posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 12:49 AM
Yes, stuff like food, medical creams and disinfectants, bullets, vitamins, solar panels to provide electricity, water filters (you could make a
killing with a deluxe water purification system) and fuel, although it may be very dangerous to store fuel.
It could even be a gamble, maybe TSHTF won't happen for a few more decades, if ever, and you'll be stuck with a crate full of old hat solar panels
that couldn't power up a calculator.
Anything that can't be found in the junkyard or the attic by rummagers would be number 1.
Get things that you know would run out if the trucks stop coming to your local grocery shop and things you know your area does not produce, something
long lasting, beneficial, yet not that easy to procure in shortage situations.
These will be the high ticket items.
On another note, everyone should know how to grow food, because if the grocery trucks stopped coming it is the item that will run out the fastest with
no choice in its consumption.
Eventually the quality and not the quantity of the food you eat becomes an issue to your continued survival, with the danger greatest the nearer one
is to major urban centers.
Food would be king, and gold would be crap... well maybe
[edit on 6-1-2009 by star in a jar]