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I’m Sick Of The Pro Israel Sentiment Here On ATS!

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posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by TheRepublic

Unbiased sources for your information?

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows
How dare they defend themselves against unabated rocket attacks!
Bad Israel BAD!

Now tell me you would not defend yourself should someone start trying to constantly drop rockets on your head and those of your family.

[edit on 6-1-2009 by Watcher-In-The-Shadows]

well if we are going to jump into other people's shoes you can take the role of somebody living in Gaza, and having to deal with having your territories completely barricated, not to mention the amount of land taken away in the past 50 years. people get pissed... i'm not condoning Hamas' attacks on Israel, only trying to empathize with them. Both sides are wrong in my opinion but Israel is taking this way overboard. Had they lifted the barriers on Hamas after signing the cease-fire then i don't think this mess would have happened. Conclusion is - Hamas sucks and Israel sucks...

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by Watcher-In-The-Shadows

January 18, 2002 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

Speaking in Jerusalem Dec. 20, U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzer made the connection between the growth of the Islamic fundamentalist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and Israel's promotion of the Islamic movement as a counter to the Palestinian nationalist movement.

Kurtzer said that the growth of the Islamic movement in the Palestinian territories in recent decades—"with the tacit support of Israel"—was "not totally unrelated" to the emergence of Hamas and Islamic Jihad and their terrorist attacks against Israel. Kurtzer explained that during the 1980s, when the Islamic movement began to flourish in the West Bank and Gaza, "Israel perceived it to be better to have people turning toward religion rather than toward a nationalistic cause.

According to the Dec. 21 Israeli daily Ha'aretz, Kurtzer made these extraordinary statements at a seminar on religion and politics sponsored by Oz V'Shalom-Netivot Shalom, a largely Anglo-American organization that promotes peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by WinoBot

Oh I agree that the creation of Israel was a gigantic crock and the Palestinians have a right to be pissed. But that doesn't mean they don't have a right to defend their lives.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 12:51 PM


posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by TheRepublic

Lyndon LaRouche is hardly a unbiased source.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by ZEN357

Sort of like those dang uppity n words?

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Watcher-In-The-Shadows

i have also found the original harratz artical . but you have to pay for it.
from the search results:

21/12/2001 U.S. Ambassador says `Israel encouraged Islamists in bid to dampen Palestinian nationalism'
... challenge' American Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer last night said the growth of the Islamic ... than toward a nationalistic cause," said Kurtzer. it therefore did little to stop the flow of money ... are also not totally unrelated," he said. Kurtzer was speaking at Heichal Shlomo in Jerusalem, at a ... of a just regional peace, also spoke. Kurtzer said that as a result of the growth of Islam at the ...

search yourself then its the dec 21 2001 edition

[edit on 6-1-2009 by TheRepublic]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 01:08 PM
I'm not a jew, from israel or surport it.

But , i stick by them 100% on this. if Canada fired missles into US , your telling me they would not fight back??

what you must remember is that israel just wants peace nothing more, and for them who say israel just want war and so on.. your mad! no one wants war!

Also alot of people say its not the cilivans fault, well hamas has been eleceted by the people , they are the goverment and there actions speak for majorty of people , who voted them into power..

on the other hand children,women and "REAL" innocent people should not be allowed to be killed , israel has very advance technolgy and should use it carefully.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 01:25 PM
What really gets me is that there are now what 20 plus posts on all this with the majority of them against Israel, so your post really doesn't balance anything for it just adds to the other large numbers.

When I look for posts from all of you towards Darfur and other atrocious it might be one or two, but it is basically zero for most.

So my question is what gets you going when 600 are killed, and their leadership invites the confrontation, and 2 million dead doesn’t deserve a one line post form any of you.

War is hell, but you all do not put anything into perspective and are as bad as Fox news and other agencies that pick and choose with little regard for what you all should really be screaming about.

Ok so you hate Jews, we get it, big deal (or maybe just untamed Jews) just say it in a one liner and save yourself a lot of unneeded effort.

Is Israel any different than Gaza strip? They are surrounded by countries that could wipe them and would wipe them if Israel wasn’t as strong as they are. Also, where do 5 million Jews go once they “give back” the land that you all feel is not there’s. Since Jews came from Egypt, should Egypt give them land to go to? Should all the countries around Israel give up big chunks of their land where oil is? I say this because I guess you all assume the Palatines’ land was only in the borders of Israel…well it was not, and so maybe each country around Israel should give back a third or more of their lands too.

This is why just a simple post from you all of “I hate Jews” and then all of you can star the crap out of it in agreement and add your own post of hatred, keeping this all to just one topic.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 01:26 PM
Personally I think we "The U.S.A" should stay out of this, they've been at each others throats for eons, I say let them be. Why do we have to stick our noses in every darn conflict. I am neither for no against, but enough is enough let them settle their own differences.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 01:26 PM
I'm disappointed. The OP posted this thread specifically NOT to discriminate against Jews, but that's just what about half of you did.

Why did you go do that? We're not talking about your sister-in-law or Jews at all. Get a grip.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 01:27 PM
What really gets me is that there are now what 20 plus posts on all this with the majority of them against Israel, so your post really doesn't balance anything for it just adds to the other large numbers.

When I look for posts from all of you towards Darfur and other atrocious it might be one or two, but it is basically zero for most.

So my question is what gets you going when 600 are killed, and their leadership invites the confrontation, and 2 million dead doesn’t deserve a one line post from any of you.

War is hell, but you all do not put anything into perspective and are as bad as Fox news and other agencies that pick and choose with little regard for what you all should really be screaming about.

Ok so you hate Jews, we get it, big deal (or maybe just untamed Jews) just say it in a one liner and save yourself a lot of unneeded effort.

Is Israel any different than Gaza strip? They are surrounded by countries that could wipe them and would wipe them if Israel wasn’t as strong as they are. Also, where do 5 million Jews go once they “give back” the land that you all feel is not their’s. Since Jews came from Egypt, should Egypt give them land to go to? Should all the countries around Israel give up big chunks of their land where oil is? I say this because I guess you all assume the Palatines’ land was only in the borders of Israel…well it was not, and so maybe each country around Israel should give back a third or more of their lands too.

This is why just a simple post from you all of “I hate Jews” and then you can all star the crap out of it in agreement and add your own post of hatred, keeping this to just one topic would save you so much time and effort that is going to waste, and more importantly move on to bigger issues that many just seem so oblivious to.

[edit on 6-1-2009 by Xtrozero]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 01:39 PM

Can any of you honestly say that you would not be upset if the United Nations ripped your home country from you and gave it to someone else? Can any of you honestly say that you would not be upset if this new government sponsored the destruction of your homes and towns and forced you to what essentially amount to two large refugee camps in Gaza and the West Bank, and consistently cut off your access to vital resources?

War between Israel and Palestine is necessary for the rest of the world. The U.S. Government in co-operation with Britain and France saw to that following the end of WWI when the Allied forces double-crossed both sides during the war by taking financial backing from Jewish bankers in exchange for the land they now posess and promising the land to Arabs if they helped fight Germans in that region.

Which has more value?

10s of millions of dollars, in their time (equal to billions today), or the lives of the honored dead who spilled their own blood so that they could finally and at long last have their own nation.

To answer your questions... It doesn't matter which side I were on. I would kill the other indescriminately with whatever means available to me.

The reason for the appearant support for Israel over Palestine is our (meaning the USA, Britain, the UN) desire to have someone in the Middle-Eastern region who will be our ally. The UN and the remaining civilized world has been at odds with the unstable views of every Arab nation in the region. Even at the turn of the 18th/19th century, the UN new we would need an ally in the Middle-East. That is why they gave the Jews that particular territory. The UN realized that as long as hatred existed between Jews and Arabs the UN could control Israel. Without UN and US support, Israel would have fallen decades ago. This is why Palestinians are demonized as terrorists.

If I were a Palestinian I would take my war to the highest level. Israel has been lucky so far. I would have kid-napped Israeli children, strapped TNT to them and then showed then the way home. On the flip side Palestinians have also been lucky so far. If I were Israeli, I would have enclosed Palestinans in concentration camps with walls and fences and then regulated their ability to reproduce. But since I am an American, I sit back and watch as mine and other UN nations condemn what's going on; all the while knowing that it was we, or at least our governments, who made this happen.

Israelis aren't stealing the land. They bought it from con-men - the UN, who had no rights to selling it.
Palestinians aren't stealing it either. They too bought it from con-men - the UN, who had no rights to selling it.

It's like putting one gallon of water and one gallon of oil in a one gallon container and expecting them to share.


posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by MichJJC

Israelis aren't stealing the land. They bought it from con-men - the UN, who had no rights to selling it.
Palestinians aren't stealing it either. They too bought it from con-men - the UN, who had no rights to selling it.

Very good point.

I have a question to all of this though. When Israel was created by the UN Jordan was also created. Jordan was the Palestine state and was by far much luckier in they got the oil and Israel did not.

So if Jordan was created as the Palestine state why are Muslin Palestinians living in the Jewish state and not all of them in Jordan? The maps laid out that show the change in that area from muslins to Jews really doesn’t take into account Jordan’s roll in all this.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 01:51 PM
I'm sick of the Anti-Israel Sentiment in the news and here on ATS and it never ceases to amaze me how many ATSers fall for everything they here in the MSM.

Also, I don't know what your talking about. All over ATS is Anti-Israel Sentiment.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 01:59 PM

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 02:01 PM
Real and honest Jews understand what is going on!

What I want to know is, this, what Intel does Israel have on the United States to be able to blackmail again and again to force us to back these attacks on Palestine and innocent Middle Eastern citizens?

It must be something big!

You can't say anything against Israel these days without being labeled an anti-Semite. How long do others have to suffer for the atrocities that Germany committed against the Jewish people? Why didn't Germany offer up land for their mistakes?

Why does Palestine have to suffer for the crimes of another Nation? Little by little Israel moves the border and Palestine line. It is done through pressure and intimidation by Israel and the so-called support by the United States.

I am not anti-Jew or an anti-Semite, I am against the death and forced land grab by these shady and sketchy men who have taken over the politics in Israel and use the holocaust as an excuse to do whatever they want. There are no true Jewish people running the Israeli Government. This has become nothing more than an evil Zionist agenda!

At what point is a middle ground found and two different people can co-exist with starting a firefight and killing innocent people every couple of years.

If Israel honestly needs more land, why don't they contact Angela Merkel and work something out. Germany must compensate for their actions and Germany must realize that by denying this fact they are sentencing thousands of Palestinians to their death.

It isn't about land anymore; it is about the systematic destruction of the Palestine people and sending a continuous message of power to other countries like Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and others.

Yet it is the Palestine people who die and suffer in this political game.

Broken down rockets without guiding systems is hardly a threat to Israel who has nukes and U.S. manufactured guided smart weapons.

Hundreds have died and for what? Why does this remind me of the Georgia and Russia conflict?

Things are not as they appear.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by TheRepublic

It's hearsay from what little can be read. It could say anything beyond that. So have a full article as source other than a fragment that could fill in all the questions?

And considering it was paired a comment saying Nazism is Zionism, well, I think the proof I provided with full source speaks for it's self.

[edit on 6-1-2009 by Watcher-In-The-Shadows]

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows
reply to post by TheRepublic

Unbiased sources for your information?

There is no unbiased source on this planet. Every human being is looking through a set of subjective eyes (with regards to human events and actions). I'm sorry that's just how it is. I'm not saying you have to agree with the guy. I am telling you however that it is very unlikely you will ever find a completely unbiased reference for anything you believe. You are just going to have to weigh the opposing views for yourself and decide.

So don't ask for unbiased sources when you will never get them because of the nature of this conflict. That's all i want to say.

[edit on 6-1-2009 by antonia]

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