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Israel hits 2 UN schools in Gaza

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posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Pyridion

Israel doesn't care who it blows up -

Let's see, I keep seeing that there are about 1.5 million people in Gaza. About 2,500 have been wounded and about 500 or 600 wounded. According to the numbers they do care about who they are blowing up.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by zysin5

As per my post and links to video's, you should be asking a different question.

Would the Gaza terrorists launch attacks from a school, hoping the responce to the attack kills civillians.

As per the video's, the answer is yes, they would.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by mrmonsoon

I really do just try my best not to inject my own personal feelings on this mess.. I just know terrorism, is terrorism. Be it the state, or single people to kill children.

For every family destoried, thats more hate building up on both sides.
Im not pointing the finger at either one of them.

I think they are both doing some very horrid actions, and are shameful acts of terror.
The USA does it too.. There are no "good" guys.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 12:54 PM
Just now on sky news, the presenter called Osama hamdam, a Hamas leader, "Osama Bin Laden".... and then tried to brush over it and apologized quickly and ended the conversation..... the guy was like "no I'm Osama hamdam"... so embarrassingly cringe-worthy.... just goes to show the media campaign works though huh....

we see these "slips" quite frequently....

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by zysin5
reply to post by mrmonsoon

I really do just try my best not to inject my own personal feelings on this mess.. I just know terrorism, is terrorism. Be it the state, or single people to kill children.

For every family destoried, thats more hate building up on both sides.
Im not pointing the finger at either one of them.

I think they are both doing some very horrid actions, and are shameful acts of terror.
The USA does it too.. There are no "good" guys.

I love how peopel keep claiming the Israelis hate the Arabs.

Yeah some individuals do But on the whole it's not true.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by jam321

Greatest stupidity is there in the line: "Israel doesnt care..."

How can he say like that? Sure there are thousands of Israelis who care, but they are not in positions that their voices are heard as official statements - yet...

There seems to be people in Israeli army, leadership who seems not care, or there are lack of orders, cuts in information. So I prefer to set my words like this and courage all Israelis to...

- Shape their respect to rules of engagement, international laws
- Accept mistakes as natural result of human acts
- Promise to do their best to avoid unnecessary casualties
- Set straight orders to combat troops about targeting civilians
- To remember, that task of army is not to kill, but make enemy to non combatant
And to the last, "What does it cost to say, I am sorry?"

This statement of mine is only for "School Bombing", in general my point is: Stop This Op Now! - I have never seen more stupid military operation started... Israel just cant win this op - Impossible.

You can make great victories with fine army, but "if you cant identify your enemy, you cant beat it!" If "Op Cast Lead" is successful in its end, whole wisdom of warfare have to rewrite again...

[edit on 7-1-2009 by JanusFIN]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 02:42 PM
*sometimes i wonder why do i post on forums like this one....simply because i am a Muslim and an Arab too;generally it is people from the west who support zionists only because zionisme like communism,capitalism and so on is a west product and this is how jews thank the west for having supported them for at least 20 centuries:this is why the one and only accomplice on which jews can rely on this planet is the west because they built that west...,the far west there where the light goes out and comes the darkness:going to the u.n. is wasted time because the u.n. is a farce ...:the Palestinians people will someday, sooner or later ,realize They are fighting a plague...,a global plague and from this point of view they are the one and only heroes on this planet ...till further notice of course...

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by VinceP1974
This is urban legend. The US never supported Bin Laden . Bin Laden would never have received assistance anyway.. Bin Laden viewed the US as just as much of an enemy as the USSR. Because Bin Laden actually believes the things that he says (unlike many people in the West who choose to ignore what he says and turn him into some Marxist Anti-Colonialist Freedom Fighter) he would consider working with the US to be the same thing as working with the devil.

It is hard liners for Israel and know it alls that close the path to knowledge and understanding.

Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. ~~ Robin Cook

But bin Laden brings some particular, and collectively potent, elements to this equation. As a volunteer in the war that the Islamic rebels of Afghanistan fought against the Soviets in the 1980s, bin Laden had a front-row seat at an astonishing and empowering development: the defeat of a superpower by a gaggle of makeshift militias. Though the U.S., with billions of dollars in aid, helped the militias in their triumph, bin Laden soon turned on their benefactor. ~~ LISA BEYER of TIME

The Mujahideen were significantly financed and armed (and are alleged to have been trained) by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the Carter (~~ Freedom Next Time, by John Pilger) and Reagan administrations and the governments of Saudi Arabia, the People's Republic of China, several Western European countries, Iran, and Zia-ul-Haq's military regime in Pakistan. The Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) was the inter agent used in the majority of these activities to disguise the sources of support for the resistance. Under Reagan, U.S. support for the Mujahideen evolved into an official U.S. foreign policy, known as the Reagan Doctrine, which included U.S. support for anti-Soviet resistance movements in Afghanistan, Angola, Nicaragua, and elsewhere. ~~ Reagan Doctrine, 1985, United States State Department.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by VinceP1974
Yeah. Saddam redenominating his holdings into Euros ended America.


It's more like Fannie Mae pumping out Trillions of Dollars in bad debt and incentivizing the public sector to do the same all based on Leftist "feel-good" economic policy by the Federal Reserve and the Clinton Admin (which wasn't reversed by Bush) is what will cause the economic destruction that will probably happen this year.

I see...

There are many things driving President Bush and his administration to invade Iraq, unseat Saddam Hussein and take over the country. But the biggest one is hidden and very, very simple. It is about the currency used to trade oil and consequently, who will dominate the world economically, in the foreseeable future -- the USA or the European Union.

is a European Union beachhead in that confrontation. America had a monopoly on the oil trade, with the US dollar being the fiat currency, but Iraq broke ranks in 1999, started to trade oil in the EU's euros, and profited. If America invades Iraq and takes over, it will hurl the EU and its euro back into the sea and make America's position as the dominant economic power in the world all but impregnable.

It is the biggest grab for world power in modern times. America's allies in the invasion, Britain and Australia, are betting America will win and that they will get some trickle-down benefits for jumping on to the US bandwagon. France and Germany are the spearhead of the European force -- Russia would like to go European but possibly can still be bought off. Presumably, China would like to see the Europeans build a share of international trade currency ownership at this point while it continues to grow its international trading presence to the point where it, too, can share the leadership rewards. ~~ Geoffrey Heard

Oil can be bought from OPEC only if you have dollars. Non-oil producing countries, such as most underdeveloped countries and Japan, first have to sell their goods to earn dollars with which they can purchase oil. If they cannot earn enough dollars, then they have to borrow dollars from the WB/IMF, which have to be paid back, with interest, in dollars. This creates a great demand for dollars outside the U.S. In contrast, the U.S. only has to print dollar bills in exchange for goods. Even for its own oil imports, the U.S. can print dollar bills without exporting or selling its goods. For instance, in 2003 the current U.S. account deficit and external debt has been running at more than $500 billion. Put in simple terms, the U.S. will receive $500 billion more in goods and services from other countries than it will provide them. The imported goods are paid by printing dollar bills, i.e., "fiat" dollars. ~~ by Sohan Sharma, Sue Tracy, & Surinder Kumar

How the dollar might lose its status as the world's main reserve currency: Once a decade or so, economists ask whether the dollar's reign as the world's number one reserve currency might be at the start of a slow decline. ... In the past 30 years, the dollar has had four bouts of marked depreciation. ... Even so, 66% of the world's official foreign-exchange holdings are still in dollars, compared with 25% in euros, 4% in yen and 3% in pounds... And yet dollar sceptics note that this time the dollar's crown is, if not wobbly, at least skewed. America's current-account deficit, at 6% of GDP, is its highest on record; its net foreign liabilities, at 22% of GDP, are also close to an all-time high. Foreign central banks seem to have reduced their purchases of American Treasuries ... If this trend continues, other currencies could one day challenge the dollar's dominance. ~~ The Economist

Should OPEC Dump the U.S. Dollar?
Greenspan tells Gulf oil producers to dump the dollar
Ahmadinejad to OPEC: Dump weak dollar
(post full)

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:41 PM

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by flyindevil

the madness is the response to rockets that killed no one. the madness is
the occupation that is illigal, the madness is people living in refusee camps
without food and electricity and the world is approving.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by zysin5

Would I bomb a school?

Well that depends. If that school was being used to launch rockets, RPGs, or mortars at me, then hell yeah, I'd bomb it.

As many others have already shown Hamas has been using these schools as shields for their activities for years.

The rules of war are very clear. If your enemy places his military assets at a civilian site, like a school, hospital, apartment building, etc. then that site becomes a legitimate military target.

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:03 PM
The Israeli PR lobby is in full fighting mode, they've browbeated an Canadian Union leader (CUPE Ontario president Sid Ryan, The president of the Ontario arm of the Canadian Union of Public Employees) into apologizing for comparing the Israelis to Nazis.

"Attacking an institution of learning is just beyond the pale," the Globe quoted CUPE Ontario president Sid Ryan as saying. "They deliberately targeted an institution of learning. That's what the Nazis did."

His Union is proposing a ban on Israeli academics from teaching or speaking at the province's universities unless they condemn the current military action in Gaza.

The issue isn't dead yet, the Israelis are under attack by our Unions at this very minute.

Israel's list of enemies is running up out of control

,this link

[edit on 7-1-2009 by star in a jar]

[edit on 7-1-2009 by star in a jar]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 11:57 PM
reply to Yogims in by antonia

Knowing that your memory dont serve you well .HIstory is not your issue
JUst to remind that the so called izrael didnt exist before 1948 .The land
of milk and honey was called palestine and the people that lived on theland
are called palestinians whether they were jews arabs armenians asyrians
etc.They lived together ,married from each other ,sharing its fruits.
When the second wolrld war started and the anti christ a jew by the name
Hitler masacred and burnt his own people.The holocaust survivors with the
help of the british government declared palestine as a jewish state and
called izrael .The anti christ is now the gov of izrael masacaring and burning palestinian chidren and woman while the entire world is watching.
Vengeance is mine said the LORD .The end is near and HIS word is clear.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by bodrul

funny how the Israeli ammbasidor trys to dogde the answers

Not that funny considering he is a politician
would you expect any less?

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I could be wrong did the bomb fall and kill the person when the building, windows and chairs and roof are intact?

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by lunarminer

Would I bomb a school?

Well that depends. If that school was being used to launch rockets, RPGs, or mortars at me, then hell yeah, I'd bomb it.

The UN, you know.... the ones who run the schools, Have slammed the attacks??

What does that tell you...?? They did not fire from that school.... it was streets nearby...

posted on Jan, 9 2009 @ 01:46 PM
Also, the footage i mentioned a few posts above.

The osama bin laden "slip".

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 06:38 PM

from 1/11/09 regarding UN school strike by israeli forces

Palestinian medical officials say more than 40 people were killed in the UN school in Jabaliya.

Israel initially said its troops had been returning fire after coming under attack from within the school compound.

The account was rejected by UN officials and now Israel has offered another explanation

Its investigation reportedly says that Israeli troops fired three mortar rounds at Palestinian militants nearby, one of which missed its target and hit the school.

UN officials said the Israeli military had the GPS coordinates of the school and that it was horrific and totally unacceptable that it should be attacked

i think the link just about summed it up

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