posted on Jan, 17 2009 @ 01:08 AM
Firstly, there is no such Cayce prediction (check Association for Research and Enlightenment - A.R.E. VA Beach VA). It's a
fabrication for whatever propaganda purposes and that should end this stupidity right there. But to analyze it for the sake of argument, Obama has no
grandchildren and his 10 year old eldest daughter is not likely to have a child by the time he's out of office. A gun is not allowed into the oval
office except in the holster of a Secret Service officer and very unlikely that it would get into the hands of anyone, especially a child. Obama is
not and never has been a Communist. Contrary to popular belief, Cayce NEVER made predictions of the future. He did not believe the future was set
and believed that everyone has free will so exercising that free will would make predicting impossible. It therefore goes against Cayce's basic
beliefs and precepts. He did see trends and warned about these, like warning people about the dangers of their life's direction, stock market trends
or understanding natural forces like tectonic plate shifts that lead to volcanic eruptions and natural disasters but this bogus "prediction" is not
a "trend" type of prediction. Cayce's Readings are NOT like the bullsh*t you get from false prophets like Nostradamus that are left to
interpretation and only fit in retrospect when edited and twisted to fit. Go read a Nostradamus prediction that "supposedly" came true and you will
find that it is a splicing of several different lines from entirely unrelated quatrains then loosely interpreted. Predictions are meant as warnings,
so what good is a prediction if U only understand it after it happens anyway. Cayce's readings were VERY specific and always named names, dates and
places so he would not have identified Obama by characteristics... he'd have said "Barack Obama" by name and the year (say, 2011) specifically.
Read Cayce and you will see all his readings were made specifically for the person who asked him the question he answered and all had very specific
answers. I have a saying, "you have to be a pretty good basketball player to play in the NBA, yet not all of them are Michael Jordan"... Edgar
Cayce was the Michael Jordan of psychics