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In Defense of Jesus

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posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 10:35 AM
Whether you believe in Jesus or not, the story of Jesus is powerful, and important.

Now, we can go into why and who would make a person up, for the sake of the bible, but let's talk about what the story of Jesus accomplished.

First of all, the story of Jesus formed a new religious belief system. One of treating your neighbor well and the power of peace, and the importance of

Second, the story of Jesus exposed the connection between the Jewish Temple priests and the Romans. And how the Temple was making money off the people, by exchanging money "acceptable to God" for the money with the face of Caesar, and making a profit off of the exchange.

At this point in the story, the priests decide this wasn't acceptable and had Jesus arrested and executed, even exchanging a convicted murderer for Him.

Now these were Jewish Priests, working with Roman governers.

And what about King Herod. Bam! Got the Crown in there too on the grand conspiracy. Kills all the male babies to get to Jesus? What a creep. Now King Herod is accepted as truth to everybody, but people won't believe the Jesus was real, and prophetic?

And then there is the prophecies. The return of Jesus, the destruction of the temple. And Jesus spoke about the Old Testament as truth, so why should the priests have been offended, in the story.

What did Jesus do that offended them so much? Exposed the fact that they were not close to God at all, and really were leading people to paths of slavery through taxes and debt, all the time stealing power and wealth using the name of God and even murdered, even though they knew the commandments.

The same group controls and runs the world right now. The same things are happening, and Jesus is coming back, and God has got His back.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:27 AM
Originally posted by doctordoom

Second, the story of Jesus exposed the connection between the Jewish Temple priests and the Romans. And how the Temple was making money off the people, by exchanging money "acceptable to God" for the money with the face of Caesar, and making a profit off of the exchange.

At this point in the story, the priests decide this wasn't acceptable and had Jesus arrested and executed, even exchanging a convicted murderer for Him.

Now these were Jewish Priests, working with Roman governers.


That is very interesting, because that is what is going on today.

How many banks have enslaved whole Nations economically?

And to know that Christ fought this kind of fraud is refreshing.

[edit on 1/3/2009 by dalan.]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by doctordoom

When Jesus comes back hes going to be put in a mental ward, or if he does have (Im not a literalist.) SPECIAL powers. the goverment would have him locked up in a special confined cell for testing ect.

Even if he were to come back...It would be impossible. lol
Unless it was a secret.
Yea, the elite of the world would probably kill him when he was being confined. Him stating that money is not everything.

[edit on 3-1-2009 by One_of_Manny]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by doctordoom

Extremely well written!

A nice twist in capturing the truth of His birth.

I'll be checking in later with more comments. Great start doc!


posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:28 PM
What you are really talking about is to believe for the very works sake. If you can see the truth in these things, then you can easily believe and see why they are right. You don't have to believe Jesus is god, the son of god or anything else. At least you can see where these things were right, and that he is on your side. Thus to believe for the very works sake.

For me, I found out these truths about how the world worked today without the bible and Jesus. I seen them for what they are, and I spoke up often and tried to tell people about it, only to get called crazy, ignorant among any number of names(by so called Christians no doubt). I believed in the works sake before I even knew it was the works sake.

How truly freaking AMAZED I was when all this time these things were exactly what Jesus said. How AMAZED I was when I seen Jesus repeating the things I learned. And then even more amazing was the way Christians discredited me and told me I was wrong. Which is exactly what Jesus also dealt with among the pharisees.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:42 PM
Yes, I believe that was the whole point of the prophecy, to educate us about how corrupt and evil the church/political system can be.

Current events certainly play in well to the prophecy, and whether one believes in the prophecy or not, one can be guaranteed that those in power believe in the prophecy of Revelation, and the warning in the parables of Jesus.

His whole message seemed to concentrate on less desire for money and more reliance on God.

Isn't this what the Jewish Priests were preaching, yet doing exactly the opposite?

Currently things have not changed, and the same people who say, look to us for guidance to be closer to God, have no such intention, and actually want to lead us from God.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by badmedia

How truly freaking AMAZED I was when all this time these things were exactly what Jesus said. How AMAZED I was when I seen Jesus repeating the things I learned. And then even more amazing was the way Christians discredited me and told me I was wrong. Which is exactly what Jesus also dealt with among the pharisees.

Isn't is ironic.
Have we ever needed the belief in the works as we do now?

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by OldThinker

Thanks for the warm welcome.

Isn't it great to find a current use in Jesus's teaching, even if one does or doesn't believe in His existence.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by doctordoom
Second, the story of Jesus exposed the connection between the Jewish Temple priests and the Romans. And how the Temple was making money off the people, by exchanging money "acceptable to God" for the money with the face of Caesar, and making a profit off of the exchange.

Actually, everyone knew this at the time. This wasn't a real revelation.

However, here's the conspiracy...

And what about King Herod. Bam! Got the Crown in there too on the grand conspiracy. Kills all the male babies to get to Jesus?

Jews have ceremonies of mourning to mark things like the defeat of the Maccabees. The Jewish year has many significant holidays that commemorate things both good and bad (as you can see here):

They even have a holiday that is a prayer for rain.

Why isn't there a day of commemoration for the "slaughter of the infants"?

Why wasn't there a revolt of the people? They revolted over a number of issues but when the soldiers come in and kill their firstborn baby boys, nobody in all the families of all the districts do anything?

Why isn't there a Jewish graveyard of that time filled with bodies of babies all killed at the same time?

Why don't the Jewish midrashes (commentaries and Rabbinical texts) ever mention the Romans killing all their firstborn male children?

Who created this tale? When was it created? What was the purpose of this fiction?

Those questions should be answered.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Byrd

Actually, everyone knew this at the time. This wasn't a real revelation.

Enough said in my opinion. The very people teaching the bible, going against it.
The rest of your argument seems moot after agreeing on this fact.

Jesus accomplished keeping the truth at the forefront, or at least the story does.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 01:48 PM
Everyone has their own ideas about the man some call Jesus, which is ironic in a anti Roman Church/Govt/Bankers coalition is talked about. It is a nice thread and very interesting but should you not call him by his name? Particularly since your thread is anti Roman influence???? Jesus Christ is the Roman god Iesus Christos, all Roman gods had the names Christos, it simply means anointed or anointed one...

His name as recorded in the Hebrew texts and in truth is "Yeshua Ha Messhiach" this can be translated to english as "Joshua the Messiah" or "Yashua the Messiah", it's like German and Spanish don't have a J sound neither does Hebrew so its more YA sound...

Nice job on the post OP I aint slamming you at all, I just think the words Jesus should be replaced with the real name of the Messiah to take ROME out of your post and out of Christianity...

Flag and a star for you OP!!!

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
Actually, everyone knew this at the time. This wasn't a real revelation.

Many people know it's going on today as well. But if someone was going up against it, in the public eye and was murdered and such for it, then obviously there is conspiracy in it.

So while that fact in itself was no large revelation, it is a large revelation when one figures it out. But it is entirely different in what Jesus did because he not only had this revelation, he went against it. If the revelation is no big deal, then where are the other stories of people going against it like this?

I'll use Ron Paul for example. Goes up against the fed all the time. There is a big difference in those of us who know the truth, and him who goes up against it and has for decades. If he was killed for it, then is that not a conspiracy?

Thus, his death is the conspiracy of someone going against the conspiracy.

Of course, this is only a small portion of what he did. He spoke other truths beyond just that of pointing out the problem that you say is no revelation. He cut straight to the core roots of the problems - people's misguided beliefs. He undermined all of man's authority. And that is the real reason for the murder. Thus why it is different than someone who just pointed it out, he actually showed people a better way.

Aren't you the same moderator who moved the only topic I made on these forums that pointed out that those who use heavy symbolisms are the ones who are wolves in sheeps clothing - aka part of the conspiracy, and then told me that the topic had nothing to do with conspiracy?

Why are you even allowed to moderate in a forum like this when you have these kinds of opinions? Is this forum only designed so that religion is the conspiracy, rather than conspiracy in religions? How can you moderate a conspiracy theory forum when you don't even know what the conspiracies are, and then decide what is what?

to ATS on this one.

[edit on 3-1-2009 by badmedia]

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 02:22 PM
The story of Jesus is the single most important story humanity has ever known, no other man has had more influence than him, no one has caused more deaths than him, if he were alive today id want him up on genocide.

posted on Jan, 3 2009 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Europe
The story of Jesus is the single most important story humanity has ever known, no other man has had more influence than him, no one has caused more deaths than him, if he were alive today id want him up on genocide.

I do not believe that ha kristos would support genocide in his name.

He seems to be against it.

And if a Christ figure of any kind, shape, color, race, creed, and so on...does happen to return; I think that the peoples committing the genocides will have a lot to answer for.

posted on Jan, 10 2009 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by doctordoom

Point missed, fact, god was a real Force in the known world, then a child is born that could bring the dead back to life and talk to animals (demons in pigs) and to enter gods world you have believe in Jesus as savior. This notion did not sit well with a race ( Most Jews and Non Jews of that era) of people who at that point in history Living in Fear, Slavery, a king that Killed hundreds of male children to keep this one Person from Making History. Only now its Time to believe or Not. remember the first fifty years only converts believe in him.

posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by Europe

No other 'man' hass SAVED as many men as Christ has either. It was not his wish that all those deaths happened and it was not by his doing.

If you believe that, then you really do not know Jesus at all.


posted on Jan, 11 2009 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by bone13

And after the first 50 years how many people believed in him then? It's been over 2,000 years and there are more who come to faith everyday. All because of a crucified Jew. Amazing story and fills me with awe and wonder everytime I think upon it.


posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by Grandma

Read both your replys, men and women turn to the writen word, in the time of need, (bible, koran, etc.). but no has ever looked at the common man of the time, the shop keeper, the peasent, the house wife their insights on those events, where are if they exsist are the dairies of the times, letters from rabbi's talking about the time at hand, records to the next genaration. what am saying is people kept personal records, Dairies, opinions to the events of that time period. Like these postings and replys on subject matter at hand ARE records, (Opinions, Insghts, Feelings). This genration has video, blogs, to record the events of our time, If anyone has records Please share. Peace

posted on Jan, 12 2009 @ 02:00 PM
Everyone make sure to pray to jesus every night... also get your child baptised or he will go to hell. Go to church every sunday for brain washing, if you miss a treatment... who knows what could happen. You might get up off your knees and learn somthing.

posted on Jan, 13 2009 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by Grandma
reply to post by bone13

And after the first 50 years how many people believed in him then? It's been over 2,000 years and there are more who come to faith everyday. All because of a crucified Jew. Amazing story and fills me with awe and wonder everytime I think upon it.


A Jew crucified by other Jews.

There was a message in there about that too.

Not all Jews are God's chosen. Just like not all Gentiles are God's chosen.

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