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Interesting electro-magnetic effect

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posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:07 AM
I've seen some videos where objects appear to be "Floating" without wires and people use this for hoaxes and jokes all the time. Any theories as to how they do it?

The one I had was the same principle used in amplifiers, where a force is created due to electro magnetism to push (Or pull) an obejct, make it strong enough and you could easily cause something quite large to "Levitate" or claim an anti-gravity machine. Any other theories on this one? Or does this make sense to anyone else?

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:14 AM
Electro-Magnetic Attraction/Repulsion is quite readily understood but I would suggest that strictly speaking this is not "anti-gravity". It could be said that any application of force to negate the effect of gravity (i.e. pulled back to Earth) could be construed as anti-gravity but I would consider actual manipulation of "gravitons" or gravitational force as true "AG".

An ordinary ring magnet can be used to levitate an appropriate object, but I am not aware of any "real" gravity manipulation that does not rely on the mass of an object.

Any information out there on "real" anti-gravity?

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by Dinnj

Comrad "Dinnj" I've seen the videos also, and many of them are real. Large cranes with electromagnets lift very heavy amounts of steel in junk yards all the time.

Gravity in itself is created by nearness to a mass, and spin; the faster the spin, the easier the lifting force.

If you create enough spin, "the force in the space between two magnets located at 90 degrees to each other takes on new characteristics". "Everything within that area between the two magnets set up 90 degrees to each other" can become highly exited, which in effect changes the laws of physics as is written in current physics books.

In fact the object itself then is able to lift off, seeming to defy gravity; the specific science behind gravity is still not fully understood. Manmade craft, that are often identified as UFOs use this specific method to make their craft take off vertically, and rotate in mid air at at a specific spot, and then to seem like it accelerates at astronomical speeds, when in fact it is going at a regular speed; but the excitation of matter within and nearby, creates a sort of time warp where everything within or nearby accelerates in time. So, the people inside actually are living at a much faster rate than us here on the outside.

Magnets can do lots of things.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Dinnj

The video isn't great but here's what you're referring to.

Cool trick... could well be used to create some sort of 'free' energy surely.

EDIT: vid would not embed

[edit on 2-1-2009 by and14263]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:50 AM
Hi RussianScientists,

I would clarify some of the statements you have made. Gravity is not created by nearness to mass, rather, it is an attribute of mass, therefore, multiple bodies always exert a gravitational attraction on each other and this is particularly apparent when there are no other forces that may negate the effect (for instance, a rocket powering from the Earth's pull).

Gravity is not a product of "spin" per se, although rotating bodies may exert different gravitational effects as a function of uneven distribution of mass. Rather, spin creates a vectored kinetic force as a result of velocity and change of direction, most readily seen when water is retained in a bucket spun about the head or as experienced by pilots when turning at high speeds. The terminology of a "g turn" is a relative measure of the force applied in comparison with the effect of g as felt on the Earth's surface.

I am not aware of any directly available text book cases of spinning magnets creating a "time warp" although I concede that empirical evidence would suggest that magnetic fields can have a positive effect on health and well-being.

Although there is evidence for apparently strange effects created by contra-rotating magnets, I am not sure that there are specific examples of craft clearly using this singular method to create lift.

There is some evidence to suggest that Nazi Germany create such "lift" technology with the inception of the "Bell", however, spinning magnets did not constitute the alleged primary lift engine as such.

Gyroscopic affects evident within spinning objects should not be confused with "lift" as such, rather, spinning produces a dynamic inertia that requires greater than normal force to overcome. Spinning objects can appear "lighter" when moved in one direction but "heavier" when moved in another. This is all within the realm of readily understood physics.

EDIT: Removed superfluous "when" from 1st paragraph - sorry - I was typing before thinking ;-) The paragraph should scan correctly now.

[edit on 2-1-2009 by SugarCube]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by SugarCube

I would clarify some of the statements you have made. Gravity is not created by nearness to mass, rather, it is an attribute of mass, therefore, when multiple bodies always exert a gravitational attraction on each other and this is particularly apparent when there are no other forces that may negate the effect (for instance, a rocket powering from the Earth's pull).

Sorry man, I can't get my head around this paragraph at all. It sounds like you're going to give an example but then don't. I'm not nit picking you from a grammar stand pooint I just want to understand what you're saying.

Forgive me if I am just failing to understand plain English here.
EDIT: think I just got it... did you put an extra 'when' in there that wasn't needed? Cheers anyway.

Also as you seem to know your stuff... whta are your thoughts that gravity could be polar/positively and negatively charged? This clearly has massive implications on travel....

[edit on 2-1-2009 by and14263]

[edit on 2-1-2009 by and14263]

[edit on 2-1-2009 by and14263]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by SugarCube

Comrad "Sugarcube" you are corrrect about gravity being an attribute of mass.

The rotating force (flux) in and out (spin inside the magnetic flux) of the poles of magnets or bodies like the Earth help to create gravitational effects.

In manmade aircraft (mostly military, but some private), not the old type with wings extending from the sides - but the new type (circular, or triangular for better stability) rarely seen or discussed openly to the public use this kind of force to lift off of the Earths surface; straight up, with little power used in order to create the lift.

While the magnetic lift is being created within and also outside of these craft to overshadow Earths gravitational pull, the electromagnetic system within the craft warps time and space. These craft can take off at what seems to be unbelievable astronomical speeds after a blinding electromagnetic flash; many people around the world have seen them and have called them UFO's, these craft are used secretly by military all over the world.

If you and your buddies got together, you could make one, if you had some money and knew enough about electromagnetics. If you were successfull in building such an easy craft to build, then you must realize that time inside the craft is accelerated at a much faster pace when it is operating, than the surroundings away from the craft. A matter of hours inside an operating craft will make a well shaven man come out with far more than a shadow of a beard.

The magnets themselves do not spin, there is simply a pole magnet (like the Earth's axial pole running down through the center of the Earth), and a circular ring magnet, with a misssing magnet in the ring. Once these are electromagentically powered up, then time and space are warped, and Earths gravity can easily be defied. I'm very sure that this type of so called secret information will not be found in any "text book" as you have stated.

There are many specific examples of this type of craft, just look at some of the UFO films, and you will see them. You will see them take off at amazing speeds, and make amazing high speed right angle turns, most of them today are triangular instead of with a single magnetic pole, they use three poles in a triangular shape for better stability when flying.

What you have written is real, but it is not fully up to date.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by and14263

Hehe, sorry and14263, it was an "extra" when I had put in the 1st paragraph - I was typing ahead before my brain caught up. I have edited the post and removed it.

As for examples, the orbit of bodies in space about the Earth is a product of balancing vectored forces and gravity. Gravity wants to bring the orbiting body back to Earth in a satisfying explosion of scorched metal and a plume of smoke whereas the effective circular orbit of the object produces forces that effectively negate the pull of g.

As to graviton charging, well, as far as I am aware there is conflicting information on the subject. Some say that it as no mass and no charge which always sounds like hooey to me unless you consider that there is a different "physical paradigm" (sorry to use "that" word but it is so succinct).

That is to say, the whole concept of the "Aether"...

Alternatively, I have heard that the graviton is charged, but this has a number of issues associated with it - the mass aspect for one! Science is very good at defining the Universe using relative descriptions, we know how the ampere is defined, we know how the volt is defined, but, I'll bet you've never heard a bona fide scientist stake their reputation on definitively indicating the source of all energy.

So, we've peeked at electrons through the curtains at night, undressed and ready for bed, we know the dimensions, we know the charge, we know the spin rate, we know the mass - but then we are told that it is an elementary or "point" particle. OK... So what is it made of? Ahhh, some might say, it is "energy" (always with an enigmatic smile and a knowing nod). So what is energy... Yeah, let's cut to the chase and admit that we don't really know.

We can measure affects, effects, interactions and comparative attributes but we don't really understand the nuts and bolts - that is why we have CERN so that the white-coats can have a cushy number investigating these things and perfecting their "knowing nods" and enigmatic "hmmmms".

Anyhoo, back to the point, I am on the fence with regard to the charge of a graviton. However, I would say that I concur with the theory of an "alternative physics" - not in an outlandish way but with due regard to the physical nature of the Universe as we *perceive* it. Yes, Newtonian physics works, it predicts and is almost always correct, but, there are aberrations which should not be ignored.

Clearly, this makes me a "fringe member" of the quack variety but, just because we are well-evolved apes that can build nuclear accelerators without spilling our tea doesn't mean we understand the secrets of the Universe OR that we are "right" just because everything appears to fit our theories.

Many of our expounded physical laws are based on effect and are not necessarily concerned with explaining cause except in the most ambiguous terms. We can predict effect but we are still floundering with the causes so I am open minded about anything and everything.

From one point of view it is theoretically impossible to "capture" a graviton (since it has no mass) so that doesn't bode too well for science but is a fantastic gravy train for scientists - that villa at the coast needs to be paid for somehow.

I like to bet on the outsider, the underdog. Tesla had theories concerning the "aether" and was mocked by contemporary science. Tesla was a genius beyond normal recognition - my money is on him.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by RussianScientists

Hi RussianScientists (is that a collective?),

I do not deny that "secret" propulsion technology probably exists - as I mentioned I am a paid up member of the "Bell Appreciation Society" so I am open to new sources of energy and the application to induce kinetic energy.

I am out of my comfort zone simply because of the "absolute" terms that you have used to describe certain vehicles of flight. It is not necessary to have wings "sticking out of the sides" to induce negative/positive pressured airflows that create lift in a moving craft - this includes circular and "delta wing" craft as evidenced as far back as the 1940's.

Therefore, I respectfully clarify that although some aircraft of "quirky" design may use different propulsion/lift combinations, the vast majority use regular aerofoil techniques.

If we make the distinction between differentiated and combined propulsion/lift (i.e. whereby propulsion is used to generate lift via an aerofoil or exhaust port and alternatively whereby propulsion actually provides "field" lift) then electro-magnetic units would seem the most sensible given what we know about electro-magnetic properties of attraction and repulsion.

In spite of this and the empirical evidence of witnessed flight characteristics that cannot ordinarily be achieved (VTOL combined with high speeds and exaggerated g acceleration), I am not aware of any *definitive* evidence of such a craft in the military or public arenas (e.g. Aurora, although "secret" is generally well know, as were the stealth aircraft during their development period although seen regularly in public nowadays).

In spite of the claim that such a device can be readily manufactured, I am not aware of anybody who has done so - and there are plenty of eccentric multi-millionaires that would give it a go I am sure.

The point is, although the basis for the technology has "something" to do with magnetics, there is no clearly defined procedures or mechanisms that describe the operating requirements and characteristics in the public domain.

I am also unaware of any reference to time being dependent on magnetic variation. Sure, time may be related to velocity and this has been experimentally shown, but nothing on magnetics and time.

Can you provide any public domain thesis or scientific paper that postulates or describes the mechanisms you mention in the context of proven experimental affects? I do not ask that as a challenge but as a real question.

Danke, alte kamerad

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 06:55 PM
There are three basic types of energy. They can be transformed from one type into another, for the most part. Can you think of some examples?

On the Aether, the theory has grown up as of late. I also believe reference frames are not dragged, but rather space is accelerated. This has deep ramifications for EU theory and the effect of plasma streams on space, such as the Birkeland current.

I find a curious geometric parallel between ST and AT with the Lynnclaire knot. I have not had the time to fully explore it, however I believe it is crucial.

posted on Jan, 6 2009 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by SugarCube

thanks for that, you've answered a few questions I had without me having to ask them.


posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by and14263

u get the short version otherwise it may not get posted my freinds there are craft powered by electromagnetism i have seen one myself about 6 years ago in daylight over in liverpool england, now is the strange part it was shapped like an egg and was smooth and gold in colour, the day was not a sunny day even though it was about 6pm middle of summer the sky wich was one whole grey cloud coverd the sky, i say this so you know it wasn't golden from the suns reflection, it was allso stationery i think but not sure as i seen it looking out from the back seat of my brothers rover 400 it was near the liver buildings it had its poiniest part facing towards the sky, i don't know how high it was because i don't know how big it is, the first question that entered my head was why that shape??
at the time it seemd like a stupid shape for a craft, but now i know a little about therm tecnology. anyway after that day i had forgotten mostly about it untill i herd a lady called may from anfield go on 96.7 city fm radio station and tell pete price's quest host tom skellon the supposed ufo expert that she had seen 26 grapefruit shaped objects in the sky in her life living in liverpool. now because i have seen what i have seen i myself know she speaks the total truth, any 1 else would think her an absolute plantpot, like you are thinking now, so let me say this there are only three possable reasons why an old girl of the age of 56 would go on radio ufo talk show and say such a thing [a] its the truth she is lonely [c] she is crazy, if she is [b'c] it is about 95% likely she would say she seen a flying saucer like every one else says but because i'v seen the same i know she has seen 26 of the things i'v seen. now i have gained other jigsaw pieces from googling key words, there is a painting in tuscany with the very same in the background, there is a stone carving called the athos fresco in a monestery up mount athos in greese wich is the same as i seen, both of those are before any of our tecnology, so that tells me its not ours. there is a book written my a tibeten monk his name is rampa lob sang his book is called SHAMBALAH and in it he tells of so called flying gods in transparent spheres, i allso read somethin about the supposed inside workings of such a craft by some scientific dude who reckons its powered by three high powered electro magnets and therm tecnology????? and a tessler coil
i need to know more, im not well educated from school and im dyslexic so sorry for spelling mistakes but i swear by what i say and would take any lie detctor test you like, this is the only thing im truely interested in now, i hate puzzles, anougher question that is bothering me is whats so special about liverpool?? 27 of these things seen by just 2 of us in the same area, from the sightings i'v read about they have been seen all the world tibet america mongolie chillie england and allso from the sighting read about i know our govening bodys are in comune with them , whats going on behind the curtain???????????? if any of you know more or have seen the very same please contact me on this email address [email protected] posted by i holden

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