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2012 Most worrying Doomsday prediction for a good reason some think (Please Read Facts/Evidence +

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posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 10:33 AM
As of lately I am forever hearing and reading something about 2012, and how we are all doomed. My point on the doomed part is that what will be will be and worrying will not help anyone, and this post is in no way trying to scare people, on the contrary actually this post is to inform the facts and science behind the theory’s surrounding 2012. Recently the disinformation on the internet about this date has grown intensely so I have decided to post the full details and arguments surrounding the different theory’s connected to 2012.

The first post I shall talk about the Nibiru theory, after I shall speak about the more worrying theory of polar shift! I shall discuss the evidence’s surrounding them both and then I hope we can have an educated discussion about both.

[Using Wikipedia for some information]

The hottest and most unlikely theory is the Nibiru theory spreading like wildfire on you tube and other websites. The disinformation about this theory is unbelievable and is quickly spreading a panic to many uneducated people around the globe. The theory is the work of Zecharia Sitchin he has gathered much attention among ufologists, ancient astronaut theorists and conspiracy theorists. He claims to have uncovered, through his own retranslations of Sumerian texts, evidence that the human race was visited by a group of extraterrestrials from a distant planet in our own Solar System. However, since the principal evidence for Sitchin's claims lies in his own personally derived etymologies and not on any scholarly agreed interpretations (including scholars among the Sumerians themselves), his theories remain at most pseudoscience to the vast majority, if not the totality, of academics. He claims that he has identified Nibiru or "Planet X" as a large brown dwarf currently within our planetary system, soon to pass relatively close to Earth and when it does he claims it will be catastrophic for the earth. Sitchin hypothesizes it as a planet in a highly elliptic orbit around the Sun, with a perihelion passage some 3,600 years ago.

He also claims it was the home of a technologically advanced human-like alien race, the Anunnaki, who apparently visited Earth in search of gold. People claim that NOSTRADAMUS AND HIS 1999 QUATRAIN Prophesized this event the following is the quote from NOSTRADAMUS which personally I think doesn’t prophesise 2012 and the return of Nibiru at all.

"In the year 1999 and seven months
The Great, King of Terror shall
come from the sky. He will bring to
life the King of The Mongols. Before
and after, Mars reigns happily."
C10 Q 72

See the following 3 videos to make your own mind up on the planet X / Nibiru Theory (I suggest to watch them in order)

|| Video link for the argument ||

|| Video link against the argument ||

|| Video Link that mimics my thoughts on the subject LOL ||

My personal opinion on the subject is that it’s highly unlikely although not impossible. But as for this event to happen in 2012 I think not.

Continue to my next ipost on Polar Shift

Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 9 Jan 09 by Gools]

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 10:38 AM
Firstly polar shift is a known fact it’s just the how’s and whys that isn’t clear there are 2 main Theories Surrounding Polar Shift.

1. It is now allegedly established (ON WikiPedia) that true polar wander has occurred at various times in the past, but at rates of 1° per million years or less. Many theories have been suggested involving very rapid polar shift, which I believe to be the case as a mammoth died a sudden death. Its body was deep-frozen instantly. When the mammoth was found in the Siberian permafrost region thousands of years later, its body tissue was so well preserved that the sledge dogs very eagerly fed on it. In fact, the mammoth's body had not decomposed at all as it was subjected to freezing conditions in its solitary grave.

This mammoth had plants in its stomach and even in its mouth undigested and very well preserved by the subzero temperatures. All these were plants as found in a subtropical climate. - The plants made this mammoth a scientific sensation. For if the mammoth lived in a subtropical climate, how come it was deep-frozen so quickly as not to decompose even a little. This now brings me onto the second theory!

2. A geological or axial shift in which the Earth’s crust literally slips around its molten core – like a loose peel on an orange – altering the positions of land masses with respect to the planet’s rotation on its axis. This could happen by a few degrees or by many degrees. Antarctica could wind up at the equator and Miami could be the new North Pole. The effects on our civilization could be devastating.

A shifting of the Earth’s poles has been predicted to occur within the next few years by a number of psychics, including the renowned Edgar Cayce. He wrote: “There will be upheavals in the Arctic and Antarctic that will cause the eruption of volcanoes in the torrid areas, and pole shift.” And when asked what great change or the beginning of what change, if any, is to take place in the earth in the year 2000 to 2001 A.D, he replied, “When there is a shifting of the poles. Or a new cycle begins.” Interestingly, there has been much in the news lately about the drastic receding of Antarctica’s glaciers and ice shelves. And 21st Dec 2012 the new cycle in the Mayan Calendar.

Science confirms a relationship between lunar phases (full moons) and the occurrences of earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis. This evidence suggests that earth quakes, volcano’s, tsunamis, and earth shifts are more likely to occur around the time of extremely high tides. This probably means that there is a "tide" in the lava ocean under the crust that probably causes these events. In other words, a "critical mass" of ice, coupled with an extremely high lunar influence, may be all that is necessary to trigger the next polar shift in the Earth's crust; leading to massive earth quakes, volcano’s, and tsunamis beyond the scope of our present imaginations. The spinning earth core maintains its usual momentum, the magnetic poles remain in place, but there appears to be a polar/earth shift because the crust has slid over the magnetic poles!

Albert Einstein believed Charles Hapgood's theory in "Path of the Poles / Polar Shift", The huge gravitational pull of the moon holds the crust in a more or less perfect rotational axis, whereas the "wobble" of the earth centre defines the speed of the crusts rotation. This is an equilibrium that can be relatively easily overcome by the combination of the other influences, such as ice build up at the poles, solar/lunar tide convergences. This also explains why the magnetic poles seem to "wander" somewhat as the electromagnetic charge of the crust varies due to cosmic or solar electromagnetic conditions.

The 2nd is not a scientific prediction, but some scientists believe that it is at least possible that this could happen at some future date, and perhaps has happened many times in our planet’s past.

Thanks for reading all damn that took a long time


posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 11:06 AM
I see what you are saying but why is this going to happen specifically in 2012?

Because the Mayan calendar ends?

Our 2008 calendar recently ended but the world is still here.... and now its 2009.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 11:10 AM
What scares me is not the date itself.
What worries me is the fact that people will go totally bananas when it closes in on then. Governments will most probably freak out also when they see that things are happening.
This "man-made" apocalypse is just sad. I will try to get out of town as soon as stuff is getting hairy.
If so, for some reason, natural disasters, such as volcanoes and quakes, would come to a massive assault on that day or around that day, so be it. As long as Mother Earth is in charge- it would all feel really OK.

The dates we are talking about here is between 28th of October 2011 until December 21st 2012, so you got almost an entire year of happenings there.
And it is close now, very close. I am convinced that something drastic will happen. I have also, sort of, figured out what might just happen:
the 4th dimension will come. We will step up from a 3-dimensional existence to a 4-dimensional one.
What this will bring is up to anyone's suggestions. I think that by the time you say you know what is going to happen, you have no clue at all.

I will just sit, wait, and enjoy. I will witness it anyhow, dead or alive.

I think the talk about "doomsday 2012" is harmful. We must not focus on the world coming to a fiery demise, because it might just be that way if we focus all our energies on such fears. We mustn't fear, we must relax.
These changes are interstellar, interdimensional and a part of God's plan. Man can not affect these things. Feel like kind of a relief that for once, man will not be able to screw things up.

This is my firm belief. Take it into consideration or ignore it- your choice.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 11:33 AM
I have been studying the 2012 theories for a while - and the nibiru stories seems like a load of rubbish - there is no evidence at all that I have seen, and a lot of faked images or glare in lenses claiming to be nibiru which are clearly false, and a lot of predications pass us by with nothing happening.... On another thread I challenged anyone to present new Nibiru pictures as it is supposed to be very visible now in the southern hemisphere - result nothing - it does not exist...

Pole shift - this is a possibility, the theories you present are possibilities - let me throw in another....

We have just passed our galactic alignment (our solar system passing through the rotational plain of our own galaxy) , it is quite possible that the whole galaxy is polarized magnetically or electrostatically. If so the forces acting on our solar system will reverse, maybe even causing our sun and the magnetic planets to roll to re-align the magnetic/electromagnetic/electrostatic forces... I am not saying this is the case - but a possibility.... I am sure that our galactic crossing had something to do with the strange activity of our sun, and the warming of our whole solar system, and the increases in cosmic radiation as we passed through the plain of the galaxy - all these effects are now decreasing - but what if the magnetic forces have reversed ?

Imagine if the earth rolled-over to re-align - that would give us the 24 hours of day in some parts and 24 hours night in some parts - as described in the bible, in legends, in indian stories etc.... and reverse the direction of sunrise and sun set from our viewpoint....

They would be inetersting times.....

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:00 PM
It seems that all we can really rely on is the past; the historical data that we have on past events. Of course they are not completely reliable for a variety of reasons but they are all that we have. I think it is highly plausible for the earth to be coming close to a time for another radical shift and cataclysmic event. It happens. It has happened before and it will happen again. Good news is that it appears that every time that it has happened something has survived and if we believe we originated here then some people made it through as well. It also appears that each time we had a spike in growth and technological advancement. Accident? I think that would have to be explored in a different thread. Does it harm to prepare. No, but I believe it is futile because you would only be putting off the inevitable. Sooner or later your supplies are going to run out. Having too many supplies will also make you a target. Someone will just take them away from you and if it comes down to killing someone over a slice of bread well the two of you best enjoy it together because the gig is up anyway. The greatest threat is going to come from the insane, the greedy, the selfish and the diseased. Survival will require avoiding them but that will not be easy. The government will be safely tucked away in their underground bunkers waiting for the air to clear and for the ones to avoid to do their job. They will then come out and do a clean sweep. If they can identify you as salvageable then you will go to the labor camp if not you will be eliminated. Well that is my theory on the theory. Feel free to plug the holes.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by theflashor

The only thing to worries me is how people will react to this event. The main show will be the Galactic Alignment, or the alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator. This alignment occurs as a result of the precession of the equinoxes. The Sun will rise in the Middle of the Milky Way Galaxy on that day, and the light show will be utterly fantastic. The American Indians call it the "Blue Star." When this event happened before, mankind wrote down what he saw, and drew pictures of what he saw. I am certain the Sumerians also wrote down what they saw, and what they saw was an invading race come down to Earth, and a people who acted like they were Gods. The manipulated our DNA and advanced mankind by thousands of years. this is why there is no "missing link" between Cromagna man and today's man. Here are but a few links on the Alignment process. Remember, this has happened before, it will happen again. Humanity will have a chance to ascend, to enter a new reality, but it is all choice. For myself, I am looking forward to a return home, for I have never felt like a native of Earth. Humanity will never cease to exist, We are protected from total extinction, I believe. After all, someone had to write down what happened before, didn't they?

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 07:57 PM
I will answer your question that I think your implying. I will also use math to answer your questions. I will use a random scale of generated numbers. How these numbers were generated is random. I simply made up the numbers basing it off the likely hood upon evidence, facts, historic documents/artifacts, knowledge.

Nibiru Theory: Based around fantasy, the second video you posted already answers most of the questions. Not to mention most of the answers given are just a small percentage of how much evidence exists disproving this. I will use an analogy though to state the possibility of this: You were born in a cave with no human contact. You have scientific books explaining basic principles of life. You go into society only to be introduced to religion. I will use Christianity for this example seeing how it is a very broad religion which most people are aware of. You are introduced to Christianity, and told that when you die you have a spirit that goes to a magical place called Heaven or Hell. Lastly, you are told of past stories like Noah’s Ark, Adam and Eve explaining how we all came to be. You would look at that person as if they were totally crazy. Most people grew up with these principles, so hence this is natural to them. The point is if someone can believe in any religion in this world, then anyone can believe anything.
Scale: (1 in Trillion)

Polar Shift Theory: I would have to write a really long post concerning this. There is a lot of evidence and theories regarding this already on the web. I will perhaps do this on another day. (1 in 100,000,000)

Comet Theory: We already know this process happens on intervals of around 30-40 millions apart. The earth gets hit by a comet/asteroid so big it threatens all life. The problem is, we technically are at risk of this every day not an exact day. The chances of this happening in the year 2012, makes the probability of this happening much less. The reason why is looking at the time frame of millions of years and condensing this to one is quite absurd to most. The example I will give is this. Get 40 million dollars, write your name on one of the bills and throw it in the pile. Now pick 1 bill, what is the probability of you picking your bill? Now let’s say you give a range of 1,000 years. Pick 1,000 1 dollar bills, does your probability raise? To answer the question, the chances are slim. There is a possibility of it happening, which is quite slim. (1 in 40,000,000)

Volcano Theory: Always a possibility. (1 in 30,000,000)
Alien Theory: I have even heard 2012 theories of aliens attacking us. Is this possible? Anything is possible; this began haunting the imaginations of your average citizen thanks to Hollywood. But, this is a possibility, though extremely unlikely that it would happen in this year. ( 1 in 100,000,000,000)
Quazmere Theory: I don’t believe I am spelling this right, but some random theory I read about regarding someone or a group, stating something about radiation and other space phenomenon like cosmic rays happening. (1 in Trillion)

Electric Malfunction theory: Made a post about this already. Including fox News who just posted a new article about it that someone posted in another forum and I read. Which I’m glad someone is taking it quite serious. 1 in 20 of it happening is extremely high percentage concerning the possible effects of it. This range is also only of a bad possible scenario. The percent of it happening and affecting simply a huge area, but not leading to anarchy and hell on earth is as high as 1 in 5 I would say. (1 in 20)

Nothing will happen theory: Pretty much sums it up. Most believe this theory will happen in the year 2012. But, giving a small percentage of around .1 INF too all theories, plus the only scientific proven possibility. (18.99 INF in 20)

There is one doomsday prediction that I can't remember.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 08:24 PM
Firstly, Nibiru has been totally debunked many times in many ways and does absolutely not exist.
Secondly, the polar shift is something that takes very long time, it cant happen in one year and certainly not in one day.

It is just as likely the world will end tomorrow as in 21.12.2012.

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 08:32 PM
Wrong, I will say this over and over again until people get the message. Who are you to state something exists or doesn’t exist? Let me get some numbers through your head so maybe you can understand your place in life. Our Galaxy is ESTIMATED to be 1 of 125 BILLION. Most would even state that this number isn’t even close to what is actually out there. We have done research on 1 of these billion galaxies. Next, we haven’t finished doing research on our own Milky Way galaxy. So what is the point? No one can state anything regarding existing or not existing. You are but a small peon like me in the grand scheme of things. Is there a possibility of a planet like Nibiru existing? Yes, there is quite a possibility. Lastly, will it happen on that exact date? No probably not, but is it enough to rule it as an absolute impossibility? No, it is not so hence in order to fulfill this equation we need to give this variable a number. This number is 1 in a trillion. This represents an extreme unlikely hood, but not ruling out the impossibility of it. The other statement you made is correct.

(Read some of Einstein’s theories regarding the laws of psychics. If society thought like you, we wouldn’t even have this.)

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 08:35 PM
Palin for President! Yikes!

I think everything happening now seems like a prelude to 2012 and this is freaking out not only me, but many others, so reality is really crazy!

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by mel1962

I have one theory for you....
What if the governments...Secret societies... Illuminati umbrella will use this date to bring about their NWO?
how about that for a 1-in 10000000000000000000000000000000 chance?
or it might be more 10 in 1 chance

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 12:58 PM
people that have responded saying that polar shift doesnt happen quick!

Then please explain the text in my first post, which is totally true was on the news with the science team that found the animal. and pictures / videos of it..

as a mammoth died a sudden death. Its body was deep-frozen instantly. in its solitary grave.

This mammoth had plants in its stomach and even in its mouth undigested and very well preserved by the subzero temperatures. All these were plants as found in a subtropical climate. - The plants made this mammoth a scientific sensation. For if the mammoth lived in a subtropical climate, how come it was deep-frozen so quickly as not to decompose even a little. This now brings me onto the second theory!

I think this makes instant climate change not only possible but a reality just look at the evidence in that case alone. But what caused it remains to be seen.. Most likly theory in this case is instant polar shift- 1/2 chance id say!

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 10:03 AM
hi you all,
Something catched my thoughts,
When the galactic allignment takes place , where will the moon be at that "moment"?
As it turnes out(i think) the moon wil be BETWEEN the earth and the sun on the evening of 11 dec 2012!!!(around 23.00)


select dec+2012(go)

so then there's(if i'm correct); the galactic centre-the sun-the moon-earth
could the moon become trapped between these gravitational forces?
And thus change the earth's rotation(creating a poleshift?)

any thoughts?
greatings, seppsoft

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by mel1962
Palin for President! Yikes!

I think everything happening now seems like a prelude to 2012 and this is freaking out not only me, but many others, so reality is really crazy!

I couldnt agree with you there more. Everything seems like aprelude to 2012... freakin me out too

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by theflashor

The only thing to worries me is how people will react to this event. The main show will be the Galactic Alignment, or the alignment of the December solstice sun with the Galactic equator. This alignment occurs as a result of the precession of the equinoxes., and the light show will be utterly fantastic. The American Indians call it the "Blue Star." When this event happened before, mankind wrote down what he saw, and drew pictures of what he saw. I am certain the Sumerians also wrote down what they saw, and what they saw was an invading race come down to Earth, and a people who acted like they were Gods. The manipulated our DNA and advanced mankind by thousands of years. this is why there is no "missing link" between Cromagna man and today's man. Here are but a few links on the Alignment process. Remember, this has happened before, it will happen again. Humanity will have a chance to ascend, to enter a new reality, but it is all choice. For myself, I am looking forward to a return home, for I have never felt like a native of Earth. Humanity will never cease to exist, We are protected from total extinction, I believe. After all, someone had to write down what happened before, didn't they?

This statement "The Sun will rise in the Middle of the Milky Way Galaxy on that day" is wrong.
We will cross the Galatic plane is what you really mean ,also why will there be a fantastic light show?
Also NO proof of Nibiru if its here in 3 years it would have been seen by now.
December 2012 will be like any other so see you in 2013.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 03:43 AM
But will the beings from planet N allow a pole shift or displace our orbit?

I read that they watch so that nothing bad happens to earth or such effects will devostate their planet and possibly the entire milky way galaxy.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by theflashor
people that have responded saying that polar shift doesnt happen quick!

Then please explain the text in my first post, which is totally true was on the news with the science team that found the animal. and pictures / videos of it..

as a mammoth died a sudden death. Its body was deep-frozen instantly. in its solitary grave.

This mammoth had plants in its stomach and even in its mouth undigested and very well preserved by the subzero temperatures. All these were plants as found in a subtropical climate. - The plants made this mammoth a scientific sensation. For if the mammoth lived in a subtropical climate, how come it was deep-frozen so quickly as not to decompose even a little. This now brings me onto the second theory!

I think this makes instant climate change not only possible but a reality just look at the evidence in that case alone. But what caused it remains to be seen.. Most likly theory in this case is instant polar shift- 1/2 chance id say!

Can you give a link to the site re the mammoth would like to read it!

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by theflashor
Many theories have been suggested involving very rapid polar shift, which I believe to be the case as a mammoth died a sudden death.

I'm sure many thousands of mammoths dies sudden deaths

Its body was deep-frozen instantly.

Well, over a number of days
The case of Blue Babe - as detailed by Dale Guthrie in his excellent book Frozen Fauna of the Mammoth Steppe explains exactly how such large animals can be preserved such that - in Blue Babe's case - they remain edible even today (not that any mammoth has been eaten other than by half starved huskies)

This mammoth had plants in its stomach and even in its mouth undigested and very well preserved by the subzero temperatures. All these were plants as found in a subtropical climate.

Actually, all plants and pollen found in association with the handful of properly excavated complete mammth carcasses were typical of arctic steppe conditions typically grasses and sedges and also arctic buttercups.

The mammoth usually cited in this case was that found at Berezovka - carbon dated to 39,000 years ago.

Some useful stuff in a brief summary I wrote on the subject a few years ago here:

Albert Einstein believed Charles Hapgood's theory in "Path of the Poles / Polar Shift",

No, he believed "His idea is original, of great simplicity, and - if it continues to prove itself - of great importance ..."

(from Einstein's foreward to the first edition)

Of course, it did not continue to prove itself. Plate tectonics came along and provided a much better explanation whilst new data from around the world, along with the discovery of mantle hotspots under places like Yellowstone and Hawaii, proved conclusively that no such pole shift could have occurred in recent geological times.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 05:18 PM
I have given my oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. I intend to fulfill that oath.. 2012.. as most people I laughed it off as only another possible y2k scare...even the planetary alignment scare.. Well.. Sumerians wrote of Nibiru... Mayan ... the Red star and the 7 mountains.. The Kolbrin Bible the Rosetta Stone of Planet X!" . These prescient accounts of the Egyptian and Celtic authors clearly describe a brown dwarf. Well is it really out there....Where is the evidence..

By Thomas O'Toole, Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 30, 1983 ; Page A1
Possibly as Large as Jupiter;
Mystery Heavenly Body Discovered
The correct figure is 50 billion miles. It also might be a Jupiter-like star that started out to become a star eons ago but never got hot enough like the sun to become a star. which is so cold it casts no light so close to the sun it would be part of the solar system....there was some speculation that it might be moving toward Earth Cal Tech's Neugebauer said. "I want to douse that idea with as much cold water as I can." ...."All I can tell you is that we don't know what it is," Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief scientist for California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of Technology, said in an interview.


The New York Times
Sunday, January 30, 1983
Clues Get Warm in the Search for Planet X
John Noble Wilford
Something out there beyond the farthest reaches of the known solar system seems to be tugging at Uranus and Neptune. Some gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object that may be the long-sought Planet X.
Evidence assembled in recent years has led several groups of astronomers to renew the search for the 10th planet. They are devoting more time to visual observations with the 200-inch telescope at Mount Palomar in California. They are tracking two Pioneer spacecraft, now approaching the orbit of distant Pluto, to see if variations in their trajectories provide clues to the source of the mysterious force. And they are hoping that a satellite-borne telescope launched last week will detect heat “signatures” from the planet, or whatever it is out there. The Infrared Astronomical Satellite was boosted into a 560-mile-high polar orbit Tuesday night from Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA. It represents an $80-million venture by the United States, Britain and the Netherlands. In the next six or seven months, the telescope is expected to conduct a wide-ranging survey of nearly all the sky, detecting sources not of ordinary light, but of infrared radiation, which is invisible to the human eye and largely absorbed by the atmosphere. Scientists thus hope that the new telescope will chart thousands or infrared-emitting objects that have gone undetected – stars, interstellar clouds, asteroids and, with any luck, the object that pulls at Uranus and Neptune.

John P. Bagby has now introduced a new piece to the puzzle of solar-system cyclic behavior. While searching for possible perturbations of the planets due to a tenth major planet or a dark massive solar companion (MSC), he discovered that the perihelia of the outer planets (orbital points closest to the sun) were being disturbed with an average period of 11.2 years. This is almost exactly the sunspot period of about 11 years ( or half the period of solar magnetic field reversals of about 22 years). He suggests two possibilities:
(1) Mutual resonance effects between the planets
(2) The effects of a massive solar companion.
...If this Dwarf Star is coming .. reports on the net say it will be as close as Mars in June 2012 .. and will be south of the sun .. moving toward north as it finishes its orbit in December 21 2012 .. to then again continue it’s roughly 4970 year orbit around the sun... its gravitational force could reach as far as Jupiter.. and when it is as close as Mars or possibly In 2011 we will see it and know it is there. Would make since it being a star would also align with the galactic center of the galaxy. The Chandler wobble is a small motion in the Earth's axis of rotation coincided with the galactic alignment with the galaxy roughly every 26 thousand years. Our Solar System orbit’s the black hole of our galaxy roughly every 26000 years as well ends in 2012. The Dark Plane a line running more or less through the center of the Milky Way Galaxy the Densest Portion of the spiral arm. Our solar system moves through this region periodically over a great time span. This region is heavily packed with stars, especially those that go supernova, Type II. Type I Supernova are observed in all galaxies. But type II are limited to the very "dense or star-packed regions of the arms of the spiral galaxies, such as our Milky Way. Because type II supernovae are so violently explosive, they present a grave and severe threat to every star system close to them. This motion has brought us into one of the most dangerous supernova-producing regions of our entire galaxy." We are now approaching this area. The gravitation field of the Galactic Plane can cause solar-like winds to behave like steering currents on comets and other objects . The Earth has been pounded in the past, The very sparse, hot gas of the Local Bubble is the result of supernovae that exploded within the past two to four million years Thirty-four thousand years ago (34,000), the second part of a supernova explosion, the shock wave portion, hit the earth. The first shock wave comparatively did not disturb the Earth– It was rather unnoticed. Nothing happened, such that the inhabitants of the Earth would have become alarmed. Nothing heavy plummeted to the planet. They may have noticed a large array of ‘shooting' stars coming into the high, rarefied air. This cosmic castoff from the supernova with cosmic substances in the cosmos were pushed onto Earth. Evidence of remains of dust left behind from event was picked up 1992 by Eleusis space craft interstellar origin Micro meteorites coming from outside solar system They were caused by ions and small particles, all heavily laced with near to microscopic iron. Signs of evidence inside ice sheets over 35 thousand to 72 thousand years old Zodiacal belt shows Evidence of remains of dust left behind from event These toxic radioactive particles would later cause havoc. Man, animals, and plants suffered with radiation sickness. Mutations occurred. Tests of archeological finds show that man then had one blood type: O, some 100,000 to 40,000 years hence. After the supernova influence, humans started showing up with blood types A and B; and O continue to express itself also. Blood types A or B did not exist thousands of years ago. According to some scientists, if we possess those blood types, we are "blood brothers/sisters" to a supernova in the not too distant past. God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. . Some have even claimed to find evidence of periodic mass extinctions that might be explained by a single (as-yet-unidentified) star in an elliptical orbit around the sun. A diagram appeared in the 1987 edition of the "New Science and Invention Encyclopedia", published by H.S. Stuttman, Westport, Connecticut, USA. The article was discussing the purpose of the Pioneer 10 & 11 space probes. Clearly shown is "Nemesis", a popular name for our sun's binary companion, a dead star. (Binary solar systems are apparently the rule in our galaxy, not the exception.) The solar system may not be a nice round shape, but rather a bit squashed and oblong, according to data from the Voyager 2 spacecraft exploring the solar system's outer limits, scientists said. Walter Cruttenden of the Binary Research Institute is that local gases are fairly uniform and the shape derives from the trajectory of the solar system through local space -- possibly in its orbit around a companion star. This binary companion would cause the sun's orbit to curve, and would explain the Precession of the Equinox by the way in which the Earth's rotation was affected by not one, but two stars. Yes, that’s right, if the data is correct our solar system is curving through space (carrying the earth and spacecraft with it of course) so rapidly that the only way to explain it is if our sun is gravitationally bound to another nearby star. Every Myth .. has a hidden truth behind it....It was recently reported by NewScientist that Gravity Probe B received an “F” from the U.S. Government and the project would receive no more funding. But after netting out the spacecraft and earth orbit motions the remaining signal was far larger than anyone expected. In fact, it is so large it either means there is some unforeseen problem with the gyros or that our sun is part of a binary star system. The Rich like Bill Gates .. seems to believe there is something to worry about when it comes to.. his building of the Dooms Day Seed Vault “ Norway's ark-Doomsday CNN- 2012 Planet X ?”
The biggest problem is life is full of surprises like the Web Bot Project computer oracle program predicts a major event in 2012. As you read this, several planets are experiencing global warming. Saturn, for instance, has changed 30 percent. If this had occurred on the Earth, all life as we know it would be gone.
Seems allot is to unfold in the next few years for mankind...the Spiritual enlightenment to come is to begin at the end of 2011... in the Maya Calendar very good subject...DNA activation .. All these events are to take place in the coming years seems to be all connected in some way... .. "COME and SEE"

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