posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 12:55 PM
Disclaimer: I'm a theist but not of the Abrahamic faiths. I have minor biblical scholar and scriptural skills. Also I am not a scientific/legal or
medical expert in any field. Beware of my Contagious Memes! & watch out that you don't get cut on my Occams razor.All of this is my personal
conjecture and should not be considered the absolute or most definitive state of things as they really are. Use this information at your own risk! I
accept no liability if your ideology comes crashing down around you with accompanying consequences!
Explanation: In replying to the Topic I would propose that from the points of view raised by
Kant's Philosophy that basic logic demands an
A PRIORI belief structure (purely given by reason that if you don't have any beliefs at
all then where can you even begin to start from!), such as "I think, therefor I am!" ect. Then one works off of these
A PRIORI beliefs and
bootstraps up ones own world in ones "head/mind/consciousness".
Quote from wiki:- "Kant believed himself to be creating a compromise between the empiricists and the rationalists. The empiricists believed that
knowledge is acquired through experience alone, but the rationalists maintained that such knowledge is open to Cartesian doubt and that reason alone
provides us with knowledge. Kant argues, however, that using reason without applying it to experience will only lead to illusions, while experience
will be purely subjective without first being subsumed under pure reason.".
End Quote.
NOTE:- Both of which require an
A PRIORI belief structure! (i.e. reason).
Personal Disclosure: I agree in the positive (i.e. YES) concerning the Topics Question, for the exact reasons outlined in my Explanation above.