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History to be rewritten? Temple found dating back 9000 B.C.

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posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 10:38 PM

n the south of Turkey, in Göbekli Tepe, in an area well-known as "Mount of belly button", a giant and mysterious work of architecture has been brought to light by an equipe of researchers from Dai (German Archeological Institute of Istanbul) and from the museum of Urfa, under the direction of Klaus Schmidt, a German archaeologist.

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[edit on Fri Jan 2 2009 by Jbird]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by Al-Mahdi

another of the 'navel of the earth' set of temples? i don't really buy that all temples were made by super advanced people thousands of years ago but i do wonder why so many temples have a reference in their name to belly buttons, maybe because the navel is what links mother and child, the temple is like the link between mother earth and child man?

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:04 PM
This is an incredible find for Archeology. A site that predates Stonehenge by 6000-8000 years! I have included a link to another article that gives the Temple carvings a date of 11,000 years old! The Cradle of civilization?

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:07 PM
Wow, a discovery of a temple that has two wierd sides to its story.

The fact that its construction is only complarible to that of stonehenge.

And the fact that it is old enough to be around at the biblical start of this universe/planet.

Amazing, thank you so much.

A great contribution

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:10 PM
Cool, story, I didn't know about the belly button temples..

I don't have a normal one because I was born with all of my intestines out.. so it kinda looks like the star of david.. hence my name (David) ..

I'll have to research these temples a bit more! awesome.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:20 PM
What about those 40 artifacts they found in Africa dating back 2 million yrs?????

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:23 PM
yeah the root name of lots of the big temples around the word is in some way 'the navel of the earth' which maybe if this IS eden, that is to say the place man grouped together before they ruined it by eating all the trees and moved away, then maybe it could have stayed in the myths of the cultures that covered the globe, maybe they had this idea they carried with them in stories of the temple that was the navel of the world, the place society began -where man kind was given the first true life, the conseptual desire to understand and control the world around it, maybe they rebuild the lost eden in their new settlement to their new design? that would account for them all being so similarly designed.

then again the root of the world navel could well be the same as the root for the word used to describe a meeting place or center of the community, being as how the navel is the meeting place between mother and child and the center of the belly this could make sense.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:27 PM
Seems like every time somebody thinks they have our history nailed down, something new is discovered that throws everything afoul. Maybe they ought to just keep quiet about when things started and keep digging. The next discovery is right around the corner.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:29 PM
Gobeki Tepe is certainly interesting but the site has already had its initial impact and history has already been re-written by its discoveries. The best news is there is more to come. The excavations have only been going on since 1994 and only a small fraction of the site has been uncovered.

The site was found originally in the mid sixties but grants couldn't be found until the mid 90 to do the digs.

More great stuff to come.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Al-Mahdi
n the south of Turkey, in Göbekli Tepe, in an area well-known as "Mount of belly button", a giant and mysterious work of architecture has been brought to light by an equipe of researchers from Dai (German Archeological Institute of Istanbul) and from the museum of Urfa, under the direction of Klaus Schmidt, a German archaeologist.

Is it really that hard to believe? Many scientist say that groves on the Sphinx could have only been caused by many many years of rainfall. Last time there was enough rainfall to cause those grooves were around 10,000 BC.
I've also heard a few scientists saying that our history just doesnt add up. That as a species we are suffering from amnesia about our past. Who's to say how long we have been around for sure and what level of technology we had.
IF today 95% of the population died what would the world look like 10,000 years from now?

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 12:03 AM
I wonder where Harte is?
He should be coming right about now to debunk this new discovery

I'm working on a thread this is more fuel for the fire thanks


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[edit on Fri Jan 2 2009 by Jbird]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 12:09 AM
Well as we hurdle off topic

Many scientist say that groves on the Sphinx could have only been caused by many many years of rainfall.

Hans: And just as many - and probably more don't agree with that analysis and point to other possibilities

Last time there was enough rainfall to cause those grooves were around 10,000 BC.

Hans: Not quite that long ago, around 5,500-6,500 BC the Sahara began to dry out and neolithic hunter-gatherers and nomadic herders began to move out of the region, the 10,000 date comes up alot as it an important fringe belief date.

I've also heard a few scientists saying that our history just doesnt add up.

Hans: I believe if you check you'll find those, 'scientists' are mainly fringe writers.

That as a species we are suffering from amnesia about our past.

Hans: Yet another meme created by fringe writers

Who's to say how long we have been around for sure and what level of technology we had.

Hans: Well we could look at the evidence we have and make some informed and evidenced hypothesis - or heck we could just make up some stuff and believe it....your choice.

IF today 95% of the population died what would the world look like 10,000 years from now?

Probably much like today's world except being an archaeologist would be a wild ride as you'd have sites galore and chock full of all kinds of cool stuff.

As noted above we are going off topic so if you can turn this into something about Gobeki Tepe...that would be good.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 12:12 AM
It is amazing that such an old relic of our human civilization is found. That goes on to show that our ancient culture and society was far more sophisticated than we think. I am sure findings older than this will be unearthed.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by sunny_2008ny

Yes humans were quite smart, as the science of archaeology gets better at what it does and incorporates new technology we should expect bigger and better finds in the future....older ones too.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by thegreatone

IF today 95% of the population died what would the world look like 10,000 years from now?

No idea, but we would certainly leave an absolute feast of stuff for future archaeologists to dig up.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by Al-Mahdi

after reading your link
and the Smithsonian link from redbarron626

i don't see the ruins as Temples for worship...

I say the ruins were once 'Hunting Clubs', where hunters passed info
traded game kill and related behavior..
the not so distant ancient 'metropolis' of UR would have
been the cause/reason for this Hunt Club.

from the 'T' post-pillars still standing in the smithsonian link,
its very likely that a thatched roof was covering the concourse areas...
it would be like a giant Ramada ...a shaded from the Sun,
and covered from the rain space
where the hunters-traders could move about and confer about specific game in their designated areas (re: the animal carvings)...
much like the trading floor at our modern stock-exchange

[edit on 2-1-2009 by St Udio]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 07:11 AM
Don't forget the Indus Valley which dates the remains there at around 9000 years ago. This just adds more fuel to the fire that the world is older than 6000 years as per those that believe Bishop Usser's dating of the Earth by Who begat Who. Archaeology, you got to love it when they find new things and finding this temple in Göbekli Tepe,!

[edit on 1/2/2009 by pstrron]

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:06 AM
It doesnt matter what we find; they (the people in control) will keep history the same or try too for aslong as possible

It doesnt matter if we find Atlantis, Lemuria, or something that thats extremely old and debunks every religion and acount of history on the globe that info will not be told to the masses for anything.

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 09:17 AM
Cool find, only more evidence that no matter what date gets espoused as 'the beginning' of civilization, it will eventually get pushed back.

I always associated the 'Navel' temples, with the Dan tien, or the energy centre of the body. The Dan tien is located around the stomach and navel, don't know why I always thought this, I suppose the 'whom' is a much better explanation.

Either way, good find


posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by kvaniu

Howdy Kvaniu

It doesnt matter what we find; they (the people in control) will keep history the same or try too for aslong as possible

Hans: Question Kvaniu, if the evil [insert your favorite 'people in control'] are doing this then why has history been changing? Why did we find the Harappa, Minoan and Sumer civilizations which were unknown to us previous - not to mention all the small ones we've found too? "They" don't seem to be doing a very good job!

It doesnt matter if we find Atlantis, Lemuria, or something that thats extremely old and debunks every religion and acount of history on the globe that info will not be told to the masses for anything.

Hans: I would suspect that since we know Lemuria doesn't exist and Atlantis is looking very very unlikely I guess we won't hear about them....I would say that science has offered up fairly effective 'debunkings' of religion - yet they are still around, they simply adapt to the new information.

To all

Once Iraq calms down and archaeology is able to start up again I suspect we'll get some interesting insights into what was in Mesopotamia prior to the Ubaidian and their follow ons the Sumerians.

[edit on 2/1/09 by Hanslune]

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