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The Business Plot (Takeover of the White House)- 1933

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posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by TheMythLives
reply to post by TheWayISeeIt

Thanks for adding more info to this thread. I think it is important for everyone to know about this and lets be honest we deserve to know. Butler should be considered an American Hero for preventing and saving the United States.

But what was proposed a couple posts above yours would directly contradict this statement.

From saving the United States?? For all we know, they did succeed and kept it quiet, and now we are just figuring it out??
Maybe the only way word would have spread was through failure...

Not bursting your bubble. Butler did what was right for our country and that I thank him for. Here's to hoping that you are right, that he did save his country by preventing the coup.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

I believe it was the book "Alien Agenda" by Jim Marrs that I first read about this. There was a reference at the end about a lengthier discussion in another of his books, but I do not remember now what the title is.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by Allegory of Illumination

Sure it contadicts my statement, so what? Its just speculation to what could have happened, as far as we know the plot was stopped, because we are not facist..yet. Of course the people that were behind it then are still in power and chances are they have been working diligently to finish what was stalled so long ago. I believe we discussed the possiblity of the takeover having already worked. My bubble is never bursted, only because I am outside the bubble.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Wow, I had totally forgotten about Pike. Thanks for that connection by the way. The similarities are unbelievable. 3 world wars, we have seen 2 and may see the 3rd really soon. awesome, star for you!

I wish I could forget about Albert Pike! Maybe it is just the most bizarre coincidence ever witnessed by mankind but there sure is something awful peculiar about his letter to Mazinni and subsequent history.

They say the best place to hide is in plain site. I think that is what is so hard for most people to wrap their minds around, what is happening is happening right before their eyes and little is done to hide it from people, just to lie to people about what it is.

It amazes me the lies people do choose to believe!

Great thread! People need to see America is not immune from the evils of power.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Wow, yep, much like every great nation before it. The Romans, The Spartans, the Athens, Constantinople, etc. all had there downfalls come from within. Romans elite became greedy and made the nation become bankrupted and a nation that was very well supported by all, now had many poor people that would cause riots and demand help, the elite back then ignored them and then fell victim to outside invasions. Athens and Sparta had a similar beginning and a very similar ending they introduced democracy and then after many years of being strong nations fell. Same for Constantinople, every great nation falls, due to the elites thinking that they are above all.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:25 PM
June 1932 - Burned out veteran’s homes in Shanty Town, to prepare them to run a coup, Then entice US. General to march on Washington, the U.S. Capital to take over using the 500,000 disgruntled Vets.]

July 1932 to November 1933 – Good timing for an actual planned Coup of the American Government by American big business by attempting to recruit a Major General Butler in the U.S.M.C. as the commander. This true to life plan involved a very colorful character named Major General Smedley Butler of the USMC. He was approached by certain wealthy capitalist from the United States to lead a revolution to overthrow the government and establish an American Fascist dictatorship. He was even tempted by this offer of $60,000. Three men, representing a body of planners, proposed to General Butler a plan to seize the White House with a private Army of 500,000 very disgruntled veterans, hold FDR prisoner, and get rid of him if he refused to serve as their puppet in a dictatorship they were going to control. Do a search on Butler and discover what he said about war and what he knew already. He asserted that the military really served the role as a collection agency for big bankers. The Senate munitions investigating committee confirmed this assertion in 1934. Major General Butler had won two Congressional Medals of Honor, and had been involved in many campaigns. This committee confirmed that; remember this word; “Standard Oil”, along with United Fruit, the sugar trust, the big banks, had been behind most of the operations he had lead. Do another search to find the McCormack-Dickstein Committee that investigated Butler’s charges. They confirmed his allegations. There are other folks that believe that Butler was maybe being set up, and that this incident was actually going to be the means that these big businessmen and FDR was going to use. Butler would lead this private Army to DC, this action would have resulted in FDR declaring a national emergency and imposing martial law and being supported by the American people. It was planned and would have succeeded, however, Butler, being a Marine in true form, revealed the plot and FDR had to be happy just being a President. The investigation went lame and just disappeared from sight. Among the powers that be, it was decided that the main way to recover and still achieve this goal was to involve the U.S. in a war. Note that in 1927 was the start of Standard Oil supporting Germany by refining the oil necessary to begin WWII.

NOTE: Replay or chance repeat of history in the St Petersburg massacre in 1905 or even better the 12 September 1917 when Civil War Breaks Out in Russia as Kornilov’s Army Marches on Petrograd to assume Power.

NOTE: Speculation from historians is that FDR knew ahead of time, would have committed active duty troops to stop the treason, and have a mass slaughter, St. Petersburg worked once, why not again. He would have then declared Martial law and a dictatorship. Plan fails, and is swept under the carpet. FDR settles for a war with Japan and entering the World war by setting up Pearl Harbor.

21 November 1933 – A letter written by FDR to Colonel House, "The depression was the calculated 'shearing' of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market....The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank." Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law as quoted in his book, My Exploited Father-in-Law.

Same letter by FDR 1933 - A letter written by FDR to Colonel House; "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson."

1933 – Quoted in his second Cabinet meeting that he (FDR), was not interested in staying out of the war, but rather wanted to devise a way for American to get into another war, “Mr. Farley wrote that at the second cabinet meeting in 1933, “The new President again turned to the possibility of war with Japan.” [Farley, James, The Roosevelt Years, NY, McGraw-Hill Books, 1948, P 39. Cabinet Member James Farley.]

1933 - President Roosevelt (CFR) declares US. bankrupt - Signs over US. monetary power to world bankers (Rothschilds/Rockefellers - Illuminati) [March 6 , closes banks and prohibits the export of gold]

1933 - War powers act and FDR amended the dormant 1917 Trading With The Enemy Act to include the American People on the list of ‘enemies’ of the United States, declared a ‘national emergency’ (the ‘Emergency Banking Act of March 9, 1933), and invoked the ‘Emergency War Powers’ of 1917 to rule the United States exactly as if we were at war, i.e. as a dictatorship.

1933 - The elite sends three men to offer Major General Butler USMC Ret;, $60,000 to lead a coup against FDR and take over the United States government to establish a sole dictatorship.

1933 - Wall Street financed and materially supported Hitler's rise to power in Germany. This includes the same families involved even since the start of WWI to 1933 to even today.

March 1933: Hitler had promised a general election. One week before the election was due to take place, the Reichstag building burned down. Hitler knew that if he was to convince President Hindenburg to give him emergency powers - as stated in the Weimar Constitution - he had to play on the old president's fear of communism. What better than to convince him that the communists were about to take over the nation by force? -
- by Michael B. Haupt, ThreeWorldWars -

(Posted here: Thursday, November 30, 2006)

9 March 1933 – U.S. War Powers Act was a freedom destroying emergency legislation. War and conflict is an efficient means of controlling large groups of people. Brings more people under control (paying taxes), and allows for restrictive legislation, thus stealing freedom little by little as the War Powers Act was an example.

Also on March 9, 1933, Congress passed the Emergency Banking Act. This allowed Federal Reserve Bank notes to be issued, eventually replacing silver certificates and required all local banks to be licensed.
On April 19, 1933, the gold standard was dropped. Gold coins were withdrawn from circulation - a polite way of saying confiscated from the public. Dollars could no longer be redeemed for gold.

Roosevelt issued a series of Executive Orders in this time frame (E.O. 6073, 6102, 6111, 6260), the effect of which was to declare the United States Government bankrupt. Our government in effect became a bankrupt corporation controlled by its creditor, the Federal Reserve System and subject to the Law Merchant (later the Uniform Commercial Code), rather than by the Constitution.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:26 PM
March 4, 1939 - Quote from a report of the secret committee by President Roosevelt,;

“I am making no concessions to business, or for relief. I have a military machine sufficient to stop any organized revolt. I am putting MY PEOPLE ahead of all instruments. I’ll have had a full understanding with Chamberlain, and we will destroy this unemployed condition with a WAR, and a WAR only. To Hell with the American people, as far as a Democracy is concerned. It does not exist. It never did, and we will never let it happen that way. I am going to crush business, infest America with all the aliens possible, and in the last analysis, declare Martial Law, and confiscate everything I need for a true and forceful Dictatorship. My New Deal is a failure, and I know it, but no one else will tell me that I must discontinue my present activities, and program.”

From the Secret Audience with the Military Appropriation Committee;
The Ways and Means Committee;
The Special War Finance Committee;

and this copy was presented to me by mail through Senator Lundeen.” “The Red Fog Over America” by William Guy Carr, 1955.

In 1841 Clinton Roosevelt published in America “The Science of Government Founded on Natural Laws”, This was nothing more than a plagiarized version of the teachings of Professor Adam Weishaupt of Frankfort University, Germany, the renegade Jesuit priest who arranged for the agenteur of the Illuminati to infiltrate into French Freemasonary in 1776 so “The Secret Power” which directed the World Revolutionary Movement, and the Conspiracy of Satan, at that time could use Freemasonsary to further their secret plans and ambitious and at the same time cloak their diabolitical purpose.

The fact that FDR’s New Deal, his NRA, and other political policies and economic devices fitted perfectly into the “Long Range Plans”, of the Illuminati proved the continuity of the conspiracy from 1841 to 1945. It has been explained that Roosevelt made known his secret plans to establish a dictatorship in American in March 1939 when he gave a secret audience to some of his governments special committee. It has also been mentioned that Roosevelt was kept a virtual prisoner from after Yalta until his death presumably to prevent him telling the truth in the event his conscience troubled him when he realized that he was about to meet his maker.

[edit on 13-1-2009 by tgambill]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:44 PM
This plot was the first of three planned military coups in our history. The next one would happen between 1960 to 1963, which resulted in the death of a president and his brother, the third one would happen again between 1972 to 1974, and resulted in the impeachment of one of the planners, Nixon, to cover the attempt. It was decided not to kick it off. They were going to have a special unit from the LAPD to assassinate VP Spiro Agnew and followed by a series of explosions blamed on the Liberals. The fact that we had so many personal weapons in the US it would be better to focus on gun control and reduce the personal weapons and try again. Also, watergate got too close to the plot. Islam was also considered to be another barrier to the NWO so plans were made to bring them into the war.

The next one is yet to come.

There is a conspiracy that is so well hidden to the American public that its ingenius. There is a conspiracy to bring this world to a New World Order. It is above and beyond any subject that can be discussed here and in fact the root reason most of the subjects and reports here exist in the first place. Understand, the evidence, incidents, reports, quotes, and report of Plans is IRREFUTABLE and people are so fooled they don't even want to look at the evidence much less believe it once they pull their heads from the sand. It will in fact change ALL our lives shortly in the USA and until they declare Martial law, crash the dollar and put us in the North American Union will people wake up..........................

As are others that know about this, many of us are getting frustrated trying to warn people so as reduce the shock factor when this thing hits........its almost not worth the trouble to warn people.

Its coming now sooner than ever.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:50 PM
In 1834; the Italian revolutionary leader, Guiseppe Mazzini, was selected by the Illuminati to direct their revolutionary program throughout the world. He served in that capacity until he died in 1872, but some years before he died; Mazzini had enticed an American General named Albert Pike into the Illuminati. Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one-world government and ultimately he became the head of this luciferian conspiracy.

"In 1834; the Italian revolutionary leader, Guiseppe Mazzini, was selected by the Illuminati to direct their revolutionary program throughout the world. He served in that capacity until he died in 1872, but some years before he died; Mazzini had enticed an American General named Albert Pike into the Illuminati. Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one-world government and ultimately he became the head of this luciferian conspiracy. Between 1859 and 1871 he, Pike, worked out a military-blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world which he considered would forward the conspiracy to its final stage in the 20th century. Again I remind you that these conspirators were never concerned with immediate success. They also operated on a long-range view. Pike did most of his work in his home in Little Rock, Arkansas. But a few years later; when the Illuminati's Lodges of the Grand Orient became suspect and repudiated because of Mazzini's revolutionary activities in Europe, Pike organized what he called the New and Reformed Palladian Right. He set up three Supreme Councils; one in Charleston, South Carolina, one in Rome, Italy, and a third in Berlin, Germany. He had Mazzini establish 23 subordinate councils in strategic locations throughout the world. These have been the secret headquarters of the world revolutionary movement ever since.

1841 - Clinton Roosevelt [Ancestor to FDR, a traitor to his country] published in America “The Science of Government Founded on Natural Laws”, This was nothing more than a plagiarized version of the teachings of Professor Adam Weishaupt of Frankfort University, Germany, the renegade Jesuit priest who arranged for the agenteur of the Illuminati to infiltrate into French Freemasonry in 1776 so “The Secret Power” which directed the World Revolutionary Movement, and the Conspiracy of Satan, at that time could use Freemasonry to further their secret plans and ambitious and at the same time cloak their diabolitical purpose.

Karl Marx copied this document to take credit for the Communist Manifesto. As a result the communist movement with the Bosheviks in the early 1900’s was financed by Wall Street, specifically the same family line that designed the communist movement here in the United States, While Karl Ritter was writing the Anti-thesis in Germany called Nazism and facism.

In addition, while Karl Marx was writing the "Communist Manifesto" under the director of one group of Illuminists, Professor Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University was writing the antithesis under the direction of another group.
The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger members of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other. And particularly, to destroy all political and religious institutions.

The work Ritter started was continued after his death and completed by the German so-called philosopher Freidrich Wilhelm Nietzache who founded Nietzscheanism. This Nietzecheanism was later developed into Fascism and then into Nazism and was used to foment World War I and II.
NOTE: In the United States we had Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Jack Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Dean Rusk, Robert McNamara, William Fulbright, George Bush etc., as prime examples. In addition, while Karl Marx was writing the "Communist Manifesto" under the director of one group of Illuminists, Professor Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University was writing the antithesis under the direction of another group.

The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger members of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other. And particularly, to destroy all political and religious institutions.

"When Mazzini died in 1872; Pike made another revolutionary leader named Adrian Lemmy; his successor. Lemmy, in turn, was succeeded by Lenin and Trotsky, then by Stalin. The revolutionary activities of all those men were financed by British, French, German, and American international bankers; all of them dominated by the House of Rothschild. We are supposed to believe that the international bankers of today, like the money-changers of Christ's day, are only the tools or agents of the great conspiracy, but actually they are the masterminds behind all the mass-communications media leading us into believing that communism is a movement of the so-called workers; the actual fact is that both British and American intelligence-officers have authentic documentary-evidence that international liberals, operating through their international banking houses; particularly the House of Rothschild, have financed both sides of every war and revolution since 1776.

1850 (Early 1850’s) - The Illuminati held a secret meeting in New York which was addressed by a British Illuminist named Wright. Those in attendance were told that the Illuminati was organizing to unite the Nihilist and Atheist groups with all other subversive groups into an international group to be known as Communists. That was when the word: "communist" first came into being and it was intended to be the supreme weapon and scare word to terrify the whole world and drive the terrorized peoples into the Illuminati one-world scheme.

This scheme: "communism," was to be used to enable the Illuminati to foment future wars and revolutions. Clinton Roosevelt, a direct ancestor of Franklin Roosevelt; Horace Greeley; and Charles Dana; foremost newspaper publishers of that time were appointed to head a committee to raise funds for the new venture. Of course, most of the funds were provided by the Rothschilds and this fund was used to finance Karl Marx and Engels when they wrote "Das Kaptial" and the "Communist Manifesto" in Soho, England. And this clearly reveals that communism is not a so-called ideology, but a secret weapon; a bogy man word to serve the purpose of the Illuminati. He got the basis for the Communist Manifesto from Clinton Roosevelt, who rewrote the plan by Adam Weishaupt in 1776.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:57 PM
Wall Street funded Lenin, Bolsheviks and in 1928 they funded Hitler. In 1929 Wall Street orchestrated the Great Depression planned since at least 1919. It was to get us ready for the 1933 Planned Coup of which FDR knew all about it. they wanted General Butler to do it and then catch him in the act to justify declaration of Martial law and a FDR dictatorship. He blew the whistle after leading them on like a good American and find out who was funding it. He did and then blew the whistle. It was swept under the carpet as was the next two planned coups.

Plans were then initiated to provoke the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor right after they were moved from Calif to Pearl. Lt Col McCollum was directed by FDR in 1940 to provide a set of objectives that were to be designed to provoke the Japanese, confirmed by declassified documents. The main objective was to be able to enter the war in Europe after FDR had promised the American people he would not send American boys to Europe. A massive attack would be enough to really make the Americans angry to where they would want to go to war. This is confirmed by quotes, historical research, and irrefutable evidence. We have been duped and the history books are worthless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 07:19 PM
JFK was the second president to save us from WWIII and the same coup by same familiy members but it was a silent coup. Nixon was part of the third attempt but in his case they screwed up by being caught at Watergate. They also called out the coup because during planning it was discussed that Americans had too many personal weapons. This is the reason for the CIA behind the school shootings reference MKULTRA, and gun control advocates......etc....

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 07:40 PM
A movie was made in 1960 that even today, few is any know that "7 Days in May" with Kirk Douglas and Lancaster was about this incident. In 1991 a remake was filmed called "The enemy within"....

and now you know the rest of the story. Book written in the 1970's, I've got an original called, "The Plot to Seize the White House" by Jules Archer......a paperback came out in January 2007 and killed the value of my original...ouch.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 08:01 PM
FDR mixed nationalism with socialism almost as much as the Fascists in Italy. Until Italy started to create an empire in Africa, the "Liberals" in America were in love with him.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 09:02 PM
News reporters used to refer to Prescott as "the most elusive US Senator."

Someone emailed me the following dirt on Prescott Bush:

In 1931
Mr. Samuel Pryor was an executive committee chairman of Remington Arms and partner with the Harriman's. Prescott Bush, George Walker and Nazi boss Fritz Thyssen, who were all involved in banking and shipping enterprises, supplied American arms to the Nazi private armies (S.A. and S.S.) as they moved to overthrow the German republic.

Also in 1931, Harriman & Co. merged with Brown Brothers to become one of the biggest investment banks in the world. Prescott Bush became a senior partner in the new firm. That same
year, George Walker began running the North American operations of the Hamburg-Amerika shipping line under the auspices of Walker’s American Shipping & Commerce, which in turn was controlled by a holding company called the Harriman Fifteen. Averell Harriman, George Walker, and Prescott Bush were the directors of this holding company and thus the owners of the Hamburg-Amerika line.

CIA Director (investment banker), Allen Dulles, assisted Brown Brothers, Harriman in establishing business relations with the Nazis. Shortly after Pearl Harbor, word leaked from Washington that affiliates of Prescott Bush's company were under investigation for aiding the Nazis in time of war.

U.S. government investigators determined that several of the directors of the Hamburg-Amerika line, were major contributors to the Nazi Party. They had provided a wealth of funds to Hitler for his 1932 election campaign, as well as financing Nazi terrorism to destabilize Germany’s democratic government and catapult Hitler to power. Prescott Bush was one of these men.

After Hitler came to power, the Hamburg-Amerika Line also began financing Nazi propaganda and subsidizing pro-Nazi newspapers here in the U.S. The purpose of this propaganda was clear. They were not just supporting Nazi Germany, they were also seeking to undermine the constitutional government of the United States.

In 1942
The U.S. government charged Prescott bush with running Nazi front groups in the United States. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, all shares of his Union Banking Corporation were seized. Union Banking was an affiliate of Brown Brothers, Harriman.

Once the government had its hands on the books, the intricate web of Nazi front corporations began to unravel. A few days later two of Union Banking's subsidiaries were also seized (the Holland American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation). Then the government went after the Harriman Fifteen Holding Company (which Prescott Bush shared with his father-in-law, Bert Walker), the Hamburg-Amerika Line, and the Silesian-American Corporation. The U.S. government found that huge sections of Prescott Bush's empire had been operated on behalf of Nazi Germany and had greatly assisted the German war effort.

Sorry, I do not have a link for this, but it was from a document titled
"Former Federal Prosecutor John Loftus confirms the Bush-Nazi scandal"
Copyright October 31. 2003

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 01:32 AM
Its okay, finding the link wouldn't be difficult. This is what I've got also and you are right on target. I find it suprising after knowing this for years that when I tell them we fully financed and totally responsible for Nazi Germany coming to power I am shocked people don't know this by now. Anyway, I worked up informally the NWO summary in a very very short caption....

This epiphany has also entered my mind and even with what I've learned the scope of this has day by day blew my mind with each passing epiphany. Its like God has even shielded me from knowing too much but let me know it in little doses. Donald, the entire cold war was the same thing for how long?? started immediately after WWII. to the BS about "G.....Tear this wall down"........Our Illuminati was warned early not to jump the gun but we did in many cases. In 1776, the fake fight for liberty was orchestrated on good people while they used master methods of speeches and appealing to peoples spirit to be free by stirring up a Revolution. Once this was accomplished, in the 1780's they immediately started with the slavery issue in the 1790's, meaning they had already figured this out immediately before or soon after the Revolutionary war to use as a trigger to split the new US with a civil war and then they could invade and take over. I imagine that when Adam Weishaupt finished the plan for the World Revolution on May 1, 1776, he had this all mapped out. He was retained by the Rothschilds after 1760's, to start the plan. So, in 1798, John Robison knew about this and wrote "Proofs of a Conspiracy" and Reverend Snyder sent a copy to a skeptical Washington, skeptical of the Masons and Jacobinsons and disgruntled with the Masons. Thomas Jefferson was fooled and make an advocate for Adam Weishaupt to Washington's and Adams' dismay. The government went after the Illuminati and they had to go underground, joined the masons officially in December 1782, at the Congress of Wihemsbad. Anyway, back on track, the notion of slavery was going to be used for the trigger for the next war. So, in the 1790's the US/British Illuminati made deals with warring factions in Africa to capture the members of the other sides and sell them for slavery to be put in the SOUTH....only. this would then be used as a trigger once Slavery was fully integrated as a way of life. Money came in we had prosperty, and Americans agreed to enslave another culture. Andrew Jackson might have been a loud mouth and of poor temperment but, he knew about the conspiracy and the control that the Bankers of the day, Rothschilds. had over us and set out to balance the budget and free us of their monetary control. Then they showed him that we could have a war at anytime, war of 1812. they even tried to assassinate him but the two flintlocks failed to fair, and he thrashed the assassin with his cane. We expand to the west, and in 1850, they planned the civil war. Albert Pike also started planning WWI, WWII and WWIII in conceptional terms, between 1850 to 1871, in the meantime in 1861, the Civil War was started with European units taking both sides. Rothschilds funds both sides, and the war is on to FREE THE SLAVES, sugar and other money making factors since oil was not the commodity or excuse. The Europeans were to invade when both sides were worn out. BUT! the Russian Czar was aware of the conspiracy and sent a fleet to NY harbor to thwart the invasion, and the North Won. Lincoln went to the bankers for reparations, they wanted 33% interest and he say no that congress could print our own money at no interest, so in comes Mason Booth, bye Lincoln. From then on the Japanese was targeted, move the samauri out, set up the war between Russia and Japan, orchestrate the loss of Russia set them up for revolution, and WWI, kill the Czar for revenge promised in 1860's, even though it was a generation later, here Russia is now ready for a revolution, and Karl marx and Karl Ritter has integrated their system of Communism and Facism, to fight in WWI. FDR's ancestor wrote the communist manifesto, gave it to Karl Marx via Albert Pike to rewrite and rename it, by the way. that's another story. Wall Street now funds Lenin for Revolution, and 10 years later Wall Street funds the Bolshevik Revolution, then comes WWI, with a false flag. They set up Germany by the treaty to make them poor, set up the US for the Fed Reserve Act, and planning to begin the actions necessary to start WWII. Create a depression in the US, make them ready for a revolution, that was planned in 1933. So aftter the practice depression in 1921, they flooded the market with money to create a facade that we are doing good getting people to enter the stock market trap, in 1927, planned the depression in detail, in 1928, Wall Street Funds Hitler, as Rothschilds Grandson, was already a leader and firmly established to take over. In 1929, the trigger for the depression was set and banks started to fail in the early part of 1929, finally in October the depression was signaled to start, and three years later Major General Smedley butler was offered the task of leading the revolution or coup against FDR [who was part of this], and he fooled them by exposing the plan in 1934 to 1935. It was swept under the carpet, they set up WWII with a false flag by provocating the Japanese, set up Pearl Harbor by cutting off intelligence per the White House covert order to enter the war in Europe, so that The monster FDR could go back on this campaign party and enter the European war WITH OUR, after we errantly drop the bombs on the Japanese in spite of the fact that they were surrendering to the Vatican, we wanted to show Stalin that we had the power. Patton was eager to hit the communist and they were not happy with Patton so they assassinated Patton to keep him under control, and then set up for WWIII by implanting Israel into the Middle East as a guess what......TRIGGER. We focus on WWIII, set to go in the 1960s' and closer to the one world order. Now we demonize our creation, communism in Russia, the Reds, mean ole communist and they were. Throughout the 1950's getting ready for a nuclear war in the 60's. UN/Illuminati sets up Korea and the State departments policy was to keep the FREE Chinese from taking over Communist China. Lets split north and south korea to keep this a conflictive issue. CIA backs Castro to take over Cuba to be used as the trigger and bartering point, so Castro overthrows Baptiste. Now we demonize Castro, set up the Bay of Pigs and now we can finally have a nuclear war and World Order. Kennedy was an Illuminati family name. However JFK does not go with the program, no Bay of Pigs, no missile crisis, no deployment after Anderson's plane was used as bait and he tried what Andrew Jackson, Lincoln tried to do, cut the strings....bye JFK, lets use the FAKE COLD WAR to set up a world war in due time. Vietnam with a false flag, CIA moves Drugs to the US, and makes money with defense contracts, and now, Nixon starts the plans for the division of the US into the 10 regions for a dictatorship in 1969, a major military coup is planned for the early 1970's with to start with the assassination of Spiro Agnew during September 1972, terrorist actions, declaration of Martial law and now we are on track. The plan did not go through for several reasons, one was Watergate exposed them and the number of personal weapons that Americans had prevented the execution of this plan. They also had a reconsideration of the Muslim the Trilateral commission was formed, to prepare us for WWIII and the fake war on Terror, end the Cold War to make it easier to integrate the World order and take the attention off of Russia while we focused on the Islamic card. This was actually set up in the 1920's to 1930s' as we and british spies radicalized Islam with wahabism. Brzezinski sets up the Russians in Afghanistan, with the fake Al Qaeda, set up the Balkans, and now we are heading to the final nail.......I've left out LOTS, but this is the work of Satan and our own insider government, CFR, 1919, Masons thoughout history, Bilderbergers 1954, Trilateral Commission 1973, and here we are again.


The end of the past ages is drawing near; the beginning of our New Future looms on the Horizon". T.Gambill

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 09:59 AM
Relative to Prescott Bush.............remind me, I must have been in a coma when both Bush's were campaigning or maybe the Democratic party researchers were asleep at the wheel, but I don't remember this being brought up as in opposition to the Bush's being elected. You know, Obama has a funny birth certificate and it came out, but don't you think that information over the news that Bush's grandfather helped to fully fund Hitler in WWII would have been useful? /sarc Obama is no better as was Clinton. Seriously they all work together on the same end game and same agenda. Obama has the grand daddy of all the NWO propoents, Zeg. Brzezinski. that says it all right there..........Martial law is next on the list and an invasion of this country and few have a clue about it.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 10:06 AM
Now the pieces are coming together slowly but surely. Lets keep it going, everyone's input has been superb and very detailed. Awesome posts guys keep up the great work!

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 10:06 AM
FDR dealing with socialism.....?? think? /sarc.......this is a direct quote from Ole FDR, our fire side chat president.............

March 4, 1939 - Quote from a report of the secret committee by President Roosevelt,;

“I am making no concessions to business, or for relief. I have a military machine sufficient to stop any organized revolt. I am putting MY PEOPLE ahead of all instruments. I’ll have had a full understanding with Chamberlain, and we will destroy this unemployed condition with a WAR, and a WAR only. To Hell with the American people, as far as a Democracy is concerned. It does not exist. It never did, and we will never let it happen that way. I am going to crush business, infest America with all the aliens possible, and in the last analysis, declare Martial Law, and confiscate everything I need for a true and forceful Dictatorship. My New Deal is a failure, and I know it, but no one else will tell me that I must discontinue my present activities, and program.”

From the Secret Audience with the Military Appropriation Committee;
The Ways and Means Committee;
The Special War Finance Committee;

and this copy was presented to me by mail through Senator Lundeen.”

“The Red Fog Over America” by William Guy Carr, 1955.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 10:22 AM
the timeline for this unified conspiracy and links with the thread

[edit on 14-1-2009 by tgambill]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 11:16 AM
I do not think we can look at these 2-3 conspiracies, without looking closely to their connection to Continuity of Government - which many of the same players were/are involved in.

We may not have enough information to put this all together yet, however, certainly we are under the impression congress has no official access to this info.

I believe 9/11 and the changes made to Martial Law are important parts of the puzzle as well.

The only real blow we could land, imho, would be to repeal the Fed Reserve Act and issue Constitutional money based on silver (as Gold can be cornered too easily)

If that cannot happen then perhaps a paradigmn changing technology may fall into the right hands sometime in the next 100 years to radically shift the balance of power in "free humanities" favor.

The best we can do is to stay fit, informed, and prepared for an opportunity to present itself.

I remain - as always - cautiously optimistic!

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