posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 05:32 AM
hello gents,
i have been doing alot of reading regarding the 2012 subject. One thing that has been of great intrest to me is the return of plane x.
Let us assume for a moment that such a planet does infact exist, and that it will return on 2012. The fact that our solar system is slowly orbiting
through space (much like the earth orbiting around our sun) is it possible that once we reach a certain point in space, the gravitational pull of our
solar system as whole could pull out planet x from within a tare of space, thus bringing it into view??
my theory is that planet x, is in an orbit that goes through a rift in space, and that evry certian solar cycle, the gravitational pull of our solar
system "pulls" it out to our solar system. As our solar system continues its orbit, the gravitational pull from our solar system weakens, and planet
x is pulled back through the tare space.
can this be at all possible, with our laws of physics??
Again this is just my theory, and it can be dead wrong and silly