of the petroelum prices since 2007.
Secondly, that improving in the Economy will be boosted also by the continuation of a war economy for a while, since of course the external enemies
will continue creating problems.
So that means that for the ones that think there will not be more conflict in the short term I have bad news, although one thing it is true, the 2
wars of the Bush Legacy will be ended by the Obama administration.
- The huge political polarization of the American population will be also reaching its end after the 2012 election, the political forces that are
pushing for the radicalization of the division will be defeated as a consequence of that electoral result. Nevertheless, that will occur after
various so critical moments for the national unity of the USA, boosted by a fierce opposition of the most conservator sectors of the Republican party
against the Obama rule.
- The political confrontation between some Latin American countries leadered by Venezuela and USA also will be already surpassed, although the
relationship with that part of the world must be completly redefined. I don't see Hugo Chavez continuing in the power after 2013. In fact, I feel
that he could be defeated by a coup d'etat, but this time that action will be arranged not by the current oppostion forces but by various of his most
close colaborators.
- On 2012 we will be living the climax but running to the end of the International conflict started with the middle east war that is so near to begin.
I think if Israel would survive that war, that is something I see with a lot of skepticism, will be at a very high cost of lose of human lives, also
let me say that I can see at last the appearition of a free Palestinian State, suppported by the entire islamic world.
- By 2013 there will be a drastic restructuration in various points of the political borders of mediterranean Europe, The balcans, Central Asia,
Middle East and even in the far East as consequence of the World conflict, the map will have significant changes with respect to the one we have at
- Countries that will have hard proofs of courage to affront due to the instable political general situation until 2013: Israel, Italy, Greece, Spain,
Russia, America, Venezuela, Egypt, morroco, Kosovo, Korea, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Pakistan, Arabia, Taiwan, Bolivia, Cuba and the
- Also we would have lived a lot of grave natural disasters caused by the damage on the global balance produced by the uncontroled polution of the
planet, and possibly that would change the ecological conscience of the humanity.
- New alternative energetic technologies will be competing with the petroleum and gaining the favor of the public. Two major discoveries will offer
hope for the current crisis: the use of engines that combust mixtures with Alcohol and the use of the transformation of the sun energy into
- On November 2012 ,of course, another Bush will be running for the Presidence, just only to try to continue that political dinasty and the personal
caprices of his Great Daddy. However, I feel to be frank that the American people will not be so lack of political memory to support such a crazy
project and it is quite probable that another Democratic term will come.
- The Aids and Cancer will be treated efficiently with new Medical terapies based primarly in the holistic approach, as well on the use of the energy
to cure and particulary the ultrasound and electromagnetic fields.
- New close encounters with Alien civilizations will have place in different points of the planet, for that epoch we would have a clear idea about
their trully intentions and a new renaicense leading us to a great jump in the spiritual evolution will be boosted by that fact.
it will be the begining of a New era in which the focusing on the material goods and the instincts will be transfered to the developing of the
spiritual gifts, the subconcious mind & the universal kingdom of 1000 years of Peace & harmony promised by all the great religious traditions.
- Between 2013 to 2016 a so important political figure in America, a Woman will lead the continent to a new era of international peace and mutual
understanding, with possibly great legal changes , even a new Constitution or a so fundamental amendment. I can see that it is possible that that
person can be elected President of USA for 2016.
- A so important set of so revealing letters that refer to a very secret society will be discovered and released to the public showing many hidden
facts that decided the end of the WWII, but also the existence of parallel powers inside de Western democracies conspiring in political
Assasesinations of the 1960's in USA. ( Kennedy's, Luther king, Malcom X, etc)
- By 2013 a New Pope will be leading the Catholic church that will emerge as an heroic institution after its decisive role to save the world of the
international war.
Thanks for your attention,
Happy New Year,
your friend,
The Angel of Lightness
[edit on 1/11/2009 by The angel of light]