posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 03:00 AM
reply to post by commodore64
I'm an American whom been to Gaza... And let me say that even thou Hamas is not a good organization, I would like to say that the IDF are not
better,, they are killing all this children because they can, not because they after Hamas,, what is going on over there is just a masegure and not a
war,, few hamas men carry some hand wepons, and they firing handmad rockets that never was able to harm Israelies, to deliver a massage to Israel,
and on the hand Israel's IDF, killes children women and any living thing out there, using our wehpon and tec/ and you you are saying Hamas did that..
My friend you need to read your Bible a little harder, I believe you don't know what it take about..
From the signs of dooms day, is what happen right now,, the signs talked about his people, the ones that will be miss judged by all of us, the ones
that been killed in names sake,,, Muslims, Cristains, and even animales been killed out there, and believe me, the IDF don't give a crap less or more
about wether you are Hamas, Cristain, or even a non believer,, everbody is to be killed.