The main focus of this thread, I hope, will be people contributing suggestions and ideas in relation to "Stopping the Meltdown"
I will start this discussion by proposing a very blunt solution to our current economic meltdown. Of course, in reality, we will need to act on many
fronts at once to fix all of this, but I will only propose the ones I can think of right now.
#1 = Dismantle all "Free trade" agreements worldwide.
Thats why outsourcing is crippling our nation, because with free trade, you can make the same product cheaper with slaves in a poor nation, and send
them to richer nations AVOIDING Tariffs/Taxes
Here is why America is being oursourced at an alarming rate (IMO), well its one of the Major reasons, as certainly there are other contributing
Tariffs were meant to keep jobs stable within nations, by placing Taxes on imported goods (tariffs) thus keeping Locally produced goods COMPETITIVE in
the local markets agianst cheaply produced slave labor products from other nations.
When free trade agreements took hold, the economys of MANY nations (not just USA) began to collapse. Outsourcing became the norm, and Subsidation of
certain products made it even worse.
I propose all nations drop their free trade agreements, and reimpose strict tariffs to re-establish previous economic stability. Of course, this would
be a huge undertaking, but we can definatly handle it.
Within 5 years you would see great increases in market stability, givin "Situation X" didnt get in the way
and my next proposal
# 2 = Put corporations and investors under very strict regulations and actually HOLD them accountable for once! IE = Put them in prison for corporate
And I dont want a media circus over 1 guy either, I want a prison full of guys. Maybe several prisons full to the brim. That would be a good start.
The FBI (and their counterparts in other nations) must lead the way by opening way more investigations into almost every corporation's dealings.
The way I see it, Once we clean out the bankers/investors/corporatist/tycoons , our government will directly be improved.
Because if all these "special intrests" are in prison (for crimes proven in court b4 a jury) they cannot buy favors in washington anymore. And
things would change , the politicians may act in the intrests of the people for once.
Of course, we may have to put a boatload of politicians in jail as well.
Before I end this, Let me say clearly to everyone.
I know all of this would never happen, because the human race is being enslaved and these actions go agianst the slavemaster's plan.
So consider it wishful thinking , because that is what it is.
But for the sake of arguement, those would be two of my first solutions to this crisis if I were president.
If you have any other good ideas, please share them.
Who knows, maybe someone at the whitehouse will read this thread, and act on it.
We can hope!