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Wierd cats

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posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 03:17 PM
Well first off iam new to ATS and i didnt really know where else to post this. But i was going on a walk with my friend around 9:30 at night and there were 2 cats in the middle of the road and there eyes looked like they glow'd with blue and they behaved pretty wierd, a man walking his dog had to pull his dog away cause the cats were hissing at it and wouldnt move, they acutally went closer to the dog. Then a car came and it had to swerve out of the way cause the 2 cats wouldnt move out of the road. And when we turned our backs to the cats we both got a wierd feeling like a huge presence was watching us. The cats didnt look to normal they were big and had bushy tails.

Anyone think this is normal or what?

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 04:02 PM
Sounds perfectly normal behaviour in my experience. One of my cats regularly squares up to Sampson from down the road, not caring a jot that passing cars have to slam on to avoid hitting them.

More a case of handbags at dawn than anything demonic and the bushy tails and raised hackles are part and parcel.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 04:15 PM
Yeah, sounds normal to me. Cats eyes are reflective - hence the name of those reflective markers in the roads. My previous cat would often his at dogs, i'd have to fetch her beacuse i was scared FOR her, ha,ha. Cats do fluff up their tails - My current cat does this. Now he is a weird cat/kitten. I have nick named him puppy-kitten bacause he fetches the toys i throw him and acts like both a dog and a cat which is great, haven't mastered him on a lead yet. He used to walk in his harness when he was a younger kitten but now he just wants to play tug of war with the lead on it. I think he's half ferrel or something bacuse of his stripes. Most tabbies haver stripes that are vertical and appear to be more like brindle, and go around the circumference of the body but my cats go long ways down the length of his body. He as a black tail with brown rings at the end too. That made me look further into the history of cats. The stripes that tabbies have are from the wild cat genes, the original egyptian domestic cat. I've noticed he's a lot more playful and adventous than other breeds of cat. Indoors they are more lazy and are lapcats or just sleep or move slow. My cat dashes around the house like a greyhound on speed, and over christmas he often would clib up and down the christmas tree and hide amongst the branches. Cats are cool, and they only ever bring me enjoyment, but unfortunately heartbreak when the die. Karma.

i almost forgot, manners eh - Welcome to ATS, hope to see you around

[edit on 3-1-2009 by MCoG1980]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by MCoG1980
Yeah, sounds normal to me. Cats eyes are reflective - hence the name of those reflective markers in the roads. My previous cat would often his at dogs, i'd have to fetch her beacuse i was scared FOR her, ha,ha. Cats do fluff up their tails - My current cat does this. Now he is a weird cat/kitten. I have nick named him puppy-kitten bacause he fetches the toys i throw him and acts like both a dog and a cat which is great, haven't mastered him on a lead yet. He used to walk in his harness when he was a younger kitten but now he just wants to play tug of war with the lead on it. I think he's half ferrel or something bacuse of his stripes. Most tabbies haver stripes that are vertical and appear to be more like brindle, and go around the circumference of the body but my cats go long ways down the length of his body. He as a black tail with brown rings at the end too. That made me look further into the history of cats. The stripes that tabbies have are from the wild cat genes, the original egyptian domestic cat. I've noticed he's a lot more playful and adventous than other breeds of cat. Indoors they are more lazy and are lapcats or just sleep or move slow. My cat dashes around the house like a greyhound on speed, and over christmas he often would clib up and down the christmas tree and hide amongst the branches. Cats are cool, and they only ever bring me enjoyment, but unfortunately heartbreak when the die. Karma.

i almost forgot, manners eh - Welcome to ATS, hope to see you around

[edit on 3-1-2009 by MCoG1980]

that sounds like a fun cat and thank you

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 04:24 PM
Normally cats would flee at approaching dogs or cars, as there were two of them they were probably at a 'stand off' which I see my neighbours cats doing sometimes. It usually ends in a lot of hissing and either fighting or mating, hence why the cats were probably pissed off.

You don't wanna mess with an angry cat, they could really mess youre face up with them claws! But yeh they can look very creepy.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Steel77
Normally cats would flee at approaching dogs or cars, as there were two of them they were probably at a 'stand off' which I see my neighbours cats doing sometimes. It usually ends in a lot of hissing and either fighting or mating, hence why the cats were probably pissed off.

You don't wanna mess with an angry cat, they could really mess youre face up with them claws! But yeh they can look very creepy.

yea but the wierd part was they werent fighting they actually acted in a group

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by legacyv

Yeah here's fun and a bundle full of trouble ha,ha. He taunts next doors dog then run up the tree and stands directly over him - scares me something chronic. Cats are a bit mysterious though, because they are unpredictable. You think you know them, but they can get a look in there eye of pure hate like they dont know you, then they snap out of it and there normal again. I trust them up to a point, but never fully trust them.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by legacyv

Yeah here's fun and a bundle full of trouble ha,ha. He taunts next doors dog then run up the tree and stands directly over him - scares me something chronic. Cats are a bit mysterious though, because they are unpredictable. You think you know them, but they can get a look in there eye of pure hate like they dont know you, then they snap out of it and there normal again. I trust them up to a point, but never fully trust them.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by legacyv

Yeah here's fun and a bundle full of trouble ha,ha. He taunts next doors dog then run up the tree and stands directly over him - scares me something chronic. Cats are a bit mysterious though, because they are unpredictable. You think you know them, but they can get a look in there eye of pure hate and almost like they dont know/recognise you, then they snap out of it and there normal again. I trust them up to a point, but never fully trust them.

[edit on 3-1-2009 by MCoG1980]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 04:31 PM
Erm, think there was a glitch with my previous post

anyway heres a link or so on the domestic cat origin:

extract from first link:

"Ancestors of domestic cats are now thought to have broken away from their wild relatives and started living with humans as early as 130,000 years ago."

[edit on 3-1-2009 by MCoG1980]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by legacyv

Originally posted by Steel77
Normally cats would flee at approaching dogs or cars, as there were two of them they were probably at a 'stand off' which I see my neighbours cats doing sometimes. It usually ends in a lot of hissing and either fighting or mating, hence why the cats were probably pissed off.

You don't wanna mess with an angry cat, they could really mess youre face up with them claws! But yeh they can look very creepy.

yea but the wierd part was they werent fighting they actually acted in a group

Have you seen the movie 'Sleepwalkers' don't watch it if you don't like seeing groups of angry cats....

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 04:40 PM
Sounds like 100% normal cats to me.
All the behaviors you posted I have seen in cats numerous times.

Welcome to ATS

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 04:46 PM
well thanks for all of the replys guys i gusse i was just freaking out a little bit

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by legacyv
well thanks for all of the replys guys i gusse i was just freaking out a little bit

Well, your questions were valid, especially if you dont know much about cats and their behaviors
That is what this forum is for

[edit on 1/3/2009 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by MCoG1980

Sounds like he's got some 'Bengal' in him. Ours fetch, bush their tails up etc. and horizontal stripes/spots are an exclusively Bengal trait..........

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by legacyv

Sounds like feral cats to me. The behavior could be indicative of rabies, so I would of called Animal Control. Other people should keep their pets inside so they do not get into fights with those animals. Cats can be very territorial, and toms may try to chase them off. If they get bit or scratched, hopefully they would have their rabies vaccinations up to date.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 02:07 PM
i have 2 cats and they are great fun and enjoyment. my one plays fetch like a dog as someone else said theirs did- but they love fighting with each other and kitty's taill gets HUGE! when they see the ghost in my house they fluff up their backs and tails also but don't back down. so it is not unnormal for a few cats to back each other up. they are more intelligent than you think. they take a toy and hide it- i won't see it for months and suddenly there it is again. remember people don't own cats cats own people!! they are sneaky little bastards too- why pumas sacre me so much- altho puma is not that small

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 01:39 PM
I once heard two cats "squaring off" directly underneath an open window at about 5AM. They didn't get into an actual physical fight,
but I think they came close. of them was making a sound I would not want to hear twice in my life.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 01:57 PM
I watched 4 cats take on a 80 pound dog.

These cats were strange as they alway hunted as a pack and when they spotted a dog they would attack it as a group.

No dog had a chance against 16 paws full of ripping claws and 4 sets of teeth all at the same time.

These cat roamed the area and were friendly to people.

They just had this thing about dogs.
and the dogs in the neighborhood would take off when they saw these cats.

it was always fun to watch a new dog in the neighborhood find out about these cats.

posted on Jan, 15 2009 @ 02:20 PM
some one else mentioned they were having a standoff. thats what the noise and big tails were about. they ignored everything around them, as the one who looked away fisrt was gonna get jacked.
I had a cat, Shadow. Turned up at the door the day after my cat of 14 years died. Moved right in, but didn't like to stay indoors. He would terrorize all the other 'hood cats and dogs. he was also known to the street people as he would stick them up for food. you didn't want to eat in front of him and not share. he would literally rob you and dare one to do anything about it.

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