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Relious Belief vs Evidence

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posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by jon1
Im my church i see so many people who act ungodly, it scares me sometimes, but i know that God is real. I just don't understand sometimes.

When you say it scares you sometimes, does it scare you for them? Or does it scare you because it makes you question your own faith? And, when you see someone saying they believe one thing, but doing the opposite, does that make you suspect that they do not really believe what they say?

I personally think that there are two types of Christians, those who are spirit filled and those who are not.
Those who are, try to follow jesus and learn by being prompted from the holy spirit when they are doing wrong. they then act on this prompt and in the most part try thier hardest to not repeat it.
Then there are those who are not spirit filled, How do i know that, i hear you ask.
Mainly because they dont know what you mean by being spirit filled, they go to church because its the right thing to do and constantly show thier ungodly ways by what they do.
Mainly, gossiping and constant complaining about trivial matters.

This is what scares me, the amount of people who believe in God by faith alone and have not yet had a one to one with christ and asked to be filled with the holy spirit. it is only then that he will reveal himself to you and no matter what anyone says you can not then deny him. Your faith will allways be strong.

I was in a church once where some of the women swore at the minister on a regular basis, and the "F" word at that. I have many instances of this sort of behaviour and in no way were these people spirit filled.
In my humble opinion anyway.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by jon1

Thank you.
That was very informative. What you have in common with others on the thread is that you also are basing your beliefs upon evidence, not hearsay. Your personal contact with the holy spirit within you is the source of your strong faith, not necessarily the words you are hearing others say.

Much appreciated.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 02:14 AM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

I am trying to understand how belief is formed

I didn't talk about that earlier. For me, belief was formed at a very young age - four years old, maybe younger. When you're that little you don't question what your parents tell you. Jesus was a real presence to me throughout my childhood, and let me tell you I was a prayerful little boy. I attended a religious school; even kindergarten tots assembled with the rest of the Christian boys for morning prayers. In my early teens I was a choirboy.

As long as faith was a given, unquestioned, it lasted. But as soon as I was old enough to realize what it meant and what it implied, faith began to erode.

All gone now. Look Ma, I'm cured!

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 10:16 PM
Along these lines, I was actually watching Ancient Discoveries early today, and it was talking about Biblical mysteries. Scientists actually DID find proof of a few things. Like:The Tower of Babel-by Bible, It could reach the heavens, by science, It's bricks, from there sturdiness, could pile up to 2 miles high! And it takes 3 kiloneutons to kill a man, and David allegedly through the stone at about 3 kiloneutons and smote Goliath. So, if you want proof, there it is. And also, as a side note, if you want to have a spiritual experience and just know about His existence, go to church, read the scriptures, and pray. That's all I've got to say.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by Dragonfriend

How do you deal with the things in your belief system that are as yet unproven? Do you recognize any things science says that seem to contradict the literal word of the Bible?

For instance, the time frame for the creation. Science says it could not be 6 days some 6000 years ago. In a case like this, do you discount the science as wrong? Or do you believe that maybe 6 days for God may be like a billion years here to us humans on Earth?

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 10:32 PM
Time is a function of mass. Any physicist will tell you that. Time isn't linear.

What does that tell us?

I like the story of the man who read that if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can move a mountain.

The guy prayed all day, all night. Got up the morning, and looked out the window.

"I knew it wouldn't work!"

I have faith in many things unseen.

My God is the biggest.

posted on Jan, 16 2009 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by dooper

I like the story of the man who read that if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can move a mountain.

The guy prayed all day, all night. Got up the morning, and looked out the window.

"I knew it wouldn't work!"

Lol, thats funny, but true.

When you say you have faith in many things unseen, how did you come by it? Was it first faith in your parents and minster or priest? For example, your parents had always been good to you, and are not known top you to be liars, so when they told you about God, your faith in them led to faith in God. Or, was it more first hand? Did you have a spiritual experience that solidified your belief?

posted on Jan, 18 2009 @ 05:55 PM
I know that God exists through many more than one experiences. For example, some Christian religions do Baptisms for the Dead, which is someone who gets baptized for so many people who passed away and wanted to be baptized. When I went, I felt His spirit inside of me, and I just knew of His existence.

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