posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 10:33 AM
To be quite frank, I think this is a "good" thing, now allow me to explain.
I do not condone the use of violence, or feel that anyone should be killed. I do not like the violence, or the fact that civilians are being
killed in the cross fire. I do not like the idea of war, and I am not a "war monger". I am however, a realist. I see reality for what it is, not for
what it -should- be.
With that said, I feel that this middle east cycle of war, cease fire, war, cease fire, war, cease fire has killed countless millions over the history
of the region. As it stands, if there is simply another cease fire, then the cycle simply continues, and over the future history, countless more
millions will die.
When is enough... well, enough?
This escalation needs to occur. This war has to take place. Total annihilation of one side of the parties has to occur. Only then, is the cycle
broken. I know this sounds horrible, and how dare I suggest that millions of innocent people be placed in danger, but the reality is clear. If there
is a cease fire, the cycle continues, and as a result, the future deaths of millions, and over a long enough future of cycles, even hundreds of
millions, and perhaps even billions, is sealed. These people will not stop fighting until there is a complete annihilation of the other party.
The cycle has to stop. The cycle has to be broken. War must take place for the good of the future. Our future, and the innocent civilians caught in
the middle, depend on it.
You may now flame me, curse me, or do whatever you like to me, but you know these facts are true. You know the cycle will not stop. Countless world
leaders have tried, and failed.
Note: I do not believe either side is in the right here, and I am not going to get into the politics of the rights and wrongs.
[edit on 6-1-2009 by xmaddness]