posted on Apr, 7 2004 @ 06:34 PM
The FBI has had over two years, since 9/11, to gear up for the terrorist threats this country may face.
And, really, that's being kind since they should have been more "with it" since the first gulf war, at least.
What are they thinking:
"WASHINGTON (AP) -- Questions remain about the FBI's ability to transform itself into an effective domestic intelligence agency geared to prevent
terrorism, congressional researchers have concluded. They say one alternative is creation of a new standalone agency to do the job.
The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, in a report made public Wednesday, noted the FBI has taken numerous steps to address shortcomings
apparent after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. These include increasing intelligence operations, centralizing control of national security cases at
FBI headquarters and enhancing recruitment and training of analysts.
But the report said doubts remain about whether the FBI can truly pivot from its long history as a law enforcement agency focused on arresting
criminals to an agency that collects and uses intelligence to stop terrorist before they strike.
"The culture of the FBI, including its law enforcement-oriented approach to intelligence, may prove to be an insurmountable obstacle to necessary
intelligence reforms," the CRS report said. "Some argue that the pace and scope of reform may be too slow and not radical enough."
Maureen Baginski, the FBI's chief of intelligence, said in an interview that the bureau has come very far in a short time in building its
intelligence capability. Each of the bureau's 56 field offices now has a contingent devoted to intelligence and every morning at headquarters top FBI
officials who oversee all of its programs meet to discuss intelligence arising from the day's threats, investigations, events and other
full article