posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 07:46 PM
Bush Jr.'s personality has shaped his legacy, alright; but not before his family's legacy shaped his personality. I mean, there's no question that
the spoiled-rotten rich kid rode into Yale on daddy's coattails, silver spoon intact. And even though his family name wasn't quite sufficient to
overcome his poor performance there [a fact to which The University of Texas School of Law, where the post-graduate Bush applied but wasn't accepted
in 1970, can attest], some strategic string-pulling a few years later did manage to land him at Harvard, wherefrom he barely escaped with his
highly-touted MBA, graduating very near the bottom of his class ...yet again. Apparently, the standards for acceptance to UT's Law School were a
little tougher than those for general admission to Yale and to certain post-graduate programs at Harvard. Either that, or at least as far as the Ivy
League is concerned, there might be some truth in the trusty ol' adage that it's not always what ya' know; sometimes it's who your dad
knows. But putting aside the privileged (if dubious) educational pedigree, his many personal and business failings, prior to entering into
politics (again on daddy's coattails), have been well-documented. Let's be honest; if not for his family name (I.E. based solely on his work history
and piss-poor academic record), the man never would've even been considered for a position of authority a burger joint.
Now, let’s look at his performance in The White House, bearing in mind that Clinton handed him a healthy economy, the lowest jobless rate in thirty
years (3.9%), three years worth of budget surpluses, and a national debt of around 5 trillion dollars.
First off, what happened to the surplus cash? -- Straight out of the gate (that is, prior to 9/11/01), Dubya squandered that money on tax
cuts: cuts that sunk the very economy they were supposed to stimulate.
Since then, he's rung-up (and broken) record deficits with each passing year, and has borrowed more money than all of his presidential predecessors
...COMBINED! -- The national debt now stands somewhere around 10 trillion dollars.
Granted, war is an expensive endeavor for any country to maintain, despite its lucrative nature for the companies contracted to help carry it
out (winks).
And what about that, anyway? I mean Dubya's handling of 9/11? -- He hasn't caught Osama. More importantly, he's failed to destroy AQ. In fact, at
the time of his '07 claim, that "they're weaker now than they would have been" if not for this ridiculous War on Terror ...and Iraq, British
reports had their membership at an all-time high!
Does anyone even question the charge that Jr. just used the attacks of 9/11 as an excuse to finish the job his daddy couldn't in Iraq? -- Not with a
straight face, I hope!
So where are we now? -- Well, to say nothing of our national image abroad, here at home: against a backdrop of eroded civil liberties, our economy's
not just in the toilet; we're actually in the midst of the worst financial crisis since The Great Depression. The unemployment rate has skyrocketed
to pre-Clinton Era proportions, as the job market is weaker than it's been in more than a quarter century. In short, the present day is bleak for the
overwhelming majority of Americans, and the immediate future looks no better.
To sum it up: the outgoing administration has failed in historically EPIC proportions, and it all began at the very top …with a life-long Failure,
whose personality, having itself been shaped on and by the legacy of the silver spoon and platter, has in turn shaped his legacy as President.
[edit on 1/6/2009 by Icarus_Fallen]