posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by JanusFIN
This is what is fundamentally wrong with the internet as a news source or an information sight. So much of what is presented as facts have never been
fact check, screen, publisher overview. The internet has destroyed our understanding of what is real and what is not. Good people are not going to try
and subverse you and that is exactly what the internet has been turned into. A subversion tool, that only bad people and people without your best
interest at heart is going to try and use to exploit. People scream free speech and that its a tool to get to the real truth, when in reality is
muddies the water so much that everything is laughable now days. Ten years ago if a UFO Story was given air time on ABC,CBS,NBC then it was taken
credibly with anticipation, now days its just another cgi unverified hoaxer from a different reality that is here to warn us of impending doom. ATS
has revealed a double edge sword, in there efforts not to stifle free speech and let and loon cock and harry post here, like many other forums, in the
name of free speech, they have now all become the butt of one big joke. The way to correct this is to verify then reverify... with the internet
verification never happens anymore. This is a downward spiral that is out of control, the people behind it like it, and those who realize its power
and deciet dont have the power to stop least we face the machine and it is used against us. Take note
Hopefully there will come a day when justice makes each site owner veryify(to the best of their ability) a source before they post or let anyone use
their services to post fictional or slanderous material about an individual or race. There are times that I believe ATS to be a borderline HateSite. I
know that ATS does not support the views of people posting but for example there has been so much anit-semetic material on ATS that if I dislike jews,
id be in heaven. And for those of you with blinders on it goes both ways... attacks against Palestinians need to be considered hate speech also. I
look forward to the day that ATS and all the other misc blogging sites out there can be held accountable along with the individual poster, only then
will standards return to the information we recieve thru our computers and tv.
[edit on 5-1-2009 by alienj]