you know i have read allot about memory, and what to do to help prevent any problems. Including Alz disease.
Anyway i have found a couple of programs/techniques that i would like to try and that have been shown to help allot of people.
-first off any kind of meditation helps a ton! has allot of articles and reviews on the benefit of meditation
read up!
I personally would recommend the Silva Mind Control method, by Jose Silva. It teaches you to go into the Alpha brain wave level, which is optimum for
thinking and since to reach the level your body is in a relaxed state it is also health y for the body. The program is amazing, and i honestly can say
it has worked miracles in my life. Although Jose Silva has died, he gave the company to his friends, and kids, they have allot of things to sell and
are starting to look like an advertisement company only in it for your money. But the basics off it is all there, and you can usually find most of his
programs online for free, or at the local bookstore.
They do have a free 3 week course at the website
it helps so much, they give you a download link to a long relax audio file which is about 30min. Practice that every single day and you will notice
amazing effects in your mind and body.
also here is Jose;s book, which really states everything you would like to know
Also this is a good free book, the power of your subconscious mind
-Also i highly recommend this program, i myself will hopefully be taking it over the summer. Called the school of phenomenal memory. Its about
2-3 months long and you practice it every day or every other . The course uses mnemonics, and helps develop a very healthy and powerful memory. Being
able to use techniques and just your own mind to memorize ANYTHING...EVEN ENTIRE BOOKS
the course will set you back about 300 bucks, but i think its worth it. I am going to med school so i can use all the help i can get.
- EyeQ, the program is to help you read faster! IT goes hand in hand with memory!
- Finally i would recommend doing crossword puzzle or reading the news paper daily. Even the new game boys have mind games, or mind improvement
games to help keep your mind healthy and fast.
There are many things that can help improve memory, most of them require work and unfortunately there really isnt a pill out there yet that can solve
Just mediate, do crossword puzzles, and if you have the time and money...look up those 2 programs.