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My theory On Life

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posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:16 PM
Whatsup ATS...long time reader, and not a very active poster here. Always enjoy reading threads of all of you guys and gals and I hope I can stir up some thought with my post.

I was just jotting notes in notepad (I enjoy to write whenever a good thought comes to mind) so excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes - and the format might not come out the best.

Excuse the poor format...if its unreadable I will re-edit upon request.

The world needs evil for the depopulation of humanity for the sake of us all. The goods of life do not posess the power
alone to prevent a cataclysmic catastrophe of overpopulation and the dangers that it can bring. Utopia is not ideal yet a distant
figment of our imagination that we deem perfect. Human always seeks to be perfect but I will say NOTHING is will ever become the ideal
way we all wish it to be. This idea is perpetuated plenty of times through out history in the symbolism of the Yin Yang symbol
and the thought that a balance of good and evil is needed to acheive neutralality that otherwise can not be obtained.
We would all like to think that the bad man running down the street stealing from you is a crime to all of man kind. WHen in reality,
it is acts of violance on a bigger scale that prevents us from dying. Yes YOUR life might be better without a few nuisances but for the
sake of us all, this is not true. Who is to say that the majority morales are to be inflicted on the minority that do not agree with such.
As the Yin Yang symbol shows, a white and black side, and a circle of the opposite color on each side,this shows that even the good
has some evil, and the evil some good.

The meaning of life? Is there such? There is no true meaning, sadly. The start of our universe was the big bang (theory).
What was before that? Who knows. Life evolves through the cycle of life. A cycle never ends. It continues and keeps on going...
which leads me to believe that not necessarily "life" as we know it, but SOMETHING has always existed. There has ALWAYS been something
and that is not logical to us, which is why many would not agree with me or think I am crazy with my own theory. Religion has been a road
to power and wealth and that is all. Yes it does give hope for those that follows in its teachings, but should not those teachings
(for those on the white end of the spectrum of the yin yang) always be preached, with or without religion? Why must we live a life
under a divine god that the only proof of his existance is hope. I do not believe in any religion, which doesnt say I do not believe in
something "upper", but my ethics and way of life are just as grand if not more than many others that would follow such a religion.

What is time? For many of us, that is the morning, afternoon, evening, and dead of night. What if you live on the north pole and experience
complete darkness on certain times of the year? Do you still have time? Time is just an imaginal illusion. The only reason time exists
is to get an idea to how many "frames" ago a distinct situation occured. Without time, society would be in a much deeper hole and the
quality of life would be shammed. Even though the *invention of time* has brought man kind a highway to survival, in general it plays
about just as big as a role to life compared to a marker - nothing.

This is just a short lesson on life. This is not a 2000 page essay explaining why I believe such (even though I could make it to be that),
but it is enough to get the gist of the momento and take quality over quanity and imply these lessons to different occurances and on a
bigger scale as well. Existance never began with a huge explosion, and it will never end with one. Even if everthing inside and outside
this universe dissapeared, there will always be nothing, and that nothing is something.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:23 PM
i hope you havent cemented this in your mind.

and have you really done alot of exploring for other meanings and such... i mean really gotten on the google and looked for every other possible explonation before coming at a conclusion such as this?

good luck.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:30 PM
Why do you say?

I probably should have written a little reflection on my OP.

I do not like "bad guys". I would love a utopia. I believe it will never happen. I believe with good there is always evil for reasons I listed above.

In something that is infinite, I believe there can also be an infinite number of explanations.

Instead of making a sneer remark at me towards my OP that I posted to try to induce thinking, why don't you either add to the thread constructively as to why you think some of my ideas are wrong with reasonable explanation or leave it entirely.

Also, just because my previous post holds some of my beliefs, that does not mean they are never open to interpretation by myself at any given time.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:31 PM
Well written... Although I am not certain about the opening line... Who knows what this world would be right now if the evils didn't always wage war. What if instead we focused that money and time into coming up with ways to expand... say.. creating civilizations on the moon and Mars. We wouldn't be over populated then. We could also focus some of that energy on making the quality of life for the poor and homeless much better.
Other than that.. what you have written resonates very well with me. Time is an illusion we created to keep track of when to eat, sleep, work.. etc. Everything is just existing and will always exist.. not in this form but, existence is eternal.

(spellin edit)

[edit on 1-1-2009 by danman23]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by danman23
Well written... Although I am not certain about the opening line... Who knows what this world would be right now if the evils didn't always wage war. What if instead we focused that money and time into coming up with ways to expand... say.. creating civilizations on the moon and Mars. We wouldn't be over populated then. We could also focus some of that energy on making the quality of life for the poor and homeless much better.
Other than that.. what you have written resonates very well with me. Time is an illusion we created to keep track of when to eat, sleep, work.. etc. Everything is just existing and will always exist.. not in this form but, existent is eternal.

I will say there are certainly some acts of "evil" that we could certainly do without...but for any type of existence that feeds off of something besides itself, over-population has always been a problem.

Humans are made to disagree, which is why we have war. Trust me - the talk of death of any friend/relative/close-person will make me teary if talked about to much. I just think that even though it is these acts that which make us sad, doesn't mean we can still "be" without.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:54 PM
Dear FritosBBQTwist you are so right the world needs evil thats why the illumanate & project Venus can not rise to power its inpossible...

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:54 PM
Dear FritosBBQTwist
you are so right the world needs evil thats why the illumanate & project Venus can not rise to power its inpossible...

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 01:59 PM
Good and evil are the real illusions.

All pain results from some one or something acting out of fear. A utopia is possible, and overpopulation isn't even a problem. It is right now with the way we use our resources up, but if we lived in a more nature friendly- native american inspired way, we could be just great, no problems at all. No cars, just eating the food we grow ourselves.

Time's an illusion...yea, though it doesn't physically exist, it is serves as a symbol that is one of the basic driving forces in our world (mainly the business and industry world, which again, could be abolished if we just went tribal).

I believe the utopia will exist one day, because we are still evolving. The next stage in our evolution is man who doesnt need to hurt or dominate.

[edit on 1-1-2009 by Reddupo]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Kyoto111
Dear FritosBBQTwist
you are so right the world needs evil thats why the illumanate & project Venus can not rise to power its inpossible...

I think you are missing the point of my thread entirely. Good and evil are two perfect examples of opposites. Takes two opposites of equal value to balance something out. That "Balance" is far greater than any side with full force.

Let me use this as an example. Do we know how to fully appreciate love without fully "appreciating (or acknowledging)" hate?
Do we really understand what is up without knowing what is down?

I believe we could get an idea, but to fully grasp the idea of something you must have some sort of knowledge of both extremes. Who ever said I want to live in a world without freedom of speech, and tyranny over all people that force us to live a life of COMPLETE misery? That would be an example of the yin yang being unbalanced - which is bad.

Originally posted by Reddupo
Good and evil are the real illusions.

All pain results from some one or something acting out of fear. A utopia is possible, and overpopulation isn't even a problem. It is right now with the way we use our resources up, but if we lived in a more nature friendly- native american inspired way, we could be just great, no problems at all. No cars, just eating the food we grow ourselves.

Time's an illusion...yea, though it doesn't physically exist, it is serves as a symbol that is one of the basic driving forces in our world (mainly the business and industry world, which again, could be abolished if we just went tribal).

I believe the utopia will exist one day, because we are still evolving. The next stage in our evolution is man who doesnt need to hurt or dominate.

[edit on 1-1-2009 by Reddupo]

Thank you for the thoughtful post. I might have answered some of your questions when replying to the previous poster but I will say some here too.

I completely agree good and evil are allusions. Kinda following the whole "life is just an allusion" deal, but to take it into more specific matters.
Good and evil, are in my book, two opposite driving forces.

Would we have Christianity as we know it today without the driving forces of evil to propel it to such a level (I am referring to the teachings mainly)?

I think most of us wish to make the world a "better place". Even those terrorist. Keep in mind though, a better place for all is not always true. Words can be interpreted many different ways.

Adam and Eve. Live in paradise. Was this paradise to heavily waited to the white side of the Yin Yang that made the after fallout come to be?

"The grass is always greener on the other side" - Perfect example of what I am trying to say and it is the constant switch that keeps us in balance.

We all want a straight shot to success. No starvation, violence, etc. In our world today those things are portrayed as our bigger evils, but once we hit this "Utopia" you speak of, things will not be the same. There will be new problems, some that if we were to look upon we would laugh at and wonder how such strange policies could take place.

I am not saying for any good/evil to stop. It still takes the will of people to keep it in balance.

Side note - evil does not mean only terrorist bombs and school shootings. Means something to counteract something that is "good" - so in the end it could be a little white lie or something far minuscule.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 02:41 PM
I love you more than you may ever understand. Someday you may love me enough to prepare yoruself to help me.

death may be the result of sin... but there is a whole other level.

In infinite space with infinite resources... why do you say that there needs to be something to counteract overpopulation? if you live in a universe with no limit.. wouldnt such a understanding be flawed?

hahahah made you think HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!1111one!1

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 03:24 PM
To live in darkness is to be surrounded by darkness.
To live in the light is to have the darkness follow you everywhere( your shadow)

Western thought has skewed our perceptions into this Good and Bad perspective.

Who is the bad guy? From your perspective, from someone elses?

The idea is to recognize this and become aware of this. Once you become aware your perspectives will change.

We must all learn to not run and hide from our fears, but confront the fear and learn to work with it, because you can never get rid of it.

It is the balance you are seeking.

Might I suggest some reading? The Tao of Pooh?


posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
I love you more than you may ever understand. Someday you may love me enough to prepare yoruself to help me.

death may be the result of sin... but there is a whole other level.

In infinite space with infinite resources... why do you say that there needs to be something to counteract overpopulation? if you live in a universe with no limit.. wouldnt such a understanding be flawed?

hahahah made you think HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!1111one!1

Infinite answers to different approaches towards the problem using various methods of logic. 1+1 = 2...unless the "value" of one meant something else where all the other numbers remained the same.

My whole thread was not based on the fact of we need evil to kill off people so we don't over populate. I have not done much research on this area at all so correct me if I am wrong, but has it not been the way where a species would usually reproduce continually, hit a peak where resources get limited, and then die off to a certain level, where it can rise again?

Are humans exempt from this trend where as to make it possible that the trends of humans compared to other species regarding general rules of survival can be totally changed? These are not rhetorical questions as I am unsure on the plausibility of such ideas...but some thoughts to ponder.

To nuffsaid420 -
What is the back round of Tao of Pooh? Are those some cites from that text? I don't claim to be very busy but I usually don't read things unless it offers a very new view on a matter...much text only seems to confirm what I believe and I feel like I wasted so many hours

In society terms...
The good guy is that helps someone without harming another.
The bad guy is someone that helps only himself and his friends.

Thats how I view those terms through societies eyes yet I can not speak for so many people without stereotyping.

In my terms...
The good and bad guy have different views and neither are actually better. It is just two types of actions that counteract one another - ex:Spare a mans life or kill a man.

One abortion could have possibly prevented the next future Hitler from taking power. While saving a mans life could have let that next genocidal leader to take power.

I guess to say it in another way, Good = Life, Bad = Death
White = Life where as Black = Death (Referring to the Yin Yang) - where that could be biased - switch it around for the sake of argument.
Not one is "Good" - as both are needed to maintain a stable environment of life - or a "Perfect" one.

The problem with this conversation is as I said before, words can be interpreted in so many ways as seen here...just trying to distinguish my own words for all of you to better understand what I am saying.

edit (Adding a bit more) - There is not a prerequisite to whether a person is good or bad - and being one does not mean you can not commit acts of good or bad, or black/white.

Some questions for those who want to try and you believe "bad" will ever be gone? Do you think we need a system of opposites to continue existence? Do you believe time is an allusion? Do you think "everything we know", or "life", or "existence" has always existed ? If not how and where did it all begin? Do you believe bad people are trying to cause you harm or just please themselves? Do you believe some people are just born a way of greed and selfishness and that we will never be able to rid our life of it?

Lots of questions and comments so please take your time to answer with much thought and please do not partial quote me, as my statements do not mean much by themselves.

[edit on 1-1-2009 by FritosBBQTwist]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 04:40 PM
i suppose the only thing that limits is the imagination... maybe thats why beavers havent made their first car? LOL i love to make people think.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
i suppose the only thing that limits is the imagination... maybe thats why beavers havent made their first car? LOL i love to make people think.

I suppose that could be very true. The next question is if you believe that, how can the imagination evolve?

If you got the time Werdagf respond/comment on my last post

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 05:01 PM
it evolves thought faith... beause you will not alllow yourself to have experiances and learn from them if you have no faith in the fact that they are worthy of being remebered.

the ones who remeber their dreams are the ones who have faith in their importance.

Some questions for those who want to try and you believe "bad" will ever be gone?
-There will always be places of learning and growth and in those places on differnt levels there will be dispair... but that is the contrast that allows us to define the light. that does not mean that i would suffer for somone who isnt willing to learn.
Do you think we need a system of opposites to continue existence?
-no but you need a system of opposites to learn
Do you believe time is an illusion?
-Everything is an illusion for you to ponder
Do you think "everything we know", or "life", or "existence" has always existed?
- yes
If not how and where did it all begin?
- watch the video "crossing the event horizon"
Do you believe bad people are trying to cause you harm or just please themselves?
-it all depends on the person as to their motives or what they hope to gain or lose. usualy when somone decides to hurt somone it is because it will make them feel better.
Do you believe some people are just born a way of greed and selfishness and that we will never be able to rid our life of it?
- Hell is the stirring pot of ignorance, evaporation is your only way out. if you truely want it you will condense in that nice and cool place of love.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 09:09 PM
Very interesting thread you started. I would like to try and answer your questions coming from my point of view and experiences in life.

** you believe "bad" will ever be gone?

Bad and good is only a matter of ones personal perspective. Bad and good does not really exist.

**Do you think we need a system of opposites to continue existence?

Most likely not. Life is a lot more than just opposites. How many people actually struggle against the opposite and never want to learn from it committing often the same mistakes or the same struggles over and over again.

**Do you believe time is an allusion?

Depends. In the here and now time exists. Even with out clocks and the time schedules we create in our own lives, nature with it's cycles, small and large, gives us a sense of time. If I view my life and my beliefs than time in essence is irrelevant. For me life and death are cycles that take place over and over again and so with my personal learning process has no limitations and no restrictions of time.

**Do you think "everything we know", or "life", or "existence" has always existed ?

We don't really know anything. It is impossible for us to determine with the vast and yet so little knowledge we have if anything has always existed. I think a question like this can only be answered by ones own experiences in life to conclude what one believes in.

**Do you believe bad people are trying to cause you harm or just please themselves?

Hmmmm....on a small scale people who have hurt me I feel have always been in one form or another a person who is hurting on the inside themselves and they just struck out violently in different forms. On a larger scale....those who struggle for power have no regard for life, there is an element of sacredness for life missing. I've come to the conclusion that the using of the masses is not personal but a means to an end. When people no longer have names or faces but are only a number, collateral damage is an acceptable loss to those who have their greater agendas. It is amazing how well we are taught to sterilize our thoughts when it comes to hurting another of the human race.

**Do you believe some people are just born a way of greed and selfishness and that we will never be able to rid our life of it?

We will never rid ourselves of it. We are all on our own individual path...this is where you can find your Utopia. To me the world can be emotionally challenging. Who the heck am I kidding...the world is emotionally challenging. You want to do good, you want to help, you want to create change, you want the bloodshed and violence to stop, it's a slow process and patience is required....but ultimately no matter how much unfairness exists change only come from within.

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