posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 01:32 AM
Its okay, finding the link wouldn't be difficult. This is what I've got also and you are right on target. I find it suprising after knowing
this for years that when I tell them we fully financed and totally responsible for Nazi Germany coming to power I am shocked people don't know this
by now. Anyway, I worked up informally the NWO summary in a very very short caption....
This epiphany has also entered my mind and even with what I've learned the scope of this has day by day blew my mind with each passing epiphany. Its
like God has even shielded me from knowing too much but let me know it in little doses. Donald, the entire cold war was the same thing for how
long?? started immediately after WWII. to the BS about "G.....Tear this wall down"........Our Illuminati was warned early not to jump the gun
but we did in many cases. In 1776, the fake fight for liberty was orchestrated on good people while they used master methods of speeches and
appealing to peoples spirit to be free by stirring up a Revolution. Once this was accomplished, in the 1780's they immediately started with the
slavery issue in the 1790's, meaning they had already figured this out immediately before or soon after the Revolutionary war to use as a trigger to
split the new US with a civil war and then they could invade and take over. I imagine that when Adam Weishaupt finished the plan for the World
Revolution on May 1, 1776, he had this all mapped out. He was retained by the Rothschilds after 1760's, to start the plan. So, in 1798, John
Robison knew about this and wrote "Proofs of a Conspiracy" and Reverend Snyder sent a copy to a skeptical Washington, skeptical of the Masons and
Jacobinsons and disgruntled with the Masons. Thomas Jefferson was fooled and make an advocate for Adam Weishaupt to Washington's and Adams'
dismay. The government went after the Illuminati and they had to go underground, joined the masons officially in December 1782, at the Congress of
Wihemsbad. Anyway, back on track, the notion of slavery was going to be used for the trigger for the next war. So, in the 1790's the
US/British Illuminati made deals with warring factions in Africa to capture the members of the other sides and sell them for slavery to be put in the
SOUTH....only. this would then be used as a trigger once Slavery was fully integrated as a way of life. Money came in we had prosperty, and
Americans agreed to enslave another culture. Andrew Jackson might have been a loud mouth and of poor temperment but, he knew about the conspiracy and
the control that the Bankers of the day, Rothschilds. had over us and set out to balance the budget and free us of their monetary control. Then they
showed him that we could have a war at anytime, war of 1812. they even tried to assassinate him but the two flintlocks failed to fair, and he
thrashed the assassin with his cane. We expand to the west, and in 1850, they planned the civil war. Albert Pike also started planning WWI,
WWII and WWIII in conceptional terms, between 1850 to 1871, in the meantime in 1861, the Civil War was started with European units taking both sides.
Rothschilds funds both sides, and the war is on to FREE THE SLAVES, sugar and other money making factors since oil was not the commodity or excuse.
The Europeans were to invade when both sides were worn out. BUT! the Russian Czar was aware of the conspiracy and sent a fleet to NY harbor to
thwart the invasion, and the North Won. Lincoln went to the bankers for reparations, they wanted 33% interest and he say no that congress could print
our own money at no interest, so in comes Mason Booth, bye Lincoln. From then on the Japanese was targeted, move the samauri out, set up the war
between Russia and Japan, orchestrate the loss of Russia set them up for revolution, and WWI, kill the Czar for revenge promised in 1860's, even
though it was a generation later, here Russia is now ready for a revolution, and Karl marx and Karl Ritter has integrated their system of Communism
and Facism, to fight in WWI. FDR's ancestor wrote the communist manifesto, gave it to Karl Marx via Albert Pike to rewrite and rename it, by the
way. that's another story. Wall Street now funds Lenin for Revolution, and 10 years later Wall Street funds the Bolshevik Revolution, then
comes WWI, with a false flag. They set up Germany by the treaty to make them poor, set up the US for the Fed Reserve Act, and planning to begin the
actions necessary to start WWII. Create a depression in the US, make them ready for a revolution, that was planned in 1933. So aftter the practice
depression in 1921, they flooded the market with money to create a facade that we are doing good getting people to enter the stock market trap, in
1927, planned the depression in detail, in 1928, Wall Street Funds Hitler, as Rothschilds Grandson, was already a leader and firmly established to
take over. In 1929, the trigger for the depression was set and banks started to fail in the early part of 1929, finally in October the depression
was signaled to start, and three years later Major General Smedley butler was offered the task of leading the revolution or coup against FDR [who was
part of this], and he fooled them by exposing the plan in 1934 to 1935. It was swept under the carpet, they set up WWII with a false flag by
provocating the Japanese, set up Pearl Harbor by cutting off intelligence per the White House covert order to enter the war in
Europe, so that The monster FDR could go back on this campaign party and enter the European war WITH OUR, after we errantly drop
the bombs on the Japanese in spite of the fact that they were surrendering to the Vatican, we wanted to show Stalin that we had the power. Patton
was eager to hit the communist and they were not happy with Patton so they assassinated Patton to keep him under control, and then set up for WWIII by
implanting Israel into the Middle East as a guess what......TRIGGER. We focus on WWIII, set to go in the 1960s' and closer to the one world order.
Now we demonize our creation, communism in Russia, the Reds, mean ole communist and they were. Throughout the 1950's getting ready for a
nuclear war in the 60's. UN/Illuminati sets up Korea and the State departments policy was to keep the FREE Chinese from taking over Communist
China. Lets split north and south korea to keep this a conflictive issue. CIA backs Castro to take over Cuba to be used as the trigger and
bartering point, so Castro overthrows Baptiste. Now we demonize Castro, set up the Bay of Pigs and now we can finally have a nuclear war and World
Order. Kennedy was an Illuminati family name. However JFK does not go with the program, no Bay of Pigs, no missile crisis, no deployment after
Anderson's plane was used as bait and he tried what Andrew Jackson, Lincoln tried to do, cut the strings....bye JFK, lets use the FAKE COLD WAR to
set up a world war in due time. Vietnam with a false flag, CIA moves Drugs to the US, and makes money with defense contracts, and now, Nixon starts
the plans for the division of the US into the 10 regions for a dictatorship in 1969, a major military coup is planned for the early 1970's with to
start with the assassination of Spiro Agnew during September 1972, terrorist actions, declaration of Martial law and now we are on track. The plan
did not go through for several reasons, one was Watergate exposed them and the number of personal weapons that Americans had prevented the execution
of this plan. They also had a reconsideration of the Muslim the Trilateral commission was formed, to prepare us for WWIII and the
fake war on Terror, end the Cold War to make it easier to integrate the World order and take the attention off of Russia while we focused on the
Islamic card. This was actually set up in the 1920's to 1930s' as we and british spies radicalized Islam with wahabism. Brzezinski sets up the
Russians in Afghanistan, with the fake Al Qaeda, set up the Balkans, and now we are heading to the final nail.......I've left out LOTS, but this is
the work of Satan and our own insider government, CFR, 1919, Masons thoughout history, Bilderbergers 1954, Trilateral Commission 1973, and here we are
The end of the past ages is drawing near; the beginning of our New Future looms on the Horizon". T.Gambill