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The news we get in the UK [Video]

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posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 07:47 AM
The news in the UK is varied. Some consider the BBC has been pacified by the authorities but there are other independent sources of news such as iTV ans C4.

This video shows a C4 reporter confront Mark Ragev, the South African Israeli spokesman of the Israeli government. The discussion was face to face and the reporter refused to accept the standard responses from Mark Ragev and insisted that he comment on the attacks on the Red Cross in Gaza. You will find the heated exchange at 9 minutes into the video.

This kind of scrutiny is not permitted in the US media and can be a career ender. Fortunately we still have a some what free press in the UK and the ADL has not landed on our shores in strength yet.

[edit on 073131p://am3144 by masonwatcher]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:28 AM
British media is very much alike Dutch media. We're blessed to have such objective media that actually dears to question people, rather than finding excuses.

This week, I watched an interview on TV with the Israeli ambassador to the Netherlands. What I particularly find interesting, is how smart they are in trying to shift the focus everytime to their enemies.

But what really bothers me is that they always speak about ''we'll have to investigate this'' - to never hear about it again. I've saved several videos from the Lebanon-Israel war of 2006 and see how their interviews go, here's one:

[edit on 10-1-2009 by Mdv2]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by masonwatcher

Yep... Bless our news...

I'm so glad we have a little choice and freedom.
When people say America's free speech is amazing cos bigots and racists can go on the streets and spout hatred, but they can't watch a decent, unbiased news report... i see hypocrisy...

Such contradiction...

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by masonwatcher

Please keep bringing serious info to all of us! thanks!

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:40 AM
Thank you both for posting the videos--reporting of that sort would never be allowed on our mainstream stations. There is a fundamental and willful ignorance of the complexity of nearly every situation reported by U.S. media; they've proven themselves unreliable and unworthy of anyone's time. Shame on all of them.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:42 AM
That report is on other threads here... there are a few from paxman and others too... Really hammering the officials from both sides...

really engaging them with REAL questions....

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by blupblup
reply to post by masonwatcher

Yep... Bless our news...

I'm so glad we have a little choice and freedom.
When people say America's free speech is amazing cos bigots and racists can go on the streets and spout hatred, but they can't watch a decent, unbiased news report... i see hypocrisy...

Such contradiction...

Can you really blame them? 99% of the Americans believe they have freedom of press because that's what they are being told. Why do you think that most people supporting Israel unanimously, are Americans, or rather, why do you think that most people criticizing Israel for the way it behaves are not Americans, but Europeans?

The reason is that Israel is portrayed in US MSM as the country of angels that is under constant attacks of Palestinian terrorists. If you repeat the same message over and over again without covering the other side of the story, people start to believe it and get brainwashed.

Additionally, Americans don't travel. Well they do, but not as much as Europeans for instance do, which comes forth from the fact that their country is so big and relatively few other countries/cultures are easily reachable. With other words, they don't understand other cultures, which I've witnessed often enough while living abroad.

This combined, makes them very dependent on their mainstream media to get news on things happening in different parts of the world, and therefore their only source on which they base their opinions.

And no, I am not generalizing all Americans, like many Americans generalize Muslims, or Palestinians for the matter as being terrorists.

[edit on 10-1-2009 by Mdv2]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:45 AM
Here is another....

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by Mdv2
Can you really blame them? 99% of the Americans believe they have freedom of press because that's what they are being told. Why do you think that most people supporting Israel unanimously are Americans, or rather, why do you think that most people criticizing Israel for the way it behaves are not Americans, but Europeans?

I certainly do not blame them... not at ALL.
I have nothing but sympathy for them and share in the frustrations that they do.

In fact, this is a quote from another thread.

Originally posted by blupblup
reply to post by David9176

I do feel for you.

I mean.. i float around and get news from as many sources as possible and reference and cross-reference stories and numbers etc.
I have to say when watching sky news or something and they have the American news take over for half hour... i just can't believe the difference??

It is so vastly dumbed-down that i it is almost unrecognizable from the same stories i have been watching.
there are rarely graphic images, or arguments between people debating serious issues.

I thank science for the internet everyday!!

[edit on 10/1/09 by blupblup]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by blupblup
reply to post by masonwatcher

Yep... Bless our news...

I'm so glad we have a little choice and freedom.
When people say America's free speech is amazing cos bigots and racists can go on the streets and spout hatred, but they can't watch a decent, unbiased news report... i see hypocrisy...

Such contradiction...

Ya tell me about I don't even bother watching news over here that has anything to do with wars or politics unless it's Ron Paul because I already know what they are going to say before the news report starts.

I love this video though, this lady saying oh war is a terrible thing and their hiding among the civilians blah blah blah.

So they know there's civilians there and just bomb them anyway killing 30 innocent for 1 guilty and justifying it that way.

Geesh at least there were times in Iraq the forces went house to house looking for the people they were targeting and not just blowing up civilians well after the initial incursion anyway even though I still disagree with the Iraq invasion. That's what the CIA get paid to do infiltrate and take out 1 target at a time but apparently even they don't do their jobs anymore. 40 years ago the US would have had a CIA agent next to Osama Binladen for example and suit case bombed him now days they just call in air strikes and bomb the whole area.

There needs to be done some serious re-working done on the government over here and several other nations. Any more it's just becoming a dictatorship. Just watch Star Wars episodes 1-3 can you say deja vu? Just like in the movie everyone thinks it's all about peace when it's not. If there was peace, world peace, there would be no reason for government like we have today. Hence there will never be peace.

[edit on 10-1-2009 by Darthorious]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Mdv2

Originally posted by blupblup
reply to post by masonwatcher

Yep... Bless our news...

I'm so glad we have a little choice and freedom.
When people say America's free speech is amazing cos bigots and racists can go on the streets and spout hatred, but they can't watch a decent, unbiased news report... i see hypocrisy...

Such contradiction...

Can you really blame them? 99% of the Americans believe they have freedom of press because that's what they are being told. Why do you think that most people supporting Israel unanimously, are Americans, or rather, why do you think that most people criticizing Israel for the way it behaves are not Americans, but Europeans?

The reason is that Israel is portrayed in US MSM as the country of angels that is under constant attacks of Palestinian terrorists. If you repeat the same message over and over again without covering the other side of the story, people start to believe it and get brainwashed.

Additionally, Americans don't travel. Well they do, but not as much as Europeans for instance do, which comes forth from the fact that their country is so big and relatively few other countries/cultures are easily reachable. With other words, they don't understand other cultures, which I've witnessed often enough while living abroad.

This combined, makes them very dependent on their mainstream media to get news on things happening in different parts of the world, and therefore their only source on which they base their opinions.

And no, I am not generalizing all Americans, like many Americans generalize Muslims, or Palestinians for the matter as being terrorists.

[edit on 10-1-2009 by Mdv2]

Most people supporting Israel appear to be Americans because your getting your information from the American press who relays the info to foreign news reporters.

I would say right now 50 percent of the people where I live are saying "Well they were shooting rockets into Israel what did they expect?" because that is what the news is reporting.

The other 50 percent is saying, "So what if they did, they're killing everyone in gaza just like hitler did to the jews their just barbaric at this point" but you'll never see these reports on the news because too many govt. officials have their fingers in the press releases and news reports. It appears this is the way to control the population by making them believe their in the minority when hard numbers indicate otherwise.

People elected Obama over here because they knew that if mccain was in office it was a guaranteed war for 4-8 more years and Iraq has become known as the second Vietnam in my area to most people. A pointless war at this point and the govt. was either flat out wrong or flat out lied.

The only people in my area that voted for mccain were because of race (there was actually nooses at one of our voting poles) or because they didn't want their business taxes to be raised to the same that people pay out of their pay check every week.

Had it been ron paul vs. obama, ron paul would have won the vote in my area hand down.

Not to worry about us though. Everyone I know is very very upset with the govt. just for how they are handling the financial situation over here and people are starting to talk trash about the govt. left and right and it won't be long, our economy will collapse no doubt now, most people over here are losing nearly everything and if they haven't yet they will. When it finally becomes "Official" we are headed for a depression the govt. won't be around very long. 10's of millions of people vs. a few hundred thousand govt. employees doesn't make for good odds in the end.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 10:08 AM
What! "Asadika" is not the world's largest democracy and free country it claims it is?

Well, old news rocks

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by masonwatcher

Thats interesting,I (and a great many other people and religions) always thought the BBC operated a highly
'pro muslim' bias when reporting news stories or commissioning programmes.

Independant Newspaper article:

For anyone to suggest that the BBC news report and programme policies are (in any way) objective is laughable.

In fact the only reason it is not so amusing is that this agenda based organisation has the audacity to expect British people to fund it or threaten them with imprisonment.

[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by karl 12
Thats interesting,I (and a great many other people and religions) always thought the BBC operated a highly
'pro muslim' bias when reporting news stories or commissioning programmes.
[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

There is a vast difference in being pro-anything to being fair and balanced...
As i said, i cross reference stories and figures...

All the US "seems" to have is pro-israel and anti-muslim news/propaganda?

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 10:39 AM
Most of our news can be bought and told to shutup,remember prince harry going to afghanistan? whether you agree it should have been broadcast or not,the government and military went to the news outlets and told them not to report it...and they complied.

So if thats just one incident we know about there could be many others.I watch the news but i dont take any of it serious until i can confirm and research it for myself on the best source of information ever know to mankind....the internetz! And as for that israeli spokesman,he needs to turn of his repeat button,ive seen him for days now spouting propaganda,as if he honestly cares about palestinians dying.Theres also some british israel woman speaking now on bcc news 24.Sort of like the british version of AIPAC spouting the same crap,hamas has been firing rockets for 8 years..they need to defend themself etc etc...never once telling us why they are launching attacks.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by karl 12
reply to post by masonwatcher

Thats interesting,I (and a great many other people and religions) always thought the BBC operated a highly
'pro muslim' bias when reporting news stories or commissioning programmes.

Independant Newspaper article:

For anyone to suggest that the BBC news report and programme policies are (in any way) objective is hilarious.

In fact the only reason it is not so amusing is that this agenda based organisation has the audacity to expect British people to fund it or threaten them with imprisonment.

[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

karl12, why are you always linking an external image that involves a down load? Are you trying send unwanted scripts?

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 12:10 PM

why are you always linking an external image that involves a down load? Are you trying send unwanted scripts?

No,its just the BBC logo as taken of this article:
A good question would be to ask why you failed to respond to this (or any other) point about it being BBC policy to pander to Britain's muslim community by making a disproportionate number of programmes on islam at the expense of every other organised religion (or non provable beleif system).
Making silly remarks about image downloads doesn't realy address the point does it?

Heres an excerpt:

Ashish Joshi, the chairman of the Network of Sikh Organisation's (NSO) media monitoring group, which obtained the numbers, said many Hindu and Sikh licence-fee payers felt cheated. "People in our communities are shocked," he said. "We are licence-fee payers and we want to know why this has happened. The bias towards Islam at the expense of Hindus and particularly Sikhs is overwhelming and appears to be a part of BBC policy."

Everyone in Britain is forced to fund the BBC so why the apparent bias and favouritism in policy leaning towards just one of many religious sects/cults/groups?

[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by karl 12

You forget, the Palestinian cause is not about Islam. You are confusing programming with the zionist issues. You are pulling another debate into our discussions of the current Israel massacre. What has license payer issues to do with the take over of US media by the zionist agenda?

Stay focused, its about world zionism and the war criminals in Israel, not TV shows in England.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 02:20 PM
"Several starving children were found next to their mothers' corpses"


[edit on 10-1-2009 by Alpha_Magnum]

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by masonwatcher

You can find that scrutiny on Fox anyday, Fox just doesnt cater to one what one person wants to hear. It will ask the far left questions one day and the next day ask the far right ones. Its just without being an independent thinker when someone challenges your views with credible information ppl turn it off and run or call it names. I see no diff. in the video posted and what Fox has accomplished also

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