posted on Aug, 24 2009 @ 07:30 PM
There has only been one reason since the beginning of civilization that humans go to war, that is profit. Resources, taxable land, new low cost and
taxable labor forces. You know what? I dont give a #.
I know how to handle firearms, I have already had to dodge bullets in a neighborhood because of a friends rivals issues. I respect anyone who goes out
to the battlefield to preserve our ability to exist as an empire, and they need people who know what they are doing to watch their backs and not going
to cry about the reasons of the war. The reasons dont matter anymore because the war is already on. Now if yoou want your son, daughter, wife,
husband, mother, father friend back safely, you better have people who are willing and knowing of the task at hand to serve with them. I want to make
sure my fellow citizens got me watching their back, and they got mine.
Now someone please waive my juvenile record and allow me to serve.