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was NWO already defeated

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posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 09:37 AM
I think that the NWO has existed for years, maybe even past the egyptians. "for as long as people have been corrupt, there has been groups that were even more corrupt to rule the corrupt people."-Jack Bisteau. and i dont thing that a nwo would be good, like the quote says, people are corrupt, and as long as they want power, everyone will fight to get at least some of it. if the NWO ruled the world, there would be wars to overthrow the government.. even the "greatest country of the world" has been overthrown. my own personal belief is that we were overthrown a long long long time ago.. america isnt what she seems to be anymore. the "american" people are just a brand name, on the market of the NWO and as long as people have free will, there will never be any peace, and nobody, not even the NWO can take it from us. they may minipulate us, and try to show us that we are wrong, but everyone has their own right way.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by bushfriend
Perrsonly I thnk that either there is no NWO or It has already been defeated. I beleive NWO was Germany after world war one.If one was looking for a NWO group would Be a cult and try to takeover the world.This group may also deploy secret weopons. This group was the Nazis, they match the description. The Nazis were a cult beleiving in the aryan master race, they did try to take over the world, and there secret weopons programs which included space flight and dirty bombs were near completion at the end of the war. Another canidate would be the USSR. Although no cult is clearly present they did atempt to take over the world by communism and developed many secret weopons still classified.The final canidate is the United states.I'm not going to start crying like a liberal about how imperlist we are but we do match the description. There are many cults that have political seats, the first george bush was in the Skull and Bones Cult. We have added some huge territory once in a while like invading mexico, invading canada, invading indian territory, and annexation of islands and alaska. We also appear to have many secret weopns. Programs like aurora and agencies like darpa develop secret weopons that will probably only be deployed in National defense emergencies.Excuse my spelling

You're not wrong in that the Nazis attack on civilization was an attempt at creating a new world order through conquest. Hitler wrote in the sequel to Mein Kampf, "the secret book," that "National Socialism will use its own revolution for the establishing of a New World Order" around 1980 through an alliance with what he called Greater Germany and the rest of the superpowers.

Franklin Roosevelt said at the time,

"They openly seek the destruction of all elective systems of government on every continent-including our own; they seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual rulers who have seized power by force.

These men and their hypnotized followers call this a new order. It is not new. It is not order."

1934, Attempted Nazi Coup of US also the Plot Against FDR and the White House Putsch, MacCormack-Dickstein Committee Documents

April 10 and 17, 1934, Investigation of Statements Made by Dr. William A. Wirt, Hearings Before Congress House Select Committee
73rd Congress, 2nd Session

"1. To keep Communists in key positions in the government.

2. To substitute decrees by executive agencies for organic law.

3. To replace private industry and commerce with a planned economy.

4. To decentralize cities and redistribute industry and population through housing projects.

5. To end private lending agencies and control borrowers by federal monopoly of long-term commercial loans.

6. To dictate policies of newspapers, magazines and control other avenues of public opinion.

7. To corral the farm vote through subsidies.

8. To quiet business and labor by doles to make them dependent on the government.

9. To chill the spine of business by public investigations.

10. To discredit financiers by picturing them as crooks.

11. To call political opponents traitors and use the police power of the State to crack down on them."

"I was told they believe that by thwarting our then evident economic recovery, they would be able to prolong the country’s destitution until they had demonstrated to the American people that the Government must operate business and commerce. By propaganda, they would destroy institutions making long term capital loans—and then push Uncle Sam into making these loans. Once Uncle Sam becomes our financier, he must also follow his money with control and management."

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 01:11 AM
February 17 1950 CFR member James P. Warburg, co-founder of the United World Federalists and son of Federal Reserve banker Paul Warburg tells the subcommittee that

"...studies led me, ten years ago, to the conclusion that the great question of our time is not whether or not one world can be achieved, but whether or not one world can be achieved by peaceful means. We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest".

Senate Report (Senate Foreign Relations Committee) (1950). Revision of the United Nations Charter: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Relations, Eighty-First Congress. United States Government Printing Office, p. 494.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by Crash

I believe the nwo is alive and well as long as there is war. They use war to conquer and divide cause economic they are powerless.The spoils of war, get all the free oil to sell for 3-4.00 a gal. We fight for the oil companies don't we? The other alternative technologies for alt. fuel or transportation has been downplayed or totally destroyed, the Inventors were murdered or suspicious suicides they call them. They are not gonna let the gravy train get off the tracks. Movies are supported by our Gov. to create racism so we don't unite nation with nation to fight them. A fight on the boarder with Spanish cult killing American pregnant white women causing some racism in our country. We still have black and white issues. We are all in the same fight. At least most from salaries of 250,000 a yr. down. The E.O.'s were created by Bush for example; Patriot act, and another,....unable to form groups were created to stop gatherings to collect signatures to fight the amendments that desolve the US Constitution. Or to prevent a civil or world war against them. That is why they want to depop the world too many to control. Many of our rights have been stripped right under our noses. Now many are finding out the truth and betrayal of our own reps of the US. Get rid of Lobbyist and get rid of the nwo

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