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New video of all three towers

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posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 06:55 PM
I'm not sure if it changes anything, but did anyone else noticed the central beams still standing & teetering for awhile after the north tower collapsed? Wouldn't that maybe give more support to the pancaking theory? Maybe someone can analyze the swaying beams to look for any "anomalous" smoke or flames emanating from the beams at a slanted angle...Either way the central columns appear visible in that video, not something I have seen before in other vids, nice find.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by wylekat

I think you make a very good point.

Many people observing the scene in the US, expecially over the last eight years (the Bush administration's time in office) are very disturbed by what has been going on, both overseas and within the US itself. Numerous books and movies both on and off the internet have explored these concerns.

If the concerns are valid, concerns of the sort expressed in Jim Marrs's book The Rise of the Fourth Reich, i.e., concerns about the infestation and proliferation of fascist ideas and methods in America, then one day it will be too late to make it right.

The kinds of changes creeping up on America are too pervasive to ignore. People will no longer be able to say, "Well, I'm not political. I don't have to bother with this stuff."

The lesson of history is that you always have to bother with this stuff. The only choice you have is to deal with it when it is a relatively small problem, or to deal with it when it is a monumental problem that is costing millions of people their lives and getting your butt drafted into the army.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 07:23 PM
Good post the truth will come out in our lifetime , no doubt

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 07:52 PM

If there's NO sign for cd, then what is this? A toaster blowing up creating an explosion the size of a schoolbus?

And don't come and tell me this is glass reflecting the sunlight, as you can see it's in the shadow of the buidling and the sun is right on the opposite side.

You can see these things everywhere right before and during the building collapses.

Two words: "Controlled demolition", clear as daylight.

[edit on 1-1-2009 by hackbart]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 08:07 PM
This is clearly not a controlled demo. The North tower came down far outside its footprint with spirals still standing. Both towers colapsed from the top down--caving in floor by floor. A controlled demo ignites from bottom up. It would takes tens of thousands of pounds of explosives to bring down the buildings. They were accupied 24 x7. A team would have had to go in months prior and tear into walls to reach structual support on every floor and all the while with no one noticing the workers, explosives, primacord. ETC. I guess you have to want to believe.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by riggins44
This is clearly not a controlled demo. The North tower came down far outside its footprint with spirals still standing. Both towers colapsed from the top down--caving in floor by floor.

Has the thought ever crossed your mind that if these towers were to be covertly demolished, they might actually try to fool people this way? You know it's really not that hard to set up explosives to go off in whatever order you want, and like you said, they were thrown out all over the place.

If this was a "pancake collapse" (that theory has been debunked even by NIST now, btw) then most all of the mass WOULD have been in the footprints -- but it wasn't. The vast majority of it was thrown out in all directions, starting near the impacted floors and spewing out building all the way to the ground.

A controlled demo ignites from bottom up.

This is so gross of a generalization, it's wrong. Each and every explosive demolition of a high-rise is a completely unique case. I've seen them blown with middle floors cut first. The electronics determine the firing order and it can be programmed however it's needed.

There is no, "this is a demolition," "this is not." If a building is taken down with any kind of explosive device, or even eutectic reaction or whatever the case may be, that is still a controlled demolition of that building. There is no textbook definition of these things. It really doesn't even happen that often commercially.

[edit on 1-1-2009 by bsbray11]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 08:36 PM
there were a few huge put option stock trades set up days before the attacks, and guess what companies they involved. the world is alot more complicated than some people would like to believe, and money is the driving factor, alot of money. so please stop it with all the, "let the families blah blah blah". letting it go would dishonor their memories.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by riggins44
This is clearly not a controlled demo. The North tower came down far outside its footprint with spirals still standing. Both towers colapsed from the top down--caving in floor by floor. A controlled demo ignites from bottom up. It would takes tens of thousands of pounds of explosives to bring down the buildings. They were accupied 24 x7. A team would have had to go in months prior and tear into walls to reach structual support on every floor and all the while with no one noticing the workers, explosives, primacord. ETC. I guess you have to want to believe.

1. You said yourself that a lot of explosives would have been needed, which makes it a fairly complex job. So to me it's comprehensible that they might have made mistakes, just like in many other cd's around the world. Buildings do not always land right where they're suppose to land, even if they were taken down by professional demoliton teams.

2. There are many ways to ignite a cd, probably even ways to hide it or make it look not like a typical cd. These people should have been aware of the fact that this "event" gets filmed from many different angles, so they would most likely try to hide it as much as possible. But they where not very successful, as you can see.

3. The fact that it's a lot of work, or would have required lots of personal is also nothing, which would let me raise a single doubt that this isn't a cd. Why? It was carried out by one of the most powerful institutions on this planet - plus, in their own country they can do whatever they want, if they do it right.

4. You believe that it's a huge effort to bring these buildings down, but at these same time you accept the fact that to airliners could do the job with ease, which was even said before is NOT possible?

You must have a lot of faith in your goverment, my friend. I really hope for you and the rest of us that this won't turn into our fate...

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 09:03 PM
It's so frustrating to watch otherwise intelligent people so energetically deny fact after fact, whitness after whitness, and even the laws of physics themselves, in the face of an uncomfortable truth - that 9-11 was unquestionably an inside job of some kind.

History will regard these types with the same distain that we reserve for flat Earthers of centuries past. Their denial would be laughable if it weren't so dangerous to humanities survival.

This willfull ignorance is why we find ourselves in the state we are in today - teetering on desruction.

I just hope when the next 9-11 hits - and it will - these 'debunkers' are awaken from their zombie-like state. I'm not holding my breath.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by 911fnord

Well, first off, contrary to popular belief, WTC 7 didnt fall into its own footprint. There are other videos that should it with a distinct lean towards the tower wreckage as it falls, which would confirm that the collapse started on the tower side of 7, not in a uniform manner. In addition, 7 came apart to the point that it hit the building at 30 West Broadway, causing enough damage that 30 West was eventually torn down. None of the videos show any evidence of demolition charges going off at the same time in a ordered manner.


WTC7 clearly falls into it's own footprint in any video footage.

Including the footage the OP posted.

MOD Note: Please review This Link: No more scoffing and ridicule...

Snide Comment Removed Per: How Not To Be Banned From ATS.

[edit on 1/1/2009 by semperfortis]

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

And yet, those options werent the highest number of options placed on either airline that year. In addition, both airlines had released a bunch of information about their profitability that was going to cause their stock prices to drop. A savvy options trader would have been a fool not to place options on the airlines based on their performance reports. Better many of those options were exercised? Do you know?

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 09:45 PM
Well, there is something that all the debunkers of a controlled demolition have missed; unfortunately, those who recognize the deliberate demolition have missed it also.

A few years after the first attempt on the WTC in 1991, the insurance companies and property owners of the surrounding area insisted that something be done to prevent either building from toppling over into the streets of the financial district in case future attempts on the buildings were successful. In 1994, Controlled Demolition, Inc. was awarded the contract and they spent the next three years installing demolition devices. The controls for the demolition were in WTC7 and could only be activated by the mayor of NYC, the building owner and a representative of FEMA.

The accounting and engineering records of the WTC complex for the years of 1991 on have been sealed; investigative reporters will not have access to them until 2026. Why were records prior to 2001 sealed?

The company that was hired to clean up the debris? Controlled Demolition, Inc. The site was closed to anyone who might be interested in collecting evidence of a crime; the debris was quickly moved to a far away place, some dumped at sea, scrap metal sold to a foreign firm. What little material that was smuggled out of the site indicates a large presence of industrial grade explosives.

So do not use "hastily installed explosives" as a reason why there could not have been explosions. The people at the scene heard and felt the explosions, an overwhelming number of building engineers, architects and explosive experts have already agreed that this was a classic controlled demolition.

Those "true believers" who cannot accept that, probably also believe that JFK was assassinated by a lone gunman shooting an awkward weapon from a fairly long range - a gunman who had a problem qualifying on the shooting range while in the Marines.

My solution: don't try to convince anyone; seek out those who can see the truth for themselves. We will have to comfort and support each other when the next false flag attack occurs. Those of us who have the courage to speak out will probably have time to discuss our theories in the FEMA detention camps.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by dalan.

Falling into its footprint wouldnt have damaged the surrounding buildings, one of which was damaged to the point it had to be torn down. I kinda wished the moderator would have left your comments up, its fun to read the statements made by some.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 09:46 PM

there were a few huge put option stock trades set up days before the attacks, and guess what companies they involved.

What companies were they? I am so Stock market ignorant- I am actually in a state of somewhat bliss.

Any oil companies? Defense contractors?

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 09:47 PM
9/11 is fishy, demolition or not, I think the government had something to do with it. So many unusual things happened, they can't all be coincidences.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by vBreezo

Nice post def. deserves a star! One thing though that is a little gray and that is the notion or idea that "we should put CD in this building to keep it from falling over" does not really seem smart. If its going down its going down.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

Oh pretty please mr. fox news swamp guy, some of us that indeed work in the industry are very curious to know what you mean by different cameras for different jobs, especially in the context you speak of...thank you.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:38 PM
Sorry to come in here uninvited and rain on some people's parade.

The collapse of WTC7 has been explained to the satisfaction of not only the insurance companies, engineers and journalists worldwide, as well as serious researchers of 9/11.

This is one of a number of sites that provide details.

I recommend reading through other article on the site.

While some specifics are still being ironed out and initial presumptions and errors corrected, there is nothing mysterious that took place outside of damage to the building eventually causing it to collapse.

No one in the world can claim to be an expert on what exactly happens when you have two fuel-filled airplanes fly into such a clluster of structures at high speed acting essentially like gigantic bombs. But there are engineers and physicists, as well as demolition experts who have examined all evidence and accounts and put a satisfactory explanation together.

Those who feel compelled to deny what happened, that these buidings all fell due to the unusual and exceptional damage they experienced, will spend the rest of their lives picking away at videos, accounts, official documents looking for something devious on the part of the US government.

This only assists the perpretrators of this heinous act as disinformation is spread around to the point that any bonafide factual data just gets lost in a flood of unfounded and baseless speculation and lies.

Mike F

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 11:38 PM
aside from injecting fear into America and giving the Bush Admin a reason to attack suspicious terrorist hoarding nations, why do people honestly think that 9/11 was an inside job?

Comparing other building demolition videos and a couple of videos from 9/11, they look nothing alike. Most building demolitions start from the ground up with explosives typically in the basement of the building blowing it from underneath its feet upward. The Twin Towers look like they did what they were designed to do under the amount of stress they underwent that morning taking in consideration the impacts and how long they were on fire for.

Seriously, too many people are wasting time in this conspiracy, why not focus on other topics of interest with such scrutiny, passion and desire?

posted on Jan, 2 2009 @ 12:06 AM
Well, I shouldn't even comment on this subject. So much has been said on every possible side of the issue. I doubt that there are any open minds left to persuade.

I am constantly amazed at how little people know about the construction techniques used on the WTC. They continue to repeat the Rosie O rant about fire temps, steel frames, etc.

The WTC was not a steel frame construction. It was a concrete frame with pre-stressed cables at 3000 psi. It was the first time that buildings over 50 stories to use this constuction technique.

Why did they use this type of construction? Steel frame constuction was too expensive for a massive complex like the WTC. Also, the internal volume of the buildings would be greater than with the steel frame.

This type of construction has a basic weakness and that is, if enough of the cables in a single column fail, then the entire column fails. If enough columns fail, then the entire structure fails as the remaining columns are overstressed and the cables within them also fail.

When the cables fail and the 3000 psi of potential energy is released, the column blows itself apart along its entire length, looking like it was exploded.

This is why so many people are fooled into thinking that a controlled explosion brought down the towers.

What could cause the cables to fail? Well several of the columns in each building were destroyed by the impact of the jets. The building can withstand the loss of a few columns. However, the remaining columns must now bear extra weight.

As the fuel from the jets burned, it started to cook the columns. As the columns heated up, the strength of the cables within the columns changed. If you don't know, metals are weaker the closer they get to their melting point. At 3000 degrees, the jet fuel heated the columns enough to cause the cables to fail.

After 45 minutes of cooking, the cables within the columns started to fail causing further stress on the remaining columns. As a cable fails, the remaining cables must bear more stress, until the column fails.

As more and more columns fail, the remaining columns are having more and more stress placed on them. Until finally all the remaining columns failed at the same time, because the weights that they were forced to bear exceeded their maximum strength.

So, that explains WTC 1 and 2. What about WTC 7?

WTC was subjected to huge stesses. The impact of the planes into the WTC measured .7 and .9 on the richter scale. Then the collapse of those towers measured 2.1 and 2.3.

Debris from the towers fell on WTC 7, that can be seen in the videos. Then there was the huge blizzards of debris from the remains of the towers. Don't forget that WTC 7 was at the center of those blizzards. All of this happening in short succession over stressed the cables within the columns of the building.

Those of you who do not work with metal cables may not know this, but once you overstess the cable, the damage is done. The cable is weakened and may not fail immediately but may fail minutes, hours, days, or weeks later. Don't forget that these cables are tensioned to 3000 psi, that is a huge amount of potential energy.

One other thing that I have not seen anywhere else is this fact. The WTC was a giant tuning fork. Once struck by the planes, they would have vibrated at around 550 KHz. This type of vibration would do immense damage to both the towers and the surrounding buildings. The frequency was too high to hear but based on the force of impact the sound must have been in the hundreds of decibels. Each of the cables within the columns, and the columns themselves would have resonated with this frequency.

Just like the wine glass that shatters when exposed to its resonant frequency, the columns would have eventually failed. This is simple physics.

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