reply to post by Chadwickus
So, IF the OP or anyone else can show that these movies do actually have something in common like I've mentioned, then maybe you're onto
something otherwise, it's total BUNK
There is little doubt in the person with any ability to think and connect dots that there is definitely a connection with Hollywood and Washington DC.
Increasingly over the last 30 years we see more and more Hollywood types making a bee line for Washington DC. As a people we have even gone so far
as to elect people to public office ..governors and such who are or were movie stars. As I recall was even a professional wrestler at one time.
How about the present governor of California, How about Ronald Reagan??
Think about it some time...the connection with politics and reality or in this case ..the fantasy explaination becoming the reality.
Are there people out here..even educated people who should know better...who do not know the difference between fantasy and reality??
Are there people out here ..educated people who think that this is really a "system" in operation and if we could just put the right people at the
head of this "system" they could get it to crank out goods and services without work...without risk?? Are some of these educated people with this
fantasy expectation now in positions of power and leadership in this country??
In otherwords are there people with these fantasy beliefs ..who are educated and should know better...trying to balance a budget?? Determining programs..public health and al.
Would someone in politics out here be stupid enough to make one of these fantasy intelligences...say...Surgeon General???
Or are you smart enough to realize that the standards/requirements for many of these public offices are not as high as most people think they are or
should be??
Is someone out here in such and advantageous positions trying to manipulate the American Public into believing the fantasy can come true if they just
continue to vote for me or my vote for "Change!!"
Do you know a people dumb enough to fall for this fantasy after they have been preconditioned all their lives by television/movie educations??
Is politics really "whoredom??" The buying, selling, trading, and bartering of the souls of the American public for votes and power.
If this is so, how far would the body politic go in blurring the lines between fantasy and reality. Would they teach a people to believe in an
entitlement mentality ..that they deserve this or that without work..without risk.
Would the body politic teach or imply that they are entitled to the public office..that if they dont get it, they have been cheated?? Elections have
been stolen?? Would politics go so far as to push such a position on an unawares public. Would hollywood and television pander to just such a position
to reinforce this whoredom dogma for votes and base this devout belief on entitlement thinking??
Would the body politic and hollywood go so far as to release a movie or television program on some issue pertinent to an upcoming election so as to
get people to vote emotionally based on said just released movie?? Would these people know enough to understand they are pulling a lever or pushing a
button based on transplanted emotions, thoughts, ideas which are not even thier own??
Would Hollywood...fortify war propaganda.during war time...if not why would they not do so between wars to support a candidate or political party. Is
war not really an extension of continued political will?? What would be any different in peacetime??
Are not social changes the same between Hollywood and the body politic?? Why would not they be in bed together on this?? Is this not really a more
subtle form of warfare??
Are people and buisnesses making profit both in peacetime and in wartime. How would Hollywood and television be any different from the body politic
in this.
Who pays for and finances public education?? The body politic. IF the body politic uses and misuses Hollywood/television..would they not use and
misuse public education in the same manner. IF hollywood and television are in bed with the body politic...would not they also be in bed with public
education as well, since the body politic finances public education?? Would they not require the next generation of 18 year olde voters to be an
emotional train wreck in order to control thier vote as well?? For this generation of voters to be on the political string with thinking which is not
thiers..but that of Hollywood/television, the body politic/public education.
Now that we have all that out of the about the media?? Are they not obviously shills for the various political parties??? Are they not
teaching and preaching the political party line...the hollywood/television line.
How difficult is it to connect these dots??
LOL LOL LOL...I am being very facetious here with this post..but there is a level of truism to this as well...especially for those of us who have not
taken a huge bite out of the Hollywood/television, political party, public education, media To those of us with some modcum of
independent thinking..this is pretty obvious.
Now that I have excoriated all these groups and the about the nations churches ..which are mostly 501c corporations..with government
issued tax numbers. They are corporations/creatures of the state...putting a lie to the concept of seperation of church and state?? They are supported
by tax subsidies from the state. A subsidy..a price support from the state. This is not seperation of church and state both on the part of the
churches and the government. They both lie and deceive the public on this. Are they not shilling for the government as well??
Churches should be tax immune..not tax exempt. There is a huge difference. Does the body politic, public education, the media, Hollywood/television,
and even your local church.. teach you these concepts?? If not ..why not?? Are they vested in your continued ignorance?? Are not all of these groups
including most of the churches...whores for the body politic??? Are they under political control.and not seperate from government??
Or am I just talking nonsense here??
You make some excellent points in your posts. Differently than would I make them but excellent nonetheless. Thanks for your viewpoint.
[edit on 13-1-2009 by orangetom1999]