This great question has raised, step by step, after first bombings begun in Gaza. What is the nature of this "sneak attack" which targeted first
official buildings, then homes, schools, businesses in Gaza?
It came from clear blue sky, like 911. Without direct foreknowledge; it was just "Bam!" and war has raged since then - Mainly against civil targets
with superior armament, and causing huge shock effects all around the world.
True Goal of Operation Cast Lead
Like its said and widely known, first victim in war is truth. And in this war, truth is very highly targeted, because international media is not
welcome to Gaza, or any other international observer. What is really happening in ground zero, is broadcasted only by Al Jazeera, PressTV and some
other Muslim channels... Western media gives whole another picture - shown by Israel propaganda machines, and from AP-Reuters collections.
To get my point clear, you should first set your self to other perspective. Now, imagine your self to some place, to your living room in Damascus,
Tehran, Qatar, Beirut... To any capitol of Muslim world, and open your TV set - And what you see?
Then you turn channel, and what you see?
Your kind are targeted, killed, slaughtered... And this goes on, and on... 24 H - 7, day after day...
You will be affected.
"Gaza 911" in Muslim world
There is always two side in every story. When western world is turned to think about rockets - and who shot first? Muslim world is beaten with
casualties of war, terror made against their civilian people... Huge suffering and disaster. Horror; End of the world.
Those pictures, and hate what raises from problems, reaction from killed children, destroyed homes, and bombed schools doesnt vanish anywhere, they
are done. Gaza is great trauma made for millions of people, and like 911 was US, its a fear factor for future politics too.
Trauma needs solution - and that is what Israel is willing to give to their enemy - a reason.
Other picture - Fox side of Israel
Israel needs allies to its wars, it need support from their citizens, to their army and weaponry, acceptance from their suppliers. To achieve that
goal, it gives causes to its activity. Very different than pictures spreading amongst their enemies, it shows pictures from rockets - own victims.
Spreading statements from their war against rockets, how they are also victims of brutal attacks by Hamas, or Hezbollah - hinting towards Iran in
every statement... Pro-Israelis gets whole another perspective, something where war is going on, where is two sides fighting and Israel is desperate
to defend their peoples from brutal attacks - with all means.
Hmmm.... Really?
Rockets - false flag goals?
What I see now, like events in 911, is that official truth doesnt hold very well. All the measures what is done by government before, at the time, and
after the attacks just fuels the situation even more; leading to following violent and disaster. Something is very badly missing - Where is the
Gaza rockets are fired from quit small area, which is surrounded 100% by IDF. Fitsr, lets look to the map;
Like we all know, Gaza is cut now to two pieces, and Gaza city is closed from all directions. When Hamas shoots rockets toward Israel, those needs
sectors to reach places where possible targets are. (Basics of indirect fire)
More than 30% from available sectors are just ocean - nothing to shoot for. Then there are deserts, non living areas - probably most of the sectors.
So what we get here is maybe 10% or less available sectors, where Hamas have some possibility to hit targets around Gaza.
When Hamas are pin pointing targets, rockets have to shoot to some and usually same direction every time, right?
So why Israel is not using weaponry, which is designed to counter such attacks?
There is available all sophisticated armament with anti-rocket capability. And Israel have those, USA have those in large scale... Where are those
batteries - why US doesnt offer those batteries?
I havent heard, or read any statement from those been used, deployed around Gaza.
Pentagon Fast-Tracks Mortar Defense System
Northrop unveils laser to counter mortar attacks
Here is video from C-RAM in action, Iraq!
Just google this issue, and you are amazed how all technology is already there to block those few flying rockets, if that really is the goal! This is
the smoking gun... Like where was F-16 in 911?
Probably we all agreed that innocent victims in all sides, should get protection. So my question is,
why nothing is done to really protect those
innocent victims of Israel?
Truth really is casualty of war
I hope debate here, without motions or desire to defend or accuse either of sides. What I question here is general impact of this operation, and where
this trauma is leading us all, possible other point of views from its hidden goals.
What I see now is that Gaza 911 is causing WW3, and traumatized Muslim world has all needed reasons given by Israel, to wage wars against western
world in near future.
Why its done?
( I will continue with this thread, and I am working with these questions 24-7. I have plenty of questions still open in my flaptop - also possible
answers already in my mind... See you again! )