posted on Jan, 8 2009 @ 06:01 AM
haha so the blade was under the turbine the whole time, must admit this had me puzzled for a bit - if the blade was missing their might be something
to this, as it is some crazy old lady saw some flashing lights and maybe some high voltage electrical arcs connecting with the ground.
As soon as i heard them talking about the glowing octopus demon my mind filled with pictures of jacob's ladders, tesla coils and other crazy esoteric
electrical effects. Maybe the ice closed a circuit in the turbines system and electrified the ice which was on the blades, due to the frozen moisture
in the air on a cold yorkshire morning the power was able to arc with the mist through the point of least resistance and down to the ground - much
like those crazy glass balls that respond to where you touch them and look like an electric octopus demon.
I wish i could have seen it (through the bars of my faraday cage) it must have been beautiful, the heat generated would have been like an arc welder
which would have easily melted right through the top blade (leaving the black charred lump) and melted the second blade so it hangs limply like it
The only real question in my mind is did the company obey the correct building codes when making the system? maybe ice caused the problem, maybe a
badly designed system is to blame.
Of course the power might not have been coming FROM the power station, maybe the turbulent air around the farm had become highly charged (again due to
ice and moisture in the air) and could have created a localized electrical storm, this could have created an arc with the top of the wind turbine and
caused the damage.