reply to post by nikiano
GREAT post !!
I also feel something, to this effect, is what is in store.
It dose seem "THEY" are collecting and consolidating,all things as far as major companies,banks,gold,oil,cable,communication,insurance,health care
,agriculture,energy, ECT..ECT...
Now! what for ? Is it what you hypothesis about ? Probably very very close.
If lets say the magnetic field flips. All electrical things will be outa wack , including our thinking , mental capacity, and what not, you know what
i mean .
It would be chaos, (fema camps/martial law/under ground bases to protect governments during this chaos/change ) A whole new technological era/way of
thinking will be needed. Holographic interfaces,3D TV/movies, scanning all your items instantaneous at stores, VIA, chip/card/whole shopping bag/cart
scan) "YOU" know, put your stuff in a shopping cart/bag walk through the door, it, scans it all, then, deducts it from your chip/card/or sends you
the bill.
Now some people will not be able to handle this new world(fema camps/martial law).
Some wont be able to lose their old way of thinking , as far as becoming allies with old enemies( world governance/world economics/currencies).
Some will have problems,(decenters) with a UN type of power telling them what they can and cant do,say,read,buy,drive, ECT.ECT.(fema camps).
Food / money/resources, will be controlled tightly.
Which will cause malnutrition,(which will cause diseases/coffins) homelessness(fema camps).
Most all things will be monopolised,energy/food/health care/housing/ ECT.ECT.
A new mental shift/way of living will be needed to survive.
It looks like they are collecting/consolidating, all things ,for control later on, NOW? what is going to happen later on ? I have no friggin clue that
is for sure.
But anything is probable (The fake second coming/fake allien invasion/2012 cataclysm/2012 transition/ECT.ECT..
But what ever is in store , be asured they know what it is and are prepared for any of it.
Great post thanks