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2012 mass hoax?

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posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 08:25 PM
what if all the talk about 2012 is preparation for the staging of a 2012 scenario. No god or supernatural just a worldwide hoax to trick and scare people for some kind of worldwide agenda. Maybe its the apocalypse. The bible(and other stuff relating to 2012 and whatnot) has beeen around since forever, who knows maybe the leaders of the recent past and now have read it and asked Is that possible? So have we. But were not working behind the scenes deciding that. Perhaps the technology we use can be used against us as an illusion. Technology is cool but most of us don't know much about it if it means researching and advancing it. Then again for what purpose?


posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 08:36 PM
WTF? Where's the thread?
I come to look at his thread and there's nothing here,

[edit on 5/1/2009 by Revealation]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 08:39 PM
2012 hoax?

Click on add a comment and you can see where mindcarnival posted something that isnt showing up, possibly becase of a global "ignore"or something similar..... here is the text, and i hope he/she didnt porposefully remove it, if so, u2u me and ill remove this

posted on 5-1-2009 at 21:25

what if all the talk about 2012 is preparation for the staging of a 2012 scenario. No god or supernatural just a worldwide hoax to trick and scare people for some kind of worldwide agenda. Maybe its the apocalypse. The bible(and other stuff relating to 2012 and whatnot) has beeen around since forever, who knows maybe the leaders of the recent past and now have read it and asked Is that possible? So have we. But were not working behind the scenes deciding that. Perhaps the technology we use can be used against us as an illusion. Technology is cool but most of us don't know much about it if it means researching and advancing it. Then again for what purpose?


[edit on 5-1-2009 by drsmooth23]

[edit on 5-1-2009 by drsmooth23]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 08:57 PM
It's a good question. I wonder how many sources of a mass apocalypse in 2012 were cited previous to the 2012 fad. I say most of the evidence for 2012 will be discovered as evidence found or come across during this 2012 fad. but how many people were talking about 2012 before this fad. I'm betting not many. which tells me that most of the cultural evidence found during the 2012 fad was hoaxed or made up during the 2012 fad and not before it. Funny all the native americans I've met (legit ones, hopi etc...) over the years never thought it would be a good idea to warn me that in a few years the world would end and that I should get it while the getting is good. none of them thought that would have been a little bit of info I would like to hear.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by BASSPLYR

I agree with you about people not wanting to talk about some thing because you dont make alot of friends by 'knowing it all', thats for sure, haha. My biggest thing is this;

Two scenarios of the worst case kind when talking about the end days;

A: some people are wiped out
B: all life is wiped out

both lead you to a general, "my time is up; F-it" philosophy, but you must never become complacent, like, im gonna just sit back and ride this out. because with (A) alot of these people will be screwed because they are drunk* or whatever. As long as you look at an apocalyptic event like "yeah, i can get through this", then i think we'll be just fine. i personally would like to go down kicking, or copulating, actually.

*and just to clarify, you can still be drunk and a bad 'donkey' apocalyptic like Bruce Campbell at the same time!! haha!

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by BASSPLYR

As far as fads go, yeah, i kind of see it, but its kind of like a nerd fad like a rubicks cube or something, haha.

I dont hear much about it in the candyshop/mainstream,

but thats why im here posting, because I enjoy it.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by drsmooth23

I dont hear much about it in the candyshop/mainstream,

2012: The Motion Picture

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 12:50 AM
2012 is a disinfo psychological war campaign launched on us by the grays to mess with our heads.
there always telling us bad things are going to happen,pretty much every day on this gray infested rat hole theres dire predictionso of just about everything,ignore it all,all ya have to worry about it is the grays and thier future ais masters themselves

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 08:15 AM
The ancient Aztec and Mayan texts only speak of the ending of their Mesoamerican calander count, and that a new time will begin.

All this other garbage is just that...garbage to stirr up the easily gullable into buying into the fear factor so that when 2012 does come around, its much easier to fake an invasion, an epocolypse, a NWO, martial law, the works.

2012 will simply mean it is the year of the sheeple.


posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 09:41 AM
While I do in fact believe that there will be some sort of change in 2012; all of the doom and gloom I keep hearing about 2012 seems to just be man made fear of the unknown.

Who said that 2012 would be the Apocalypse? A biased National Geographic/Discovery Channel "documentary" piece? 2012 will bring great change, and I believe that 2012 is something we should look forward to...what that thing is, however, I don't know...and neither do any of you, or anybody you've heard information from.

If you're going to debunk 2012, then you should debunk the facts on 2012, as opposed to debunking your own assumptions of 2012, which is all I'm really seeing...I hope that made sense...

And PS, if 2012 does end up being the Apocalypse, then I think the only "end of days" we will be seeing is our own...the planet will always survive and live on, along with the rest of it's non-parasitic residents.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 09:56 AM
You know all this talk about 2012, it's just same as Y2K. People saying the world is going to end, we are all going to change. Thats what was being said before Y2k. What happened? nothing! All that happened was a bunch of people made money from selling books ect, about it. This is whats going on right know. These big major studios see that there is a buzz about 2012, so why not invest in a movie about 2012? I think the people who have to ''WAKE Up'' are the people who think there are allready ''WAKED UP''!

Am not saying i know whats going to happen on 2012. I don't know! It's just, that this is playing out like Y2k did. Thats all!

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by mindcarnival
what if all the talk about 2012 is preparation for the staging of a 2012 scenario. No god or supernatural just a worldwide hoax to trick and scare people for some kind of worldwide agenda.

It will be a non-event, yes, but there's no huge international conspiracy... other than a conspiracy of ignorance and a fondness for the idea of "a great cleansing time when all of THOSE people will get their comeuppance."

Nostradamus has had several failed predictions (including the one about 1999.) Cayce predicted it was coming some time in the 1980's. If the Mayan civilization and traditions had continued, they would be preparing for the festival. They wouldn't have had to make a new calendar, because that was sort of a "perpetual calendar." The Egyptians and Sumerians had no such belief in an "end of the world" date, and although there are a lot of astronomical tablets from Sumer and Babylon, none of them have a planet named "Nibiru" inscribed on them ("Nibiru" is actually a title... like "Mr. President" or "Your Highness.")

This really reminds me of the Y2K scares. We computer geeks tried very hard to tell folks it would be a "non-starter" but there were folks buying up MREs and generators and stocking up ammunition because they were listening to the scare mongers (who sold a lot of books) and not to the ones who actually knew about the subject.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 10:05 AM
I saw the trailer to the movie and I think it pretty much sums up the whole scenario. “How do the governments of the world prepare the people of the earth for the end of the world?” “They don’t.” The only thing that I can see the governments doing besides saving their own skins is to set up a system where they can round up the people that survive. House and feed those that they can. Hold and exterminate those that they consider dangerous, diseased or insane. Make work camps for the able bodied to rebuild and salvage what they can. Does any of this sound familiar?

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by TSOM87

I see where you're coming from, but I don't think that the comparison to Y2K is a smart comparison, even though I've heard/seen it be used a lot.

When you eliminate all of the BS surrounding Y2K, the just of it was that we as a collective group panicked and freaked out over a hypothetical computer glitch that was hypothetically supposed to destroy our planet via nuclear bombs going off without warning and all computer systems crashing due to this hypothetical glitch. It was never explained how exactly something like this could happen simply because the year on a computer went from 1999 to 1901, but that didn't matter, because our fear based society jumped right on the bandwagon and started crapping our pants over the issue.

So, because of that fact, I don't blame anybody for thinking 2012 will be nothing more than Y2K. The problem is, and what people fail to remember, is that that MSM/big business didn't invent 2012 to sensationalize the possibility of the end of the world for profit, like they did with Y2K. 2012 has been called for thousands of years, by many different cultures that had no communication with each other (that we can prove, at least). And every time the 2012 number pops up in those cultures, they don't speak of the end of times, they simply speak of a great change, a great enlightenment, a golden age, Armageddon.

Do I think the MSM and big business are currently trying to sensationalize 2012 into something it's not, for the sake of profit and to keep us afraid? You're darn tootin' I do. But all that does is make me come to the conclusion that the mainstream, corporate owned media cannot be trusted on the subject of 2012 (or any other subject for that matter), and that I should be doing my own objective, unbiased research on 2012; which would really tie in well with the motto of this site (Deny Ignorance, in case people have forgot, lol).

[edit on 8-1-2009 by matth]

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 03:42 PM

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 03:42 PM
Mass HOAX.
Yes, like many other mass Hoaxes of the past.
Brought to us by the same people to divert attention from
the likes of the Illuminati that are planning and conniving behind our
backs for the next big payoff screw job.
The fact that UFOs are still unknown is one big mackerel tale that
gets drummed in by movies and constant references.
The spook and paranormal market picks up the rest of uneducated
flock that are available.
The majority of the sheep are guided by their own whims and are
unaffected by the guises of the Illuminati.

ED: Exactly Y2K was never explained as the sheep must be led
and can't be educated.

ED: Main Steam Lies (MSL) or Main Stream Conspiracies or Hoaxes,
(MSC) or (MSH), they just have to do it to make a living.

[edit on 1/8/2009 by TeslaandLyne]

[edit on 1/8/2009 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 07:25 PM
It would be a great scenario to use 12/21/2012 to usher in the likes of project Blue Beam or some similiar scenario
for example. Though it has theoretically been assumed to be debunked it doesn't prevent myself or others from implementing such things.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 08:14 PM
Since I was a computer programmer, I can answer this:

Originally posted by matth
When you eliminate all of the BS surrounding Y2K, the just of it was that we as a collective group panicked and freaked out over a hypothetical computer glitch that was hypothetically supposed to destroy our planet via nuclear bombs going off without warning and all computer systems crashing due to this hypothetical glitch. It was never explained how exactly something like this could happen simply because the year on a computer went from 1999 to 1901,

Actually, we DID explain it, and university trained computer programmers had dealt with it since 1980 or so (when I learned about it in a Cobol programming class.) We did have one system that was old and got caught in the Y2K bug... it happened to be the security system for the city jail. The program had been written by a company that was now out of business, and the locks wouldn't secure or unlock at the correct time.

We solved it by telling the computer that it was 1993 instead of 2000 and things worked just fine. We did replace the software with something else later on, but for a few hours on one day the security system was an issue.

2012 has been called for thousands of years, by many different cultures that had no communication with each other (that we can prove, at least). And every time the 2012 number pops up in those cultures, they don't speak of the end of times, they simply speak of a great change, a great enlightenment, a golden age, Armageddon.

Actually, they don't.

The Mayan calendar ends there, but they have inscription dates that stretch further into the future. Most ancient civilizations measured their years not from a fixed point but from the reigning year of the current monarch. So, 54 BC to the ancient Egyptians is "year 3 of the reign of Cleopatra VII". They had no way of enumerating a date 2,000 years in their future.

Same with the Babylonians and Sumerians. Many civilizations (Native Americans, Australian aborigines, Germans, Goths, Vikings) kept accounts of years but didn't have a starting point. Rome had a "year zero" that was set in what was believed to be the founding of the city of Rome (archaeological digs proved they were really really wrong about the date, but it didn't matter.)

The Hindu have a tradition of Great Cycles but none of them coincided with 2012.

Basically the whole thing was started by Jose Arguelles, who had another similar pronouncement about the "harmonic convergence" in the 1980's. When the 80's came and went and the predictions didn't come true, he switched them over so that they would happen "in 2012."

Unfortunately, people don't listen to historians. I'm afraid they listen to New Age writers. Now the "End Times" Christians have also snagged on the date, adding to the tension over this upcoming non-event.

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 08:20 PM
it would kinda suck if the aztecs and all the other major religions of the world actually planned this as some kind of viral campaign for that '2012' movie thats coming out soon....

thats some damn good advertising if it is.... lol

posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by matth

Do I think the MSM and big business are currently trying to sensationalize 2012 into something it's not, for the sake of profit and to keep us afraid? You're darn tootin' I do. But all that does is make me come to the conclusion that the mainstream, corporate owned media cannot be trusted on the subject of 2012 (or any other subject for that matter), and that I should be doing my own objective, unbiased research on 2012; which would really tie in well with the motto of this site (Deny Ignorance, in case people have forgot, lol).

(One of the best paragraph's i've read all day. )

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