posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 06:25 AM
hey everyone
throughout my life i have had many things happen that just don't make sense im going to name some and maybe theres an explanation thanks everyone for
your time
1. this incidence happened before i even knew about ghosts i was about 12 i was walking up to go to my room and there was a cupboard and this ghostly
looking thing appeared it was just pitch black it wore one of those sherlock Holmes hats and big boots it had a coat it had no details just pitch
black i researched about what i saw and amazed many other people had the same experience its called the shadow man or ghost
2.on most night late at night i used to hear the dishes getting sorted and taps rarely though turning on and off
3. this is my most recent i was on my bed my remote control was on my desk and it literally got tossed as if someone just threw it (can someone help
me about why this happend?)
so yeah thats my life on all these sort of experiences can you guys share some of yours