posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by CavemanDD
I have very similar experiences, with guides taking the form of birds of prey for me, the benefit there is that I see them in real life as much as in
dream states.
Like the other day, I almost ran over a hawk. The thing must' come within 3 feet of my car and I was going about 60 mph.
At first I was thinking... this stupid bird, I almost killed him! because the adrenaline was rushing, you know?
Then I started thinking, there must be a message here... and thought, it is like he is a messenger, and his message is not to run down an insight or
revelation. It is easy to miss those, you know?
But anyways, animals are not stupid. They have a consciousness and thoughts all of their own, most of them are just on a different frequency thus what
we typically call communication or even intellegence can be difficult to observe.
As far as the shirt goes... I wonder about things like that (in general, no judgment on you or Maiden
). Because if you tap into something that
carries a lot of violence, fear, or anger, maybe if you don't do it consciously, you can still absorb some of that? And then, maybe that can be
transferred from one person's subconscious to another... thus you have some people like Jesustard lady who absolutely wig out.