Once again the corporate elite are attempting to make something very abundant seem scarce. The reason is always the same.....profit
We are led to believe that bandwidth space is running out. The poor old massive conglomerate internet giants just cant keep up with bandwith demands.
So theyre going to now offer us pay as you use service.
In addition to greater profits, its another means of slowing down those pesky thieves who download the same conglomerate owned movies and music.
This forced scarcity is of course nothing new. Th elite have been faking scarcity for centuries now in the name of profit.
My personal pet peeve scarcity fake is water. Its the most abundant resource on the planet yet we are told its scarce. Is totally renewable thanks to
an amazing cycle of nature.
Thanks to lobbying efforts and privatizing water, we arent even allowed to tap the very water under our feet. Most of us must buy water from the local
supplier rather than get it for free. Even in a desert like Nevada there is a massive water table underground but you must pay for water shipped in
from a lake or the colorado river.
This control allows the elite to create fake scarcity and therefore charge for more for such a ridiculously abundant resource. Ask your grandparents
if they ever thought the day would come when bottled water would sell and they all would say heck no.
Another example, Oil. There is much evidence that oil actually isnt created from fossil decay but rather a biological process. There are oil wells
around the world that are actually refilling. But this of course can not be challenged or the scarcity / profit model would fail. We are taught at a
very early age that oil comes from dinosaurs and that its running out.
Oil of course can be controlled and allows for fake scarcity. This is why we arent ever going to see an alternative power source like Zero Point
Energy, wind, or solar on a wide scale simply because they are totally abundant.
Even air was once tried to be sold as scarce. Remember that whole silly fad of Oxygen Bars ? The elite tried to convince us that the best air was sold
at these clubs and it was also healthier for you. For once the populace wasnt fooled.
Diamonds, diamonds, diamonds....what a total joke to think that the hardest substance on the planet is somehow scarce. It doesnt wear out unless you
use it to cut granite. Diamond rings sell for outrageous prices because diamond mines are controlled by a ruthless elite that tells us they are rare
and precious. Fact is diamonds are incredibly common. In fact they can now be created perfectly in a lab and no expert can tell the difference.
So where are the diamond houses that wont rot from termites and can withstand a hurricane ? How about a diamond made car that can withstand most
accidents ? Lets combine things and make a diamond car and house both powered by an abundant resource. Naw, thats not profitable because those items
wont need replacement and arent scarce.
As long as we live in the fraudulent world of profit via a monetary system, scarcity will continue to be forced upon us. The elite simply cant allow
an abundance of food, shelter, and resources to exist. Its just not profitable.
[edit on 7-1-2009 by admriker444]