posted on Jan, 4 2009 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by RIviolator
Welcome to ATS RI, hope you enjoy your stay.
You will find that there are people on this site who are on like 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Why not tell us which subjects here interest you?
BTW, I suggest you pay close to attention to posts done by 'zorgon', 'internos', 'phage', 'mikesingh', and also don't forget to take a look
at threads done by a former member here called 'john lear'.
Keep your eyes open for hoaxers, keep cool when someone insults you and trust me...DON'T try to 'deny ignorance' like the website motto goes,
you'll just get hard earned points taken away from you for the slightest transgression. I suggest you carefully read the terms and conditions of this
website before you start posting. Other than those little issues, you should be able to fully enjoy ATS with all it's privileges.
Happy New Year and Cheers!!!
Edit to add: Oh, just one more thing dude, I strongly advise you to completely stay away from the politics forum... you'll find nothing but people
intensely fighting over there. God I hope I don't get an off-topic post for what I'm saying right now but it's the truth
take care buddy!
[edit on 4/1/09 by Majorion]