posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 05:06 PM
Comrad "Andy1033" it is good to hear that in the UK people are protesting what is going on in Gaza. The innocent people are being slaughtered and
the Israeli's are getting away with murder, while saying that it is all justifiable.
It isn't justifiable, it is murder and land grabbing. The state of Israel was Palestinian land, and the Israeli's keep killing and taking more and
more from the Palestinians, somewhere it has to stop; but it won't be stopped by "Mister Do Nothing BLAIR".
It looks like Bair needs to show that he is a leader, instead of a Disgusting Duffuss. He also needs to take down all those outdoor cameras there in
the UK that constantly watch all of the people there; that isn't right.
One of these days all of the people in the UK are going to revolt in a single day and take the UK back from the people that don't care about the
average person living there. Its a sad thing my friend
Its terrible that the people in your government treat all of you like YOU ARE INSIDE THEIR OUTSIDE PRISON, somewhat the way the Gazans are with the
Israeli government watching over them.
How does it feel to be an "Outdoor Prisoner" in your own country with all those security cameras waiting for you to make a mistake? It must SUCK
big time.
Stay out of trouble my friend.