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Israeli Police Beat AP Photographer

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posted on Jan, 21 2003 @ 11:42 PM
NABLUS, West Bank (AP) - Two Israeli border policemen beat an Associated Press photographer and a colleague in the face as they tried to photograph the troops driving quickly down the street Tuesday with two Palestinian teens clinging to the hood of their jeep.

Here is the rest of the story:

posted on Jan, 22 2003 @ 04:02 AM
So many on ATS like to tell anyone who will listen that Israel is a civilised country.This justifies any contradictions in US foreign policy toward Israel and Palestine.

It would not be too hard to detail crimes this "civilised" country has comitted.We've already had the murder of UN workers.
This is only assault of course but ask yourself why there is no freedom of the international press in Israeli Occupied territory?When such blatent media manipulation is being used is it any wonder that the less astute on this board swallow whole zionist propaganda.These are the same type of people who believed Hitler when he said jews were being resettled in the east.
It is a crime for any government to mislead it's people but it is equally a crime to fool yourself that obvious lies are infact truth just because it is convenient to do so and because to know the truth would be to damn Israel and any Government that supported It.When national pride and patriotism blind individuals to what is morally right then the stage is set for crimes against humanity.

posted on Jan, 22 2003 @ 06:04 AM
It is a crime to fool one's self, isn't it? And it is a crime to attempt to judge Israel when you live in "civilized" nations like the U.S. or G.B. and don't have to fight for the very existence of our nations like Israel has to do every day.

I'm not giving any excuses for burying a fist into the face of an A.P. reporter, but I'd like to know the reason for the action. What nade the cops do that? Surely, it couldn't have been a smart-mouthed liberal reporter popping off at a cop whos had a bad year, lost a few friends, continuously worried about his own family, and just had a biased reporter poke at him, could it?

posted on Jan, 22 2003 @ 06:46 AM
To Quote the article:

"We are here in Nablus, and we see you all the time," the policeman said, according to Ishtayeh's account. "If we see a picture of us published anywhere, we're going to kill you like this," the soldier said, gesturing with his hand as if running a knife across his neck.

Anne Gwynne, 65, a British woman spending three months in the West Bank with a pro-Palestinian activist group called the International Solidarity Movement, said she tried to help Ishtayeh and his colleague.

"I saw the soldiers kicking the photographers and beating them and shouting at them," she said. "I tried to stop that. A soldier kicked and beat me with a rifle butt on my back. He was shouting, cursing."

But it's OK because he's had a bad year.
What about the Policemen who are regulally caught shooting at journalists?Let me guess.They've had a bad year too.And the peace protesters who were shot at(some injured) only had the misfortune to come across a cop in a bad mood.

I condemn all mindless violence.Where as some are apologists for Israel.

Misplaced loyalty to one of the most rascist and expansionist states in the world is nothing to be proud of.

posted on Jan, 22 2003 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
It is a crime to fool one's self, isn't it? And it is a crime to attempt to judge Israel when you live in "civilized" nations like the U.S. or G.B. and don't have to fight for the very existence of our nations like Israel has to do every day.

I'm not giving any excuses for burying a fist into the face of an A.P. reporter, but I'd like to know the reason for the action. What nade the cops do that? Surely, it couldn't have been a smart-mouthed liberal reporter popping off at a cop whos had a bad year, lost a few friends, continuously worried about his own family, and just had a biased reporter poke at him, could it?

Was the photographer pointing his camera in a biased manner? LOL

If you see something reported in the news that doesn't fit your world view it's not necessarily the report that's biased.

[Edited on 23-1-2003 by AlecMac]

posted on Jan, 22 2003 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by John bull 1
This justifies any contradictions in US foreign policy toward Israel and Palestine.
It would not be too hard to detail crimes this "civilised" country has comitted.We've already had the murder of UN workers.

Women and children murdered at My Lai
by soldiers of the United States Army.

The war criminals of the United States Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force murdered three million people in Vietnam, in countless places like My Lai. Most of the victims were women and children.

The CIA even had an official program of state terrorism in Vietnam, known as �Operation Phoenix� or the �Phoenix Program�. Through the Phoenix Program, hundreds of thousands of people were tortured to death in provincial �interrogation centers� all over Vietnam.
etc etc etc...

1981 � 1990
American Terrorism of the Nicaraguan People Estimated civilian deaths: over 13,000 people

Wazir Akbarhan hospital in Kabul was bombed on the first day, and 13 women were killed in the gynecology department. 200 people were killed in the hospital in Herat. Red Cross facilities were bombed twice in Kabul on Oct. 16.

In Jalalabad, the Sultanpur mosque was bombed during prayer. Then, as neighbors dug out 17 victims who were trapped, the U.S. Air Force jet returned to bomb them minutes later, murdering 120 people.

Wazir Akbarhan hospital in Kabul was bombed on the first day, and 13 women were killed in the gynecology department. 200 people were killed in the hospital in Herat. Red Cross facilities were bombed twice in Kabul on Oct. 16.

On April 9th, American/NATO pilots bombed the Zastava automobile plant at Kragujevac, murdering all the workers inside in cold blood. Just as with Iraq, where American/British state terrorists singled out dams and water treatment plants, American/NATO war criminals selected targets intended to destroy the Yugoslavian economy and cause massive terror and suffering to the entire civilian population.

The American/German lie campaign �Mass rape camps�

There can be no doubt that rapes did occur, by soldiers on all sides of the conflict. Serbian women were systematically raped, tortured and humiliated by Bosnian Muslim soldiers and Croatian soldiers. But T.V.-brainwashed people in America don�t care about Serbian women.

American soldiers commit the crime of rape all the time. Soldiers always rape women during war, and often in times of so-called �peace.� It is an evil crime and the filthy criminals who commit it should be punished severely. But all people who commit rape should be punished.

i can go on and on and on .........

posted on Jan, 22 2003 @ 11:35 AM
Damn I know how annoying reporters can be and I have felt like smacking them myself many times. They put themselves in those situations and then cry bloody murder when the expected happens.

posted on Jan, 22 2003 @ 04:48 PM
Stranger,Please do go on.You seem to have a good handle on the USA's crimes against humanity.Perhaps you should start a new topic about it.

I'm all for the truth.I criticised Israel in this case because the truth is being hidden.Israel wants the world to think it is a victim and yet it is a repressive occupying regime where religeous extremists have the balance of power.It sanctions illegal settlements in another country in the knowledge that in 5 years time their return will be non-negotiable.It is the only country in the world to have continually expanded in the last 50 years.Will it ever be sated?Or with US backing will it be allowed to carry on annexing more and more land?One wonders if in thirty years time Right wing settlers will occupy Lebanon or Syria with full knowledge that any human rights transgressions will find an apologist incumbent in the White House.

posted on Jan, 22 2003 @ 09:19 PM
John you need to take a long HARD look at the British Military guys where doing this stuff before America even was around..


posted on Jan, 23 2003 @ 04:15 AM
Boomslang,If you want to post a topic on it i'd love to read it but this topic is about crimes against humanity committed regulaly as we speak by an immoral occupying power.

I am not an historical revisionist nor am I an apologist.I am however more concerned with the perversions of international law committed today by Israel with the implicit authority of the USA,a country which claims,at the momment,to have a monopoly on the moral high ground and is currently asking me and my fellow countrymen to pay for a war against Islam.

posted on Jan, 23 2003 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by $tranger

1) Women and children murdered at My Lai
by soldiers of the United States Army.

2) The war criminals of the United States Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force murdered three million people in Vietnam, in countless places like My Lai. Most of the victims were women and children.

3) The CIA even had an official program of state terrorism in Vietnam, known as �Operation Phoenix� or the �Phoenix Program�.

4) Through the Phoenix Program, hundreds of thousands of people were tortured to death in provincial �interrogation centers� all over Vietnam.
etc etc etc...

1) Yes, and Viet-Cong and North-Viet soldiers were all gentlemen !

" Relatives of some of the 5,000 South Vietnamese men, women and children that were murdered by the North Vietnamese during the 1968 Tet offensive in the ancient city of Hue, South Vietnam, offer prayers over human remains that had been retrieved from the "killing field." . " Link

2) 3 million ? WOAW, are u sure ? I was thinking that it was 300000000000000000000000 billion !!!!!!!!!!!

3) no no no no no.......Phoenix program was an ANTI-terrorist program and the VC WERE the terrorists.

4) Yeah, and the VC death camps ( oups, sorry, I was meaning " re-educational camps " ) had a 50% death rate !!! Even more than the Cinese Lao-Ga� or the North-Koreans " re-educational camps ".

And I bet that you think that the North-Vietameses were treating well their US prisoners. Never heard about the " Hano� Hilton " may be ?


posted on Jan, 23 2003 @ 04:51 AM
Does anyone has a good link about the Vietnam matter because, I know shame on me, I still don't know why there was a war there. I guess it was because of "the invasion of the commi's" but like all wars there was probably an other raison too

Oh well, gonna Google on this matter in the meanwhile

posted on Jan, 23 2003 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by B
Does anyone has a good link about the Vietnam matter because, I know shame on me, I still don't know why there was a war there. I guess it was because of "the invasion of the commi's" but like all wars there was probably an other raison too

Oh well, gonna Google on this matter in the meanwhile

Sure there was another reason. The NV gov was helping a bunch of terrorist ( the Vi�t-Cong ).

But don't worry, just after the war, the NV killed many VC, and sent the rest in their " re-educational camps ".

The VC have been screwed by their former allies, the NV.

Also, the Russians were looking for military bases in S-E Asia. They builded some bases in Vietnam, especialy a Strategic Bombers Base in Cam-Ranh Province. Of course, the Chicoms were not really pleased !

In 1979, a little border war occured between China ( former North-Viet allied in the Viet War ) and Viet-Nam.

Of course, the Soviets were happy to help their communist friends ( the Viet-Nam ) in his war against his communist neighbors ( China ).

In 1979 also, the Vietnameses overruned Cambodia and fought against Pol Pot ( another one of their communist friend ) and his Red Khmers.

The Soviets ( a communist/socialist nation ), were helping another communist/socialist nation ( the Viet-Nam ), on his war against another communist/socialist nation ( Cambodia ).And last but not least, Pol Pot and his Red Khmers was backwarded by another communist/socialist nation, China !!!!.

Aaaaaaahhhhh, the great communist/socialist international friendship, I luv it.

posted on Jan, 23 2003 @ 05:15 AM
its war! people die! that's what i'm trying to prove not only israeli's kill, everybody kill!!!

posted on Jan, 23 2003 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by $tranger
its war! people die! that's what i'm trying to prove not only israeli's kill, everybody kill!!!

Really ? Well, I had the feeling that you was trying to prove that ONLY the USA had wrong, and that the Vietnamese ( and all the other socialist/communist nations ) were all peace doves who had to suffer from the american imperialism.

Please, forgive my " mistake " !!!!!

posted on Jan, 23 2003 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by John bull 1
Boomslang,If you want to post a topic on it i'd love to read it but this topic is about crimes against humanity committed regulaly as we speak by an immoral occupying power.

I am not an historical revisionist nor am I an apologist.I am however more concerned with the perversions of international law committed today by Israel with the implicit authority of the USA,a country which claims,at the momment,to have a monopoly on the moral high ground and is currently asking me and my fellow countrymen to pay for a war against Islam.

But are you concerned with the violations of the Arabs against Israel and the history revisionism carried out for decades now regarding Israel by the Arabs?

I think maybe you are more concerned with what you'd like to think is the truth about American alleged atrocities that is spread by those who despise the fact that America has ascended to such a position in the world.

posted on Jan, 23 2003 @ 06:34 AM
Ok Java,More than happy to discuss that.Go ahead you can start us on Arab Revisionism.

I have no axe to grind against the USA.If you look I didn't mention American atrocities.Stranger did.I have said that the USA turns a blind eye to Israeli atrocities.I think that is an established fact.For pointing out the obvious you accuse me of petty jealousy and revisionism of another sort.Well as I said if you want to discuss that I'm open to it but perhap you should start a new topic outlining your basic argument.

posted on Jan, 23 2003 @ 09:29 AM
"I have no axe to grind against the USA"

Are you say that the US turns a blind eye towards Israel..Like we are the only one..he Whole western world if i am not mistaken sitting back and watching the show..I am not saying that the ISraelis get a *distroy Palestine free card* but i am sick of hearing how the US is truning a blind eye to them..there are alot of other countries out there and i dont see them belling up to the table or offering any ideas..As a matter of fact i think everyone is treating this just like the British occupation of Ireland..


posted on Jan, 23 2003 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Boomslang
"I have no axe to grind against the USA"

Are you say that the US turns a blind eye towards Israel..Like we are the only one..he Whole western world if i am not mistaken sitting back and watching the show..I am not saying that the ISraelis get a *distroy Palestine free card* but i am sick of hearing how the US is truning a blind eye to them..there are alot of other countries out there and i dont see them belling up to the table or offering any ideas..As a matter of fact i think everyone is treating this just like the British occupation of Ireland..



The 6 counties are part of the UK because a majority of the people there wish them to be.

The people living in NI have entered into an agreement under which keeping NI within the UK is a legitimate political wish and most people in Ireland accept this.

posted on Jan, 23 2003 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by ultra_phoenix

Really ? Well, I had the feeling that you was trying to prove that ONLY the USA had wrong, and that the Vietnamese ( and all the other socialist/communist nations ) were all peace doves who had to suffer from the american imperialism.

Please, forgive my " mistake " !!!!!

You still have the habit of assuming too much. He just stated what the U.S. did, no more, no less...
Of course the Vietnamese did wrong things too, but that's not the subject/issue in his post...

Btw... Stranger, where did you get the info from???

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