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Obama-Bush Teams To Stage 'Disaster' Exercise

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posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 03:30 PM
im thinking that getting all the Palestinians in the uk and usa all openly attacking the governments are part of the operation to mark a patsy for the blame...

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by Allred5923

Originally posted by AlwaysQuestion
I think this sort of thing is fascinating being over in the UK.

Barrack Hussein Obama has nothing short of "Mesmerized our Public." There are going to be some thing's that are going to happen to set the people that voted for him back on their heels, they had no Idea that their vote may have possibly changed our world as we know it forever, for the worst. I have always thought, with Obama's political back round, of how does one from such broken and squalor life gain an absolute power of entire nation that is considered one of the most powerful Nations on this planet?
Easy, "He was chosen and groomed for the Job at hand." but not for the people, it is for the "Agenda Team" that controls the actions and out comes of the world, slowly changing it's ethnicities and populations. People are easily influenced when it comes to things they want and need to hear, but for the people that he "Duped" into voting for him. Time will tell, and I have no other choice other than to give him that, but if I did have a choice, I would have a reinvestigation to his validity of being who he says he is and research all of his affiliations. Some people have and are doing this right now as we speak, and the over laying evidence is anything but "Good" for the people of the world. Even though Obama may be just as much as a pawn as we are, you can bet there are power's behind the scenes that want all these evnts of war and atrocities to take place, they want the world as their "Creation". Similar to Hitler, Stalin and the likes of history.

Probably prudent planning though.

"Yes." But for "Their" cause, nothing to do with the citizens of the country or the world population.

Ahhhh...some refreshing truth..put very nicely. If people don't get attention from this I don't know what else to say.

Does the world need another "9/11" to wake up??
I seriously hope not.. it would be perfect for establishing the N.W.O, mark of the beast, & all that bull!@#$ they are trying to bestow up on us. One thing I have realized throughout my life is: Evil does not prevail... Simply because this planet was not meant for it, they don't understand that there is so much more to the laws of the Universe than we can imagine. Basically they are sealing their own fate, lets just sit back and watch Osama... I mean "Obama" run the show. The crooks at the top are sitting and laughing to themselves how on earth people are buying into this scheme...while we are here arguing whether there will be another disaster.. Ummmm I don't know if the other people have realized...WE ARE IN A DISASTER..

I seriously don't think we need to wait until 2012 for some thing to take place.. Tts being planned as we speak, by the elite in their little snug getaway the Bohemian Grove..exact same game play since last 200 years. If you haven't researched this...I'm speechless. This is where I started my journey after a friend told me about the Illuminati, and since then I'm hooked. I can't stop letting people know...its like a duty.. yeah.. a call of duty. I'm not stopping any time soon.

[edit on 12-1-2009 by MASH_DADDY]

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

you're right !!!! obama is the only honest politician. you finally found one.

let me catch my breath!!!! roflmao

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 03:29 AM
Disaster preparation exercises are common practice in government.

It seems to me like people are reaching lately to find new topics to post.

Like, " Guess what!!! The shadow government put subliminal messages in the talking toy my kid got in his happy meal!" Come on.

Lets explore the threads that are "actually" possible conspiracies, and not drivel like this.

No star or flag for you! (said with chinese accent)

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

No... Obama isn't corrupt like Bush is. You have to know the difference between Bush and Obama.

Bush is a psychopath.

Obama isn't.

There is a huge difference between the two.

One has ethics, the other doesn't.

Obama is a liberal, Bush is a neoconservative.

They think differently.

Obama will be a change from Bush. That's all the change I need!

Obama has morphed himself into a Centrist. Didn't you get the news?? He wants some tax cut included in his Stimulus package. Shame Shame Shame the hard core Dems don't like those ideas.

Newsflash...Obama is a Politician. He wears the hat that will fit him the best when he needs it the most.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 07:36 AM

Bush, Obama teams to conduct mock disaster exercise
Associated Press

Last update: January 9, 2009 - 1:50 PM

WASHINGTON - To share know-how about handling a catastrophe, Bush administration officials will hold a mock disaster drill at the White House on Tuesday with members of President-elect Barack Obama's team.

A 90-minute series of orientations and briefings will end with an exercise simulating a disaster.

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

do please show your proof of this

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by AllSeeingI very strange, not only was there a drill during 9/11 which mirrored the exact same events (Damn Al Qaeda must have the best intelligence in the world) cause not only did this strange coincidence happen on 9/11....but the exact same happened on 7/7 in London. A anti terrorist exercise was being performed at the exact same locations and at exactly the same time as the bombs went off in the f@ck can this be put down to coincidence...when the odds of this happening are...actually similar to 3 steel framed skyscrapers collapsing at free fall speed in one day ...basically about 10 billion to 1.
But please dont ask any questions (even if something out of the ordinary happens) because that would be anti American and unpatriotic. All you need to know is that a man in a cave (who could be invisible) is 99.9% responsible and he will post videos to Al Jazeera (once he,s dyed his beard black and got his nose re-structured) and he will claim dont bother asking questions...and if you do happen to stumble onto the FBI's most wanted site and cant find the bit that says Osama Bin-Laden guilty of 9/11...just take the governments word for it ...OK!

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:42 PM
Simulation? Disaster?...Picture if you may. US sends unheard of amounts of arms to Israel...yup. Israel honing its skills, tactics and weapons in Gaza...yup.

Pre-warning? Powel, Biden....yup. US standing by Israeli troops in Gaza....yup

Now...what better time for all those American agencies, military etc, to be at full functioning power ready for a war with Iran, than when simulating a disaster.

I see a false flag incident during the disaster simulations iether against America or Israel. It will be blamed on Iran.

Iran is next and I think very, very soon. I only hope that none of my American brothers or sisters have to die to meet their needs.


posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

No I think this is where they show Obama where Osama really is, and the aliens oh and after 8 long years, Bush shows them where he found Waldo. Cheney pretends he don't show Georgie.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 06:06 PM
A disaster exercise, huh? I think the next four years will be a major disaster. The warning from Biden and Powell definitely gets my attention. Change?

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

[edit on 1/13/2009 by TheAvenger]

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 06:09 PM
If something does happen ..100 bucks says it will end up being less believable and have 3 times more smoking guns and holes in whatever story they present.

Thing about power is it makes one arrogant and that arrogance makes one stupid and clumsey.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 11:40 PM
I see Bush isn't giving up the presidency at all. He's holding on like a rabid pitbull. And call me all the names you want... but I am seeing some really weird parallels between Bush and the newer Star Wars movies. Politician gains power using a war he started, funded, and has complete control of. Politician gains and holds complete power, making the majority of the populace convinced he's needed to pull everything thru. Things finally fall apart, but everyone's way of life has been radically changed. And not for the good.

I was calling him PalpaBush for years. Seems now it looks like I was almost on the mark. he isn't going to leave, folks. Not before a) he tries to seieze power, and look like a hero, or b) he tries to seize power thru Obama and play "Howard Handupme" With Obama and be off in the shadows. Until it's time to come out again. Or someone finally grows a set and offs him. And by then, our entire way of life will be radically and disastrously changed.

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
reply to post by ProfEmeritus

No... Obama isn't corrupt like Bush is. You have to know the difference between Bush and Obama.

Bush is a psychopath.

Obama isn't.

There is a huge difference between the two.

One has ethics, the other doesn't.

Obama is a liberal, Bush is a neoconservative.

They think differently.

Obama will be a change from Bush. That's all the change I need!

What kind of ethics does Obama have? He isn't even a US citizen.

So, did anything happen yesterday?

[edit on 14-1-2009 by KeepOurFreedoms]

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by wheresthetruth

9/11 was just that type of a event, a test by cheney to see if they the criminal regime could get away with killing it's own citizen's.
Another black opts?

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 09:23 PM
Lebanon fired rockets into Israel...? Israel retalliated, possibly to take out key positions..?

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by David9176

It is interesting they cut programs to the poor, but will not cut their own salaries. Does Obama really need $400,000 a year? I struggle getting by on $500 a month for me and my child.

Change? Well lets see, the Youth Corps, Making everyone help their community and making it mandatory for middle and high school and college kids to give community service.

Well wait that can't be mandatory as it would violate the Involuntary Servitude clause of the Constitution.
Oh right no problem there, the FBI in its 9/11 pamplets to police say that to identify possible terrorists look for those who stand on their Constituional Rights. ( I am still puzzeled by the "buying lots of denim" warning)

Oh and then there is B#%%%#@tch Clinton, who wants to establish the UN Rights of the Child treaty in America. Which will destroy parental rights, violate the first Amendment and let all the pedi's come out of the closet.

Yes we will get change, the change they want us to have. I read Silent Weapons, Quiet Wars. I heard General Keegan speak, I remember the words and warning of Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy.
I know the history of Germany and how Hitler rose to power and what was going on there politically.

Yes Change is coming, are you ready? Will you stop it? Do you know how?
Doesn't really matter, they have their people in every position. They have convinced so many that to do what they say is the only way to be safe.
And they have Tesla's weapon.

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