reply to post by asmeone2
No I never read them but I do speak to my subconscious in animal form, bear to be more exact since it was the first one to come into my mind a few
years ago.
Its mostly a meditation that kind of puts you in alpha mode, a not so deep state so I don't often work with it. I would be nice if I could just let
it happen in a very deep state, or as a projection through meditation.
I would create a tower in a forest (nowadays I fly down to the planet from splace).. i'd go up the stairs the bear would be there.
At times I would expect it to talk, in the start it didn't until about a year later after re-exploring it. Or i just found a way to listen rather.
You think.. Am I just imagining this and creating the dialogue? And then you realise the conversations as natural as they seem as if talking to
yourself, are actually pretty productive, its a good feedback with imagery as well. I look at like all thoughts I have technically comming from the
subconscious. All thoughts highlight an issue, my state of energy or chakras, or concerns of ego or something.
I'm starting to trust that background voice more.
Its deffinately very effective.
There are about 5 different forms I talk to and I still have a hard time trying to identify what they are and I think its just more important to me
now to just respect "them" and not wonder about the little things.
Its a sea of energy, everything. I'm starting to get in the mindset where I don't focus so much on putting things in categories and just taking it
for what it is, picking apart messages from it.
I could ramble on about this, I think I did in a post recently.. How if thoughts manifest, it seems everything is like an external message from the
subconscious for us to learn certain lessons. Things people say, etc.
For example. I was walking down the street and this homeless guy was rambling, and when he walked by and looked at me, words he said kind of reflected
some thoughts I was having.
Its funny one day I thought "Hmm, should I wear the iron maiden shirt, don't I want to project some positive vibes with my other shirts" I know its
unimportant to me, but I like to try and give off a certain vibe as a means to communicate with people. Just like wearing a t-shirt with a phrase. I
do it for them, not because I feel I need to fit in.
But anyways, this lady, she was beyond..cracked out.. but it was so interesting, I was trying to look at it objectively for what its worth. She was
saying to me that she is jesus christ and she's like "what is this MAIDEN, you worship?" She was totally judging me thinking I was evil.. and you
know, I bothered me a little! I was like you don't know me!
Thats my sense of identity screaming out, haha.
But point of the story, if you look at every little thing as a message, as divine synchronistic occurences, it really seems the subconscious or
whatever you want to call it, is constantly using creative ways to communicate a message to us.