posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by GamerGal
So it is clear now your true motive for this thread was nothing more than to argue that gun “nuts” lovers all want to own weapons you see no sense
in owning. Good, at least that is out in the open and clear now.
As for owning an Uzi really I don’t have a problem with someone owning one as long as they obtain a permit for it same goes with the rocket
launcher. The rocket launcher is not like you can go down to the local store and get ammo for it. They could own one as long as they have a permit. I
am not saying make the permit easy to get for weapons like that but why keep someone from owning one if they can get one. That would be like banning
people from own a Ferrari because of the speeds it can reach. Just because it can be dangerous does not mean that person will be a danger, each person
is an individual. One guy might take the Ferrari out and drive like a fool and kill others, when the other guy might not.
Maybe make sure they take a psychological test as well. Again with the rocket launcher they would have to order its ammo and could fill out paper work
and test before each time. If they ever mess up one time in the paper work they lose their weapon and don’t get it back.
But really a normal guy owning such a weapon is no more different than allowing your government to be in charge of such weapons. Either people are bad
or they are good. Really I trust my neighbors more than my government, and I rarely speak to any of them.