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Scientists Finally Admit Mar Sized Object Collided Earth Before

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posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 12:42 AM
The idea stems from an ancient, cataclysmic collision that scientists believe occurred when a Mars-sized object hit Earth about 4.45 billion years ago. The young Earth was still so hot that it was mostly molten, and debris flung from the impact is thought to have formed the moon.

Read the Full Article:

We Can predict from this article that according to myth, Nibiru's moon did collided with Tiabet (Earth) and created asteriod belt and our moon.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 12:45 AM
Could this mean, one of Nibiru's moon is stuck inside our earth????

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 12:47 AM
Cool! I like this part:

"Haluk Cetin and Fugen Ozkirim of Murray State University think the core of the Mars-sized object may have been left behind inside Earth, and that it sank down near the original inner core. There the two may still remain, either separate or as conjoined twins, locked in a tight orbit."

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 01:57 AM
twin posts.. just like Earths Core..

My Bad!


[edit on 7/1/09 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by shadyslim

Scientists aren't, as you put it, admitting anything. It's a theory and nothing more. BTW, the collision theory it's a very old theory at that. All they've done is add the ambiguous twin core aspect.

Now a new theory aims to rewrite it all by proposing the seemingly impossible: Earth has not one but two inner cores.

The idea stems from an ancient, cataclysmic collision that scientists believe occurred when a Mars-sized object hit Earth about 4.45 billion years ago. The young Earth was still so hot that it was mostly molten, and debris flung from the impact is thought to have formed the moon.

Haluk Cetin and Fugen Ozkirim of Murray State University think the core of the Mars-sized object may have been left behind inside Earth, and that it sank down near the original inner core. There the two may still remain, either separate or as conjoined twins, locked in a tight orbit.

Source: Did Earth's Twin Cores Spark Plate Tectonics?

Emphasis by yours truly.

As stated, it hardly amounts to an admission of ANYTHING! The only thing true in this thread is that it has an inaccurate and highly sensationalized heading.


[edit on 7/1/09 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 02:00 AM
As stated, it hardly amounts to an admission of ANYTHING! The only thing true in this thread is that it has an inaccurate and highly sensationalized heading. Based on myth and theory!

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:34 AM
Surely this is one of the most widely accepted theories in geology/astro geology ???

The Mars sized object has a name: Theia and suspicions were first discussed when they brought back moon rock in the 70's and it had identical oxygen isotopes as Earth.

Its not Nibiru and neither planet had life at that time so forget the alien connectiion...the wonder is in the fact that the moon seems to have played a massive part of the evoloution of life on earth.

Some scientists belive that the close proximity gravity effect of the moon allowed life to develop through the tidal effect....
Once there was water; you had areas which were like beaches which were wet and then dry and then heated in the sun which provided energy and environmental stimulus which allowed the basic amino acids to form.

I think if anyone was religous; this would have to be the single most important bit of evidence of God as I'm 100 % sure that without the moon Humans wouldnt be here.

It provides the tidal effect on the seas and oceans, a protective final gravity catch against space objects and I was reading that the effect of the moon on the earth causes a wobble which allows the earths core to maintain its protective EM field against the suns rays which would make life on earth impossible.

Thank Theia you're here.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

It provides the tidal effect on the seas and oceans, a protective final gravity catch against space objects and I was reading that the effect of the moon on the earth causes a wobble which allows the earths core to maintain its protective EM field against the suns rays which would make life on earth impossible.

Good bit of information, Anonymous. Maintains earth's EM field? Unlike other moons on other planets? Why?

(Btw, why are you anonymous?)

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS

It provides the tidal effect on the seas and oceans, a protective final gravity catch against space objects and I was reading that the effect of the moon on the earth causes a wobble which allows the earths core to maintain its protective EM field against the suns rays which would make life on earth impossible.

Thank Theia you're here.

I think the dinosaurs would disagree about the level of protection offered. Not much of a "gravity catch" since the Earth's gravity is 6 times stronger than that of the Moon. It's just as likely the Moon could change the course of an asteroid enough to hit Earth instead of missing.

The magnetosphere does nothing to protect us from the Sun's rays. The atmosphere, specifically the ozone layer, is what protects us from ultraviolet radiation. While the magnetosphere does redirect some high energy particles, it is also the atmosphere which provides most of our protection from them.

[edit on 1/7/2009 by Phage]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:25 PM
the moon made from ejected material by a Mars sized object hitting earth
has been around a long time...

so has the observation that the Earth has a 'Core' and an 'Inner Core'

or whats being spun as 2 cores...

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