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The Geyser Quakes - California - why so many? Is the clear lake volcano waking up?

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posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 08:07 AM
1988 most quakes ever in one year 28 - but 88 quakes this last week alone.

link to below external source:

The Geysers is an active geothermal area within the Clear Lake volcanic field in Northern California. The earthquake activity in the Geysers area is quite variable over time, in terms of the number of events and their magnitude range.

This excerpt is taken from the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory 1992 Bulletin:

There were no earthquakes (ML >= 2.5) observed in the area of the geothermal field between 1949 and 1975. Starting in 1976 earthquakes were observed in the geothermal field and the rate steadily increased to a rate of at least 12 earthquake (ML >= 2.5) per year since 1984. The maximum annual rate was 26 earthquakes (ML >= 2.5) which occurred in 1988 (this is equivalent to 40 percent of the annual rate for the entire central coast ranges).

Why so many quakes there? What is under the geysers - is it magma moving?

Link to faqs about The geysers:

another link - this one with info about the Clear Lake volcano:

The late-Pliocene to early Holocene Clear Lake volcanic field in the northern Coast Ranges, contains lava dome complexes, cinder cones, and maars of basaltic-to-rhyolitic composition. The westernmost site of Quaternary volcanism in California, the Clear Lake field is located far to the west of the Cascade Range in a complex geologic setting within the San Andreas transform fault system. Mount Konocti, a composite dacitic lava dome on the south shore of Clear Lake, is the largest volcanic feature. Volcanism has been largely non-explosive, with only one major airfall tuff and no ash flows. The latest eruptive activity, forming maars and cinder cones along the shores of Clear Lake, continued until about 10,000 years ago. A large silicic magma chamber provides the heat source for the Geysers, the world's largest producing geothermal field.

With so much activity happening at various volcanic spots over in the West of the U.S., including Yellowstone, it would seem something is really going on with magma movement.

Why are these various volcanic spots getting so active all of a sudden at one time?

We have been focusing on Yellowstone, but the Geysers deserve some attention also. My other question is: Are the Geysers and Yellowstone connected somehow with all these earthquakes from magma movement? Why would both together be causing so many quakes from magma at the same time?

Link to Earthquake list from the Geysers from the last week:

I tried to put the list here, but it was too big.

Interesting enough, is there is also a line through Utah of quakes, what is that about? Could that be magma - hundreds of miles from both the volcanos (Yellowstone, Clear Lake) moving? I am just asking that question, as I have no idea - but does someone here know - if that is possible?

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 08:08 AM

MAP 1.0 2009/01/11 11:41:01 38.850 -122.764 1.7 4 km ( 2 mi) WNW of Cobb, CA
MAP 2.1 2009/01/11 10:20:23 39.041 -123.339 0.3 16 km ( 10 mi) SW of Ukiah, CA
MAP 1.4 2009/01/11 09:14:56 38.818 -122.819 3.0 2 km ( 2 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.9 2009/01/11 07:48:29 38.815 -122.783 1.9 3 km ( 2 mi) NE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/11 07:43:59 38.847 -122.820 0.2 6 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 2.3 2009/01/11 07:25:39 38.822 -122.795 2.2 3 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/11 07:23:34 38.829 -122.808 3.0 3 km ( 2 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 2.1 2009/01/11 06:58:05 38.813 -122.785 2.0 3 km ( 2 mi) NE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.3 2009/01/11 06:51:24 38.815 -122.803 1.7 2 km ( 1 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.3 2009/01/11 06:14:01 38.832 -122.830 1.4 4 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.8 2009/01/11 06:12:47 38.842 -122.832 1.1 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.9 2009/01/11 06:12:10 38.831 -122.829 2.0 4 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 2.2 2009/01/11 04:58:05 38.773 -122.743 2.6 4 km ( 3 mi) W of Anderson Springs, CA
MAP 1.8 2009/01/11 00:46:07 38.409 -122.659 9.3 6 km ( 4 mi) SE of Santa Rosa, CA
MAP 1.6 2009/01/10 22:56:02 38.840 -122.829 2.0 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.5 2009/01/10 19:11:40 38.841 -122.893 5.4 9 km ( 5 mi) WNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/10 18:19:44 38.836 -122.824 0.6 4 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/10 18:17:25 38.841 -122.828 1.1 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/10 18:14:55 38.838 -122.830 1.7 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.3 2009/01/10 18:14:10 38.837 -122.830 1.8 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.6 2009/01/10 18:12:52 38.834 -122.829 1.9 4 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.2 2009/01/10 18:10:58 38.837 -122.830 1.1 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 2.1 2009/01/10 18:07:04 38.836 -122.829 1.9 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.7 2009/01/10 17:43:47 39.442 -123.327 2.5 5 km ( 3 mi) NNE of Willits, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/10 16:57:53 38.843 -122.833 2.0 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.6 2009/01/10 16:38:00 38.821 -122.784 2.3 3 km ( 2 mi) NE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.6 2009/01/10 14:48:32 38.794 -122.767 3.1 3 km ( 2 mi) E of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.4 2009/01/10 13:31:30 38.812 -122.814 3.0 2 km ( 1 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/10 13:09:38 38.849 -122.829 0.9 6 km ( 4 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.5 2009/01/10 09:53:44 38.806 -122.808 2.0 1 km ( 1 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 3.6 2009/01/10 09:18:11 39.032 -123.343 4.9 17 km ( 11 mi) SW of Ukiah, CA
MAP 2.2 2009/01/10 06:13:52 38.810 -122.819 2.6 2 km ( 1 mi) NW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.8 2009/01/09 22:20:33 38.839 -122.827 2.0 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.9 2009/01/09 21:06:20 38.772 -123.002 2.6 3 km ( 2 mi) SSE of Cloverdale, CA
MAP 2.2 2009/01/09 18:19:08 38.825 -122.791 1.1 3 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.4 2009/01/09 15:32:22 38.830 -122.828 3.6 4 km ( 2 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 2.1 2009/01/09 12:49:17 38.837 -122.825 2.9 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.8 2009/01/09 07:00:13 38.825 -122.754 0.6 3 km ( 2 mi) WSW of Cobb, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/09 05:31:38 38.846 -122.834 1.1 6 km ( 4 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/09 03:41:38 38.818 -122.791 1.9 3 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/09 00:48:12 38.841 -122.828 1.6 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.2 2009/01/08 22:49:11 38.786 -122.737 2.1 4 km ( 3 mi) WNW of Anderson Springs, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/08 22:26:50 38.808 -122.809 2.0 1 km ( 1 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/08 19:39:18 38.843 -122.829 1.9 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.3 2009/01/08 15:16:13 38.836 -122.832 2.4 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.3 2009/01/08 13:27:01 38.786 -122.737 2.3 4 km ( 3 mi) WNW of Anderson Springs, CA
MAP 1.4 2009/01/08 06:43:00 38.834 -122.802 2.3 4 km ( 2 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.8 2009/01/08 06:23:37 38.775 -122.730 1.5 3 km ( 2 mi) W of Anderson Springs, CA
MAP 1.2 2009/01/08 05:49:34 38.836 -122.796 2.6 4 km ( 3 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.4 2009/01/08 04:05:01 38.832 -122.811 2.5 4 km ( 2 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.6 2009/01/08 03:42:44 38.832 -122.809 2.5 4 km ( 2 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.2 2009/01/08 03:41:51 38.790 -122.759 2.3 4 km ( 3 mi) ESE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.5 2009/01/08 01:14:14 38.793 -122.808 3.7 1 km ( 0 mi) S of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.2 2009/01/08 00:49:59 38.844 -122.824 2.2 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/07 23:31:39 38.842 -122.828 1.7 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/07 22:07:10 38.843 -122.826 1.9 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.6 2009/01/07 21:17:55 38.837 -122.825 2.4 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 2.3 2009/01/07 20:31:41 38.842 -122.824 2.2 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.1 2009/01/07 18:06:05 38.814 -122.819 2.7 2 km ( 1 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/07 17:16:41 38.824 -122.806 0.7 3 km ( 2 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/07 16:33:18 38.840 -122.808 2.5 5 km ( 3 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.6 2009/01/07 09:50:09 38.754 -122.718 2.0 3 km ( 2 mi) SW of Anderson Springs, CA
MAP 1.9 2009/01/07 09:04:32 38.811 -122.813 2.8 2 km ( 1 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.9 2009/01/07 07:32:10 38.830 -122.761 0.7 3 km ( 2 mi) W of Cobb, CA
MAP 1.5 2009/01/07 01:49:59 38.520 -122.642 5.9 9 km ( 5 mi) SW of Calistoga, CA
MAP 2.2 2009/01/06 21:31:39 39.263 -122.748 9.2 18 km ( 11 mi) NNE of Nice, CA
MAP 1.2 2009/01/06 21:30:13 38.826 -122.801 2.3 3 km ( 2 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.4 2009/01/06 21:13:54 38.831 -122.796 2.2 4 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.1 2009/01/06 21:04:31 38.828 -122.799 0.9 3 km ( 2 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.8 2009/01/06 21:03:54 38.831 -122.787 0.6 4 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/06 21:03:34 38.831 -122.797 1.9 4 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.7 2009/01/06 21:03:19 38.826 -122.796 1.4 3 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 2.9 2009/01/06 21:02:22 38.826 -122.797 0.6 3 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.3 2009/01/06 20:57:31 38.813 -122.794 3.7 2 km ( 1 mi) NE of The Geysers, CA

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 08:10 AM

MAP 1.2 2009/01/06 20:06:41 38.829 -122.804 2.1 3 km ( 2 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.4 2009/01/06 16:12:19 38.821 -122.829 1.7 3 km ( 2 mi) NW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.7 2009/01/06 09:40:45 38.778 -122.721 0.8 3 km ( 2 mi) W of Anderson Springs, CA
MAP 1.8 2009/01/06 09:09:34 38.785 -122.743 1.5 5 km ( 3 mi) WNW of Anderson Springs, CA
MAP 2.7 2009/01/06 08:38:22 38.915 -123.041 0.3 13 km ( 8 mi) N of Cloverdale, CA
MAP 1.4 2009/01/06 03:40:51 38.842 -122.826 2.0 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.7 2009/01/06 00:07:02 38.813 -122.818 2.5 2 km ( 1 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/05 23:17:00 38.835 -122.801 2.4 4 km ( 3 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.5 2009/01/05 22:32:24 38.818 -122.822 2.7 3 km ( 2 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.4 2009/01/05 18:19:16 38.836 -122.829 2.1 5 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.4 2009/01/05 18:11:21 38.830 -122.809 2.9 4 km ( 2 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.1 2009/01/05 16:45:35 38.813 -122.791 3.5 2 km ( 1 mi) NE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.1 2009/01/05 15:19:42 38.809 -122.739 2.2 3 km ( 2 mi) SSW of Cobb, CA
MAP 1.1 2009/01/05 10:59:55 38.824 -122.829 2.9 3 km ( 2 mi) NW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/05 08:41:25 38.821 -122.750 0.0 3 km ( 2 mi) SW of Cobb, CA
MAP 1.2 2009/01/05 06:35:19 38.825 -122.801 3.7 3 km ( 2 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.4 2009/01/05 04:56:12 38.828 -122.805 1.7 3 km ( 2 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 2.6 2009/01/05 04:20:47 38.821 -122.801 3.1 3 km ( 2 mi) N of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.6 2009/01/05 01:50:47 38.796 -122.775 0.6 3 km ( 2 mi) E of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.2 2009/01/05 01:42:01 38.845 -122.829 1.8 6 km ( 3 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.9 2009/01/05 01:05:33 38.804 -122.790 2.1 2 km ( 1 mi) ENE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.1 2009/01/04 20:09:57 38.819 -122.824 1.3 3 km ( 2 mi) NNW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.6 2009/01/04 19:23:28 38.773 -122.751 1.4 5 km ( 3 mi) W of Anderson Springs, CA
MAP 1.2 2009/01/04 18:41:17 38.804 -122.751 0.7 4 km ( 3 mi) SW of Cobb, CA
MAP 1.2 2009/01/04 18:28:06 38.785 -122.773 3.5 3 km ( 2 mi) ESE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.9 2009/01/04 17:59:39 38.792 -122.771 3.9 3 km ( 2 mi) ESE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/04 17:47:56 38.794 -122.761 1.2 4 km ( 2 mi) E of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.2 2009/01/04 17:37:23 38.790 -122.780 0.3 3 km ( 2 mi) ESE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.1 2009/01/04 17:36:35 38.803 -122.749 1.0 4 km ( 3 mi) SSW of Cobb, CA
MAP 1.5 2009/01/04 17:34:12 38.815 -122.823 1.9 2 km ( 1 mi) NW of The Geysers, CA
MAP 2.0 2009/01/04 17:32:06 38.798 -122.773 0.4 3 km ( 2 mi) E of The Geysers, CA
MAP 4.2 2009/01/04 17:27:10 38.783 -122.772 4.3 3 km ( 2 mi) ESE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 2.1 2009/01/04 17:06:21 38.814 -122.794 1.9 2 km ( 1 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.0 2009/01/04 15:56:40 38.816 -122.798 3.0 2 km ( 1 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 1.9 2009/01/04 15:42:09 38.818 -122.793 3.5 3 km ( 2 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA
MAP 2.0 2009/01/04 15:28:27 38.815 -122.796 2.3 2 km ( 1 mi) NNE of The Geysers, CA

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