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Egyptians open fire on Palestinians

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posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Well if nobody wants them and if Iran was serious then I'm pretty sure Israel will be more than glad to cease fire as well as the Egyptians so they can leave but in reality that simply wont happen

If you had read the Oslo Accords which were agreed on between Egypt and Israel back when the Gaza strip was last disputed over...
It clearly states that the people (or at least the registry containing the people) in the Gaza strip are property of Israel.

Basically, if Israel cared the slightest bit about the civilians in Gaza, they would have already been talking to Iran about possible transit routes to get them out... even at the sheer mention of Iran wanting them.

Clearly that's not happening... so clearly Israel has no intention of letting the civilians evacuate.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 01:44 AM
I feel sorry for the Palestinians. You could argue that they are treated like animals because they act like animals. Well i think it's more of a sad and deadly cycle. When you deprive someone of food, water, dignity and other basics we take for granted even the best of us would have trouble remaining "civilized."

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by Jacob08
Well i think it's more of a sad and deadly cycle. When you deprive someone of food, water, dignity and other basics we take for granted even the best of us would have trouble remaining "civilized."

I find this cycle all too present in today's time... we are supposed to be heading towards civility, not barbarism.

If you push someone long and hard enough, they WILL push back.

The game of today's governments seems to be to get everyone to ignore the disgusting things they do to other people, and yet make them look like irrational hate filled monsters if they dare to do anything in retaliation.

I'm not saying the response from Hamas was necessary... but then again, what feasible options do they have on the table?
Just look at the history of the region... Israel continues to grow, and Palestine continues to get bulldozed over to make way for Israel. If anyone resists, they're eliminated.
Of course someone's going to respond radically.

As disgusting as it is, I think Hamas is acting in this manor because they know Gaza will be plowed over to make way for Israeli expansion regardless of whether they resist or not... and I think they're in the mentality of "We'll sting em before we're squished".

If only Israel would open dialogue with other countries over the possibility of allowing the people to get out.
I'm quite sure Lebanon wouldn't mind taking refugees, same with Iran.
Lebanon is formed by the same people, and Iran, well... they have no quarrels with diversity, they've got quite the mix of ethnicity in their country.

... then again, if only Egypt hadn't agreed to the terms of the Oslo Accords which gave Israel military control over the Gaza strip.
If Gazas borders were respected as a sovereign nations borders, Israel wouldn't be willing to starve them out of their land.
But they're not considered a sovereign nation by Israel, they are considered to be their property.

[edit on 31-12-2008 by johnsky]

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by johnsky

If you had read the Oslo Accords

Further strain was put on the process after Hamas won 2006 Palestinian elections. Although offering Israel a number of longterm ceasefires and accepting the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, Hamas has repeatedly refused to officially recognise Israel,[1] to renounce violent resistance, or accept some agreements previously made by the Palestinian Authority, claiming it is being held to an unfair standard and points out the fact that Israel has not recognized a Palestinian state, renounced violence or lived up to all pledges it has made during previous negotiations. Hamas has always renounced the Oslo Accords.

Linky here

I guess my real point is that it takes two to tango and if Hamas is not willing and Irael is not willing then maybe the US, UK, Russia and China should turn the whole place into a giant glass parking lot and be done with it!

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 03:25 AM
xxpigxx and others

it truly is awful the heartless nature of your words.
children are dying from cold, starvation, drinking water thats unclean with sewage pouring from Israel. They are children and babies how can you in your heart say what you say. They can not get out ! it is a prison..let the children go at least!

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 03:40 AM
You know, I see threads and posts containing words like anti-semite and Jew haters, but very few if any, Palestine haters etc. Ive never known threads to raise so much anti-empathy with a people who are being caged, starved, blown up and treated like they are lower than human.

I thought ATS was a place where adults could debate, encourage each others theories and create a win-win situation. Obviously I was wrong.

I dont understand how people can think it is ok to be doing what the Israelis are doing in Gaza ! I cant get my head round that at all

If the Jews truly are the chosen people, then god help us all. If the Jews think killing innocent kids in Gaza is ok with their god and he allows it, their god is not a true god.

Think of the children on both sides. Thats all that is important.


posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 04:03 AM
what the f**k are egypt playing at? why are they collaberating with Israel over the Gaza Ghetto?

ffs as someone said - does no one want them?

hang on , no one wants them , and they have no homeland of there onwn - haven`t we been down this road before.

at least egypt isn`t bombing them directly but FFS (kinda cross here) why shoot refuges!

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by captiva

I dont understand how people can think it is ok to be doing what the Israelis are doing in Gaza ! I cant get my head round that at all

You mean Egypt!
Stay current, stay with us buddy.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by dooper
Gazans need the Gaza equivalent of their own Reverand Jim Jones.

Man. What a contentious people. That's what happens when you're a group of stupid fanatics.

No one likes you.

You have no real friends.

Life is miserable.

Drink the coolaid.

So what your saying is that EVERYONE who lives in the Gaza strip is a religious, Jew hating, missile shooting, suicide bombing fanatic?? Wow... that's what I call denying ignorance... or maybe that's embracing it.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by captiva

Think of the children on both sides. Thats all that is important.


Correct, both sides of the "war" are cowardly criminals.

The Civilians on both sides suffer for their leaders arrogance.

Its sad.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by xxpigxx

Heh . . . guess no one really wants them around. They should really learn to take a hint, I guess.

Or maybe Egypt is in on the conspiracy with Israel . . . you know . . . closing the borders, shooting trespassers, and only opening them temporarily to look good in the international community.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Well if you look into it a bit deeper.
Egyptians opened fire, they didn't shoot anyone.
But if you look even a little deeper than that.
The Egyptians would prefer them to stay there.
And be killed.
To make the Israeli's look bad.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
the Gestapo doing to Jews what the Jews are now doing to the Palestinians.

Newsflash - the so called 'palestinians' did it to THEMSELVES.
They made their bed. Now they get to lay in it.

Originally posted by johnsky
Let them out!

Hell no. Leave them right where they are and make them learn to act in a civlized manner. They can't be trusted - as Egypt knows.

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
Israeli controls gaza borders for supply. They are starving.

1 - No, Israel and EGYPT control the Gaza borders.
2 - Those in the Gaza are NOT starving.
3 - If they wanted their supply lines to remain open then they should have behaved in a civlized manner. But instead they were so bad that both Israel AND EGYPT closed their borders.

It's their own fault that they are in the situation that they are in.

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
Do you really think your spirit's journey is going to be positive with that outlook?

Subjective and irrelevant.

The here and now REALITY dictates that those in the Gaza created their own problem.

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
"Do unto others as ye would have them do unto you."

Which is what Israel (AND EGYPT) are doing to those in the Gaza.
They are doing to those in the Gaza what has been done to Israel for decades.
The 'Palestinians' are reaping what they have sown'

Originally posted by eldard
If squatters stomp on your land, you would create havoc.

actually, the so called 'palestinians' are now the squatters. The muslims staged a war against Israel and they LOST. Israel has full right to the lands - all the lands - that they are now on. If the muslms didn't want to lose their land, then they shouldn't have picked a fight with Israel. It was their own stupidity that lost land to Israel.

The 'squatters' are the 'palestinians' that no one - not even the muslim nations - wants around now due to their bad behavior.

Originally posted by johnsky
If you push someone long and hard enough, they WILL push back.

Which is exactly what Israel has done.

Originally posted by SLAYER69
maybe the US, UK, Russia and China should turn the whole place into a giant glass parking lot and be done with it!

I agree with ya. What is going on over there is old and never ending.
it's a waste of time, effort and resorces. Just flatten it and get it over with.

[edit on 12/31/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by captiva
If the Jews think killing innocent kids in Gaza is ok with their god and he allows it, their god is not a true god. Think of the children on both sides. Thats all that is important.

Obviously the so-called 'palestinians' don't care about their children. They shoot their rockets from civilian areas - thus turning them into military targets. They raise their children with the mantra that Jews are 'pigs and dogs - not human' - it's taught in the schools. They take delight when their children become homicide bombers and go off to kill themselves and as many jews as they can.

It's the palestinians who don't care about their children. Those kids are nothing more than fodder, human shields, and propaganda material for them.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by BorgHoffen

This is not surprising in the least! The Muslim people embrace death and propagate it on every level. It is too bad for the innocents involved BUT did they not see this coming when they voted in Hamas which was in effect the Palestinian people all agreeing to take on Israel?

If there was something I could do for an innocent on either side I would.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:28 AM

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

i would suggest you look into history and read subjectively - all the people of gaza want is for Israel to honour the agreement to stick to the 1967 border - and not make gaza a ghetto , no there under attack , make that concentration camp

oh thats not right either since hundreds are being killed

make that extermination camp.

since the 1930`s and the mndate of plaestine the `fanatics` within the jewish peoples have allways pushed for more , including Irgun lead by Begin and the stern gang slaughtering hundreds (deir yassin) and directly attacking the british forces (you know the same ones who were saving jews in europe , were being killed by jews in palestine)

a little bit of history wouldn`t go amiss.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:37 AM
This is terrible, then again what do you expect from a country as corrupt as Egypt -another casualty to western imperialism.

I think the Queen of England should just announce that we made a mistake after world war two, we had a lot on our mind and didn't really think things through when we dumped all our jews into Palestine - Then we offer either the Palestinians or the Israelites a huge section of eastern Australia, it's hot and about as fertile as Israel plus no one lives there (we already genosided the locals).

Apart from the fact that oz is probably one of the most racist places on the planet everyone would love it!

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:38 AM

and you in your ultimate wisdom can assure us that children are not starving when aid is blocked, reports of children eating blades of grass and garbage are in plain view on the news.

Gaza families eat grass as Israel locks border

Emergency mission comes under fire from Israelis

people drown in sewage

Sewage Tsunami and Economic, Physical, & Political Strangulation in Gaza

as a fellow human the children should be spared and allowed to leave or fed and allowed to drink clean water. Many times in the past during war children were saved by fellow countries by allowing them to leave the danger zones.

human pain and anguish is the same wherever you live.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by Harlequin
a little bit of history wouldn`t go amiss.

Yes. Here's the history -

The muslims went to war against Israel. The Muslims lost. Israel has the land because they won. The winners don't give back land to those that lose.

The modern people in Gaza voted in Hamas who has at its core the main reason for existing being the absolute destruction of Israel. The people in Gaza continually try to kill Israeli civilians through rocket attacks and homicide bombings.

The so called 'palestinians' in Gaza behave so badly that even EGYPT has closed it's border to them.

The problems that those in the Gaza face today are a direct result of their own bad behavior. Anti-Jews love to point at the Jews to blame them, but the fact is that it's the 'palestinians' who behave so poorly that even the Muslim countries don't want them and only use their 'cause' as a propaganda tool.

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by ladysharrowandherbarrow
aid is blocked, reports of children eating blades of grass and garbage are in plain view on the news.

Your article - Emergency mission comes under fire from Israelis - fails to say why the so called 'emergency mission' was not allowed to go through - because boat after boat of 'aid' ships have been seized with nothing but weapons and ammo to arm palestinians - to be used to kill Israelis.

Gaza families eat grass as Israel locks border - Israel locks border - no mention of the fact that EGYPT has locked their border as well because of the poor behavior of the Palestinians.

Sewage Tsunami and Economic, Physical, & Political Strangulation in Gaza - Palestinian blog. Bias.

Anyone who is hungry or eatting garbage can point to the Palestinians for the reason. THEY are at fault. The reasons for not allowing ships has been stated. More bad behavior - weapons and ammo instead of food and medicine.

If the so-called palestinians cared about their children then they wouldn't be causing this themselves. They'd not be rocketing Israel. They wouldn't be sending in homicide bombers. They'd behave better when they had open borders with EGYPT. They wouldn't be accepting arms and ammo from boats but only food and medicines. Obviously the palestinians don't care about their children or they wouldn't be shooting rockets from civilian areas... they wouldn't be teaching their children that jews are 'apes and pigs' in school .. they wouldn't be delighted when their children run off to be homicide bombers.

And you know that any food or medicine that went in wouldn't get to children - it would be used by the militants and the children would be left to suffer. That's the way of the Palestinians. Make the kids suffer for 'the cause' - the cause being unending war against the jews.

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