reply to post by AGENT_T
Agent T,
I have not seen this thread before so I will comment on it now and attempt to explain a couple of concepts in thought which are not covered especially
by the women on this thread..other threads too but by most of the men as well.
I suspect this is because most have difficulty thinking or conceptualizing outside of standard settings on the radio dial so to speak..default setting
where most tend to think a thing should play through unquestioned or unchallenged.
First thought. How many women do you know who take up with and or date a man with children and then marry him. I ask this in lieu of the
other way around of a man dating a woman with children and marrying her and by this the children too?? This is a very important question and one which
should be more men.. to and of alot more women.
I say this because of this statement by HugMyRek....
I myself under no circumstances for no amount of attraction will couple with an individual with children.
Remember ...AgentT...only men can be commitment phobes...It is a standard default setting...everyone knows this ....RIGHT??? LOL LOL Not!!
Understand now.... my question or inquiry about how many women do you know who will date or marry a man with children verses the other way around??
Are there statistics on this.? Do women as a whole believe in this much "Equality." Have you ever noticed how many women on these threads
..especially in the Relationship Forums often speak of Unconditional Love??
Notice the conditions on these this one?? This represents a significant difference in thinking, beliefs, values and also understanding.
No unconditional love going on here Agent T.
Its ok and expected ..a natural default setting never to be questioned ...that a man date a woman with children...take up the settings and risks on
her radio exchange for his risks...this is the natural order of things.....even at great risk to him in multitudes of ways....RISK.
THere is something very skewed here in the thinking ..and beliefs often operating this dating scene. Alot of conditions going on here on which
seldom is light ever put upon. Light needs to be put upon it.
Agent how this works...from Orange-light....
biggest fears or problems:
1st the boyfriend has to get along with the son, without being interested in him, which i think should be granted since he seems to be interested in
me ;P
2nd time problem, at first i could only go out when the son is with his dad, since i don.t want to present him a new guy every now and then, the son
would love to reunite his mom and dad
3rd the boyfriend has to accept that i am educating/raising my son, not he is educating/raising him, so no interference, which is quiet hard for some
4th and then - as mentioned before - it might happen that the kid doesn.t accept the new partner for some reasons, very difficult, but both female and
male have to be patient than,
5th if the trouble would be to big, i would always choose my son!
so you have to talk to the woman, find out how she thinks about the situation, and be patient.
sometimes when chatting on the web the very guy gets problems because i can.t be very spontaneous, but i won.t leave my son alone just to meet a guy
whom i don.t know yet.
Biggest fears or problems....???
Notice the numbered to make it clear.
Notice she says.."it should be granted"?? Is she granting anything here??
Conditions?? Verses "Unconditional Love"
Look at line #3...very interesting. If you date and then marry a woman like this ...are you going to be expected ..even taken for granted that you
bring home first fruits in money and RISKS...then get told you have no say so in how your risks are spent and or wasted in raising a child..even one
you did not sire...while you take second, third or even further down the line..considerations and conditions from her as well as the child. Women
would normally call this abuse if you did it to them. Yet so many women obviously think this is entirely normal and never to be questioned.They print
or type out this nonsense on boards like this and never expect to be questioned or challanged on it.This is a formula for women as well as children to
be running the show while you take most of the RISKS with little or nothing of value in return. It is obvious that you are guilty from the begining of
some crime not worthy of certain considerations or conditions simply because you are a male.
If you pay excessive attention to a list like this from a woman with children..are you leading or following? Are you stepping up to the plate to bat
or is she?? And then are you expected to run the bases for her....and the children too?? Are you picking up on her clues and cues to perform a certain
way..and substituting her values and thinking processes..expectations for yours? If so in exchange for what??
What are you getting for all this baggage??? Who is expecting unconditional love from someone else and who puts conditions on thier love?? This is
Remember this Agent T!! This is a forumla for becoming a worker bee drone..while ceding or yeilding to the requirements of the Queen BEE...and even
the consideration for you. After all you will be getting her body once in is more than you deserve. Your getting
the "Best years of her life." Right?? Notice mention of your life or thinking patterns..beliefs and expectations.
Are you jumping to her insecurities and beliefs ...expectations..or yours??
And how much of this substitution is worth your time and or moneys/RISKS? How much of someone else's insecurities is worth your time and
How much RISK to you take in your occupation for your moneys?? This is important before you go jumping to the tune of an insecure woman trying to mold
you and substitute your thinking and expectations for hers. An insecure woman even substituting your thinking and expectations for the childrens
wants. Understand now what I mean by default settings?? So many women actually offer so little to a man for the RISKS he takes for the moneys he
earns...if you listen carefully to what is not covered here in posts like these..there is an automatic default..a set of givens here..which when you
think them through ..leave a lot is designed to leave a lot unsaid. You are never supposed to be able to think this or
in marriage.
THe very interesting thing for me to how few men even think this through. THe women out here run circles around the men in this and they
know it.
When you date women with children are expected to take clues and cues from her ..even concerning the children. This is an arena seldom
challenged or questioned by a man to a woman with children.
You need to have enough acumen to ask the question ..if you get seriously involved with this woman will you be required to give first fruits to her
and the children while receiving second and third or fourth fruits down the line...from them?? Will you be doing this as a career opportunity? Does
this woman even have a clue as to how to bring you in first when you are expected to bring her and the children first fruits...and her do so as a
career opportunity.?? Not just you doing so as a career opportunity.
Most women never expect a man to even ask the question...what are you going to do or what do you know in order to bring me as a man in first place.
Its a given with most of them....that she determines this..not he. He is expected to work for both sides..and take what he gets when all is
consumed..if there is anything left.
Almost no men I know or have known have enough acumen to ask a woman with children any such question or for all that matter ..even a woman without
This is because of most men having a natural blindside ...based on a oil shortage mentality. No amount of striking oil is worth all the second or
third or further down the line fruits ...considerations from a woman and children....when you are expected even in dating to give first fruit.
You need to know enough to ask these types of questions of a woman you are dating with children ..should you get serious about her. YOu need to know
enough to think this through for yourself...with most women.... because they tend to think from a position of insecurity and vulnerability....with you
willing and able to make up the difference.
But most of need to know enough to a certain format or arena when dealing with these women and children.
You also need to know that with many women with children..that the children are running the show...Mom is dancing to their tune..not the other way
around. The children are leading. You need to know enough to spot means that you will be dancing to the tune of the children as well....with
your hard earned RISK. Many women out here think that this is entirely normal..even entitled....even on someone else's RISK. It is not entitled...or
This is why I do not necesarily agree with this statement from Whitewaves post.
Mildly interested and greatly tolerant of a single mom's children is the balance,
Think about this quote above in lieu of what Photobug states about children being a refleciton of their parents. Notice how much tolerance women
expect to give while you are expected to be tolerant. This is not a two way much tolerance do you think you will get for your RISKS if
you marry a woman with children??
Notice the very absence of this line of thought by many of both the male posters out here as well as the female posters.
Continued on the next post down