I find the date format MM/DD/YYYY really annoying. I'm constantly looking at a date like 6/7/2008 and thinking "now, is that June 7th, or July
6th?" Perhaps I'm a little slow.
I thought I'd share a way to make the dates that ATS displays a little friendlier. The secret is to realize how powerful the "Date Format" setting
MemCenter is.
Just paste one of the "Date Formats" from the following table into your account settings, and you will get the result shown, everywhere that ATS
displays dates:
Date Format Result
n-j-y 1-5-09
j M Y 5 Jan 2009
F jS, Y January 5th, 2009
d/m/y 05/01/09
D M jS Y Mon Jan 5th 2009
You can also make a custom date display, if you like, using the secret letters listed below. You can separate them with spaces, dashes, slashes,
commas, or whatever you like:
d Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros (01 to 31)
D Short text of the day of the week, three letters (Mon through Sun)
j Day of the month without leading zeros (1 to 31)
l Full text of the day of the week (Sunday through Saturday)
S English ordinal suffix for the day of the month (st, nd, rd or th)
m Number of the month, with leading zeros (01 through 12)
M Short text of the month, three letters (Jan through Dec)
F Full text of the month (January through December)
n Number of the month, without leading zeros (1 through 12)
Y Full number of the year, 4 digits (eg: 1999 or 2003)
y Short number of the year, 2 digits (eg: 99 or 03)
There's even more secret letters, documented
here, but most of them aren't that useful.