posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:58 PM
Several years ago I worked at a book store that used to be an indoor movie theater. The break room and office were upstairs. One night I was the
closing manager and all the staff except for one other person was gone. As I walked up the enclosed stairway to the office I suddenly heard what
sounded like a party of perhaps 20 people. Just general crowd-like commotion and people having a good time. The sounds came from the break room area
and I wondered why so many people were up there when I had to close the store down for the night.
The sounds continued until I reached to open the door at the top of the stairs, then the noise faded. I opened the door and walked straight to the
break room just across the hall, but nobody was there. Only one other employee was upstairs getting his paycheck. He heard nothing.
I think this must have been a residual sound from the past. Soon after this happened I told the warehouse manager about it, she said, "Oh, you heard
'the party'". Apparently this event has been replaying itself for years and I had no idea about it...until I heard it for myself.
Any comments?