posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 07:04 PM
Hollywood isn't controlled by any single group or faction.
I have been in on the making of a few movies in my time and I assure all of you there simultaneously is not one group but rather many groups that use
Hollywood as a "subliminal" or often not so subliminal message board for the masses and individuals who earn enough money and promote their own
agendas just complicates the entire picture of why you see the things you do.
Main Factions within Hollywood revolve around several crowds...
Only one is of main importance in this discussion.
#1 for most of this past century but slipping would be my crowd, Jewish/Italian Brooklyn Nyc Clique (it's not a named thing) From Babs to the Beastie
Boys... From the Three stooges to Madonna... I could Name drop for a day straight, if your from the neighborhood and have family or are in with the
talent that came up from those streets children of... etc, etc... your part of the lions share of entertainment money for almost a century
The people you name... Kubrik is From Nyc, Wizard of Oz Director Victor Flemming got his start with Doug Fairbanks who was raised by his mom in Nyc,
The Coen Brothers Went to NYU Film, The Wachowski brothers list as polish, worked for marvel based out of NYC and both sets of brother still grew up
in the NY to Chicago zone where Jewish and Italian immigration flourished... Even Spielberg Ohio Jewish...
What's the Connection to Masonry?
Most of the Jews coming to America at the turn of the Century were those who left Europe PRIOR to the Holocaust and Most were members of Various
lodges ( How much did my grandparents know ahead of time I can not say for sure)
The Common thread you seek
Is the practice of Kabbalah and the shared roots of the practice within the various lodges... My family was mainly Knights of Pythias
Consciously or unconsciously the majority of us in entertainment in it's various forms are in one way or another intimately connected by families in
which our parents were members of various Kabbalah practicing lodges.
I have wondered where the "creative urge" in me comes from...
Do these individuals like Kubrik have any intention in spreading a specific message or ... is there some form of "brainwashing" affected as a
I would add only
That in my own experience, my upbringing was odd, well cared for but there was... are, things in my past... that seemed intentionally in terms of
causing me certain...mild traumas as if my upbring was designed to create the persona of creativity, odd exposures, periods in which I had to endure
Hard to explain and childhood is not the time of best recall
What I am suggesting to you is:
That many of these "creative types" in Hollywood... are not so much members directly themselves of anything in many cases but were indeed
"Influenced" and sculpted to be who they are and believe what they do by parents and by proxy.
I wonder very often
"where some of my ideas come from"
I am not big time, I work on games and some movies and write do design work... I make my living this way comfortably and it is interesting to analyze
the creative process
"where do some of my ideas come from"
A question I have often asked...
My circumstances from those circles were not uncommon, I was adopted and raised under very woody allenish circumstances that seemed at times designed,
designed specifically to force me to retreat into my thoughts, wasn't allowed out much as a child, Isolation...
Just the environment? a Coincidence that these people who's parents were connected to these various lodges that i know as an adult had strong
Kabbalist Traditions all of them... Environment or Conditioning that produced such a volley of Creative People
Very hard to say
I will say this from my acting experience
My mind isn't like everyone else's, few good actors are, It is an interesting ability and one that I have... To be able to form "multiple
personalities within your head and control them... to become, not just play another character for a role
Not at all dissimilar to, mind conditioning experiments where the personality is fractured so other personalities can be formed
The only real difference is, whatever caused that in me allows me to control it... but in essence I can fracture at will and "create" other
personalities in my head...
makes for a heck of an ability to write a story
but then I must question from time to time
"am I in control"
"could these ideas and images have been put there"
I would have to entertain that there is a viable possibility...
I do not think your thread is as far off as some think, I just think maybe those doing the creating have been influenced when young.
I have memories of a night as a child where... in a very vivid dream I was shown on a screen tons of information that I never could nor can I recall
consciously, a feeling like none other as all this information flashed on a screen a giant screen in front of my face... like it was of the utmost
importance and could never remember the info, yet 30 years later I remember the dream so vividly
and, I never studied for tests but could always "just know" the info which is a rather odd thing, but in a pinch I often seem to have answers and
knowledge I never studied...
Was I? Where these people you name and many others "influenced" "programmed" at some time, specifically conditioned, raised, inducted in some way
of thinking... could brain games have been played?
Could the things you notice be coming out of the creators having been put there without their knowledge a long, long time ago...
I fear that may be the case, the connection and why the predominance in Hollywood being so Jewish being the Kabbalist roots of many different lodges